Lahat ng Kabanata ng Taken By The Demon Alpha: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
135 Kabanata
~Dream State ~
Beth awoke in darkness and pulled herself into a seating position. Though she was still half dazed, her subconscious mind was pulling at her to do something. She pushed herself from the floor and back to her feet slowly, her eyes still closed while she walked as though something was tugging her forward.She stopped before the large bed, before peering down at a sleeping Asher who lay shirtless and wearing only a pair of pajamas pant. Whatever was tugging her from within seem to grow even more powerful as she took a step closer and then paused before taking another hesitant step forward and then reached out a hand to comb through his hair carefully before moving lower to trace those slender fingers across his board chest under the dim room.A satisfied sigh slipped out her parted lips at the cool electrifying pulse that surge through her body, urging her to go even further as her hand caressed gently across his chiseled abs and slowly towards his torso.Asher stirred in his sleep befor
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~Scent And Memories ~
Asher's POVAsher rolled over the next morning with a sigh, his arms crossing his face to keep out ray of sunlight from attacking his eyes through the curtains. Birds were chirping outside his window, obviously announcing the start of a new day yet the Alpha felt reluctant to leave the comfort of his bed just yet.He looked like he didn't had much of a sleep last night. The thought of Elizabeth had hunted his sleep down to his awakening moment. Her scent still clung to him like his damn shadow and the way his own wolf has reacted was something he still couldn't shake off so darn easily.There was something deeply confusing about the way she had reacted to him as though she was being controlled by an unseen force that was hellbent on deciding the course of that very moment. Asher had a look of irritation in his eyes as he shifted uncomfortably in bed, her scent and memory from last night having a sudden physical effect on his body as he recalled everything that happened.And no matter
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~Drowsy State ~
Beth's POV.Beth let out a relief breath the moment she made it into the bathroom and settled against the toilet seat, her cheeks still burning with sheer embarrassment. Waking up to that man scrutiny has to be the last thing she was expecting that morning. It's crazy that he was in her dreams doing things to her and even more crazier that she woke up to find him just a breath away from her face and even more? asking about it.What was he planning, to make her die of embarrassment? because she sure as hell felt like she had forgotten how to breathe properly under those questioning gaze of his. Beth was petrified and at the same time giddy. Her body had reacted in a manner that both told her she had enjoyed his presence in her dreams as much as the attention she has gotten even though she hated to admit it.She let out another breath and began to ease the tension in her bladder into the toilet before she made to grab some tissue and wipe herself clean with it. Once she was done, she p
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~Short Of Breath ~
Her lips parted slightly but no word made it out before she swallowed hard once again.Did she loose the baby? She wondered with her eyes darting between Asher's passive gaze to the lady rather calm ones.Not sure of what to say, she decided to ask question instead, "Did I loose the baby?"With raised brow, Asher leaned over her on the bed. "You would really love to loose it won't you?" He said accusingly."What??"He pushed himself away from her and then gave a careless shrug, "I don't know but you sounded like you wanted to hear something in the line of 'I'm sorry but you lost the baby', correct?" He said rather sarcastically, causing an irritating deep growl to erupt from her mouth but before she could retort with a comeback, The lady spoke up and forcing her to swallow back whatever remark she had coming up."You didn't lose the baby but I would advise that you eat well and healthy and also look after yourself and stop stressing too much because it's not good for you or the foetus
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~ A Glimpse Of Asher ~
After a long peaceful night resting against the soft mattress and snuggling up against a warm body at some point in the night and even talking in her dreams, Beth woke up the next morning to an empty bed. Asher was gone but his presence still lingers on the bed. She let out a loud yawn before sliding out of bed and towards the bathroom to pee and get ready. It was still very early and Izzy is likely not to show up until later so giving herself a bath seem like something she would love to do without getting any more help unless it's to brush out her tangles.Grabbing the hair champion from the toiletry, she slipped into the bathtub after heating the water. Her whole body seem to hum in appreciation at the warm embrace of water against her skin as she let herself get soaked even more with a sigh.Izzy was surprised to find her ready and just waiting around for breakfast when she arrived at the Alpha bedchamber at her usual time."You didn't need my help I see" She said simply as she pr
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~Fetal Mistake ~
Asher's POV.Sweaty, tired and relieved to be free from the kids, Asher returned to his room. All he wanted to do at that moment was to have a cold shower and just fall into bed, forgetting everything and everyone around him.To say his day was busy would be an understatement, it was packed. The surprise at seeing Beth on the fields with his Beta was still on his mind. He never expected to see her and what’s worse, she saw him playing with the kids.He could vividly remember the look of surprise on her face which quickly turned into a look of tenderness before it was replaced by her usual look of boredom. Now she would think him to be weak. He grumbled, walking along the hallways leading to his room.It was pretty late for anyone to still be up by this time. Asher glanced at the wall clock ticking at a far corner of the hallway. It was almost ten p.m which was considered late in the camp. Lights out were by nine p.m which was an hour ago.Asher got to his room soon, standing still at
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~ Panic ~
The next morning, Asher woke up with a start. He had just had another nightmare and what’s worse, he couldn’t remember the contents of his dream. This was not the first nor second time it would be happening and each experience left Asher a miserable mess. He groaned, holding his head. A headache was approaching, he could feel it. This was not what he needed at the moment but Asher knew he just had to deal with it somehow.He sighed, rising up from his bed. That was when he noticed that Beth wasn’t in bed. A slight frisson of panic went through him as he thought about where she might possibly have gone.He stared at the room, trying to see if he could find a clue about her whereabouts but try as he may, there was nothing. It seemed like she had simply disappeared into space without leaving any clues behind.Asher began to panic as his mind thought about what could possibly have happened. The previous day was tension-filled and with the way she ran out of the room, Asher had a feeling
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~Borderline Unreasonable ~
Beth’s POV.‘’What don’t you understand that I need to go out and do things for myself’’ Beth asked.No matter how hard she tries, she still can not understand why he is hell bent on keeping her locked up. She totally understand she is his prisoner but still, She didn’t want to stay holed up in the room without doing anything. At least not any longer.Asher was a difficult person, that much she knew but this was just borderline unreasonable on his part.‘’I don’t want you going out Elizabeth-’’‘’Beth, it's Beth. How many times do i have to tell you that?’’ she snapped.Asher was trying all he could to reign down on his temper but the more he tried, the more she riled him up. He didn’t know what to do to make her understand what he was trying to say. She failed to realize that danger abounds all around and because of her, he was starting to distrust her people which is something that has never happened before.If the council of elders so much as got her, she’ll be doomed. She also fai
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~Hidden Obstacle ~
Asher’s POV. Asher continued to grumble under his breath as he walked towards the fields where he knew Alex, his Beta would be. He needed to talk to someone, anyone who wasn’t Beth or he might just loose it and the only person he knew might be able to understand him none other than Alex. Another ungodly minute spent with that woman would have driven him but, he knew that much for a fact but never again would he allow her to get under his skin like that. Never again. He got to the fields and sure enough, Alex was at the far end, hacking on a piece of wood. He has already gathered some good amount at the corner, ready to build a huge fire if the need be but he doubt if he is going to stop any time soon unless he interrupt him. Asher walked towards him, wishing for a split second that their roles were reversed. Beth seemed to get along so well with him that at times, Asher wondered if something else was going on between them but then again, he has known Alex since they were just pups
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~Regrets ~
Asher made his way out of the large set of buildings that housed some of the elders. There were some issues he had to deal with and now that he had dealt with them, he needed a long rest. "Greetings Alpha Asher.’’ a voice called at him, halting him as well.Asher turned and looked towards the direction of the voice and discovered that he was now staring at the last person he was expecting to see. Asher growled lightly under his breath as Elder Marcus continued to stride towards him. Asher doesn’t trust him and certainly does not want to have any form of personal discussion with him either."Greetings Elder Marcus” Asher said as politely as he could afford."How is the hunter’s daughter?’’ he asked and Asher raised a brow at him.Why was he asking? He wanted to ask him but had to hold back. It’s not that he cared, that much Asher knew. He was just trying to fish out information from him but if he thought he would feed him information about Elizabeth wellbeing so he can relate it to t
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