Semua Bab Yours Truly: Bab 1 - Bab 10
36 Bab
Chapter One: Kat
KatKat scanned the room. Surely she’d see him...There he was! she thought with a bit of excitement as she saw his blonde hair. He was talking to the other groomsmen, but surely she could lure him away for a moment.On a nearby pew, she set down the flowers that the bride had sent her to get, then took a deep breath. She walked with a purpose toward the group of men.He saw her coming when she was a few feet away. For a moment, she thought she could see his smile fade, but a moment later it came right back.“Brian, right?” Kat led with. Of course she had remembered. She had hung on his every word when they had spoke before the wedding, and he had seemed to like her too, but now she had to make it look like she wasn’t that interested.“Uh, yeah,” he replied. “Carrie, right?”She sighed. Maybe he was just bad with names. “Kat, actually.”There was a long pause, as if he thought she had more to say. He spoke up, though. “Oh, of course, Kat. What’s up?”What’s up? Kat thought to herself.
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Chapter Two: Fun Kat
Fun KatIf a fashion magazine and a flower shop had a baby, it would look like this reception, Kat thought to herself as she finally walked into the hotel ballroom. She set the garter down on the bride’s table before turning to observe the room. The ballroom was antique and beautiful to begin with, but Kat was fairly sure Renee had purchased every flower in the tri-state area. Roses dominated, but there were gardenias, lilies, orchids, hyacinth, and every other flower Kat could name. She didn’t want to think about what Bob had paid to clear the stock out of fifteen different flower shops.She looked around, pretending to take in the decorations but really looking for Mr. Sexy-wink from earlier. The room was lit for mood, so it was difficult to see faces among the multitudes of flowers. Of course, because Kat had gone back home to get the forgotten garter, she was an hour late to the reception. Most of the food was eaten and the first dance was already well underway.“At least I didn’t
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Chapter Three: Fun Kat
Fun KatThey were both breathing heavily from the dancing, and AJ suggested taking a step outside.“Let’s get some air,” he said. “It’s hot in here.”This room is not the only place that’s hot, Kat thought, as she followed AJ’s lead out of the ballroom and into the lobby of the hotel. They walked out the double doors and into the early evening air. The sky was slowly darkening as the early June sun finally dipped below the horizon.“You know what?” AJ said after a moment. “Feel like going for a limo ride? It’s a beautiful evening and we could get the driver to take us for a quick loop somewhere. I’m sure there’s a park nearby.”“That sounds great, but where are we going to get a limo?” Kat asked. “Unless you brought your own. I saw you driving that red car earlier, but maybe you switched cars. That would be a little tacky.”AJ laughed. “No, I didn’t. I drove myself, thank you.”“So, how are we going to get a limo to drive us around?” Kat motioned to the only limo parked in front of th
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Chapter Four: AJ
AJ“So, tell me about yourself, Kat,” AJ asked, getting comfortable in his seat. He couldn’t believe his luck. He had the most beautiful woman at the party alone with him in a limo. He wanted to pinch himself just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.“What do you want to know?” Kat asked, smoothing the fabric of her skirt.Everything, AJ thought to himself. It was taking some self-control not to reach out and touch her. It wasn’t just her physical beauty that attracted him. She was witty and funny with just enough sass to keep him on his toes. The fact that she’d approached the limo without waiting for him to take charge was a huge turn-on.Instead, he played it cool. “Anything you want to share.”“Um, well...” Kat shrugged. Her movement was easy and graceful. “I am able to kill any houseplant.”“Seriously?” AJ chuckled.“Yes, and I know that’s a weird thing to admit to someone you just met, but...” she grinned. “It’s a good conversation starter.”“That it is. Any houseplant?” AJ asked.“
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Chapter Five: Fun Kat
Fun KatThey headed back to the reception, and Kat and AJ enjoyed some champagne during the ride. They sat next to each other like they were boyfriend and girlfriend. The moment just felt right and natural. There was no awkwardness and nervousness coming from either of them. The only thing in the air was sexual tension that Kat planned on releasing as soon as they got back to the hotel.“When we get back, can I see your suite?” Kat asked.The words just stumbled out of her mouth, as if she had no control at all. The booze was making her so much more forward about her intentions. AJ wrapped his arm over her shoulder and pulled her close before responding, “You don’t need to even ask to see my suite. But since you did, the answer is of course ‘yes’.”“Maybe I should call Jennifer and tell her that I might be a little late coming back to the room tonight,” Kat said, as the limo neared the end of the park’s loop.AJ just shrugged as he kept his arm around her. His touch felt safe and she
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Chapter Six: Fun, Sexy Kat
Fun, Sexy KatWhen the elevator finally stopped, they got out and made their way to the end of the hall, where AJ used his card key to open a set of double doors. When they stepped inside, Kat’s jaw hit the floor. The suite was wide open and huge. To the left was a giant full-sized kitchen, granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances and a beautiful mahogany floor. To the right was the living room and dining room, both fully furnished with expensive-looking arrangements. The main area of the suite was as big as her house and twice as nice.“This is incredible,” she whispered.AJ dropped her hand and slipped off his tailored suit coat, hanging it up on the rack near the front door. “Yeah, it’s pretty nice. It’s not as nice as the bride’s suite, though. You should see that thing. Her room has a swimming pool and a hot tub in it. No joke.”Kat floated down the strip of wood floor to the back part of the suite, where floor to ceiling windows were located, looking out across the city.
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Chapter Seven: AJ
AJShe’s beautiful, AJ thought to himself as he watched the woman next to him shift into her pillow. She was snoring slightly, and instead of finding it annoying like he usually did, he found it adorable.Which meant he liked her.He turned on his side to watch her. A strand of dark brown hair fell gracefully across her cheek. He reached out and gently tucked it back behind her ear. She smiled and something deep in his chest responded.He wasn’t sure if he should smile or run from the bed screaming. This wasn’t how a man should feel after a one night stand. It certainly wasn’t what he was expecting, though she was amazing. Beautiful, sexy, fearless, funny, and sweet.He felt like a thesaurus, yet it didn’t faze him. There weren’t enough words in the English language to adequately describe the woman sleeping next to him. And he’d only known her for a few hours. The idea of spending more time with her actually excited him. She was different than the usual heiresses and aristocrats that
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Chapter Eight: Fun Kat
Fun KatKat woke up in the dark hotel room. She glanced over at the hotel alarm clock to read the green number seven and two zeros.Thanks, internal alarm clock, she thought to herself. I was allowed to sleep in today.She tried to close her eyes and go back to sleep, but she knew it was futile. She was up. With a sigh, she officially opened her eyes.It took a moment for her to focus in the dark of the curtained room, but she found herself smiling at the sleeping form of the man next to her. He was still as attractive in the morning as he was last night, which was pretty amazing for something that was supposed to be a one-night stand.She grinned and wondered if he had any plans for today. If she was lucky, the two of them could hang out and get to know one another better today. The idea of sleeping with someone and then getting to know them was so different than what Kat usually did that the idea tickled her.Fun Kat was way better at picking guys than Regular Kat. For the first tim
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Chapter Nine: Boring Kat
Boring Kat“Just know that this is going to require a bottle of wine,” Kat said. “And chocolate,” she added.“You got it,” Cassie promised. “I’ll have a bottle ready for you.”Kat thought of the way the man smiled and those blue eyes. “Better make it two.”“Done,” Cassie replied. “I’ll see you soon.”Kat clicked ‘end call’ and leaned her head against the bathroom door-frame. Her sigh echoed through the bathroom.“Get a move on, Kat,” she whispered to the empty room. “The job isn’t going to do itself. He’s cute, but he’s not worth your job.”It took her a moment more before she was ready to actually get going. The unfairness of it all weighed heavily on her shoulders, as she opened the bathroom door and went back into the room with the ridiculously good-looking man she was about to leave.Fun Kat would have stayed, but Fun Kat didn’t have a job to keep. It was time to let Boring Kat back out.There was something that she could do that both Boring Kat and Fun Kat would approve of, thoug
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Chapter Ten: AJ
AJWarm hands touched AJ’s shoulders, waking him from sleep. A slow smile spread across his face as he remembered that there was a beautiful woman sleeping in the bed next to him. If he was lucky, she was as ready to go for some morning fun as he was.“Good morning, beautiful,” AJ murmured, keeping his eyes closed as he reached for the woman shaking him.Except she was wearing a man’s dress shirt. And a tie. And a goatee.“Sir?”AJ opened his eyes to find himself staring at his very nervous assistant.“You are not a beautiful brunette woman, George,” AJ informed him, pushing the other man away. He looked over to see the bed next to him was empty. Slept in, but empty.“No, sir. I am most certainly not,” George replied, stepping back and straightening his tie.“What are you doing here?” AJ asked, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He looked at the crumpled bedspread beside him. She had clearly been sleeping there, so at least he knew he wasn’t dreaming. But where could she have gone? He had b
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