Semua Bab Alpha Damon's Sinner Luna : Bab 21 - Bab 30
148 Bab
Chapter 21
"What did you do?" Eloise asked. Daisy need no one to tell her that the woman hates her. Although fearful, she refused to show her fear. "Did what?" She answered instead. Eloise twisted her mouth. "What are you doing in the kitchen?" She asked, properly. "Isn't it obvious that I returned the used plates?" Daisy answered, mean but calm at the same time. Donna returned with a bowl of clean water which she dropped to the table before carrying the tray that contained Meridith's breakfast. Daisy was glad at a job well done. She walked out of the kitchen and couldn't wait to give Salvador the good news. ........... "Breakfast, My Lady" Donna announced, setting each plates on the dinning. She carefully stirred the hot mint tea and covered it. Few minutes later, Meridith stepped out from her inner chamber, dressed in an extravagant blue colored night dress. She was without her mask and her fake scar was visible enough to Donna. Donna bowed her head. Meridith took her seat, the first
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Chapter 22
"Is anything wrong? And calm down so you don't faint" Salvatore cautioned. "My....Daisy.... Daisy! Meridith wants to... Meridith is torturing her, she will kill her. They are in the dungeon please help me" He pleaded, sobbing uncontrollably. Salvatore got more concerned. He had expected that from Meridith after yesterday's incident. "Oh dear, I'm sure she has the king's permission if she is doing that. There's nothing I can do to help you, I'm sorry..." Salvador wept the more. "Please do something, she is going to kill her " He grabbed hold of Salvatore's legs, looking so pitiful. Salvatore was torn. He doesn't have the power to intervene in the business of the king's Lady. Salvador is leading so hard with him and he doesn't know how to help. "The King is the only one that can intervene and right now, he is not around and I can't intervene, Salvador. I don't have such powers. And you the king feels about Daisy ..." Salvatore pointed out, falteringly. "I know, I know Sa
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Chapter 23
The physician mixed the concotion and forced it down Daisy's throat. She was still unconscious and the concotion is to make her sleep well. Salvatore was already waiting by the door. When the physician was done, he was signalled to come take her. He bent and lifted Daisy the same way he had brought her, her mid ribs on his shoulder and her back in the air. Salvador followed him from behind. When they got to the king's chamber, he was sitting down on his chair, writing somethings down. He didn't look up when they entered. "Make a bed for her down there " He pointed to a bed beside his bed in the innermost part of the room. "Noted, My King " Salvatore replied and within minutes, the bed was made by Salvador. He spread a fresh new bedsheet on it and built a tend around it. Salvatore laid her face down on it as careful as he could. Salvador watched her even breathing for few more seconds before leaving with Salvatore. Salvador was uncomfortable with this new development. The King hat
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Chapter 24
Damon didn't think much about Daisy's words. He knows that she won't remember it when she wakes up the next morning so he just let her be after making her drink the water in large gulps. Even her hand tightened on his robe. He doesn't allow the physical contact but he allowed it. He got away from her and took the cup back. "What is wrong with me?" He asked no one in particular. But then he shoved it off. He is not the problem, Daisy is the problem and if is because she is heavily induced on pills and portions. ....... Salvador couldn't sleep. His mind wasn't at rest. He had left the servants quarters several times to the back of the king's chamber building hoping to hear Daisy's voice but he heard nothing and he came to a conclusion that she is fine. Damon has done no harm towards her but then, he can't be so sure. At the first taste of the dawn, he was the first to wake and he rushed to the back of the king's chamber building, he heard nothing. He sighed. He couldn't wait to see
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Chapter 25
On the third day after her torture, she was feeling better. The pain in her back and joints reduced too. While she took her bath, Salvador came into her room announced. Daisy wasn't expecting him. She stepped out in a short towel wrapped around her body only to meet the his feeling eyes. "I'm...." He shut his eyes instantly, then turned his face to the door. "I didn't see anything" He stated. Daisy smiled, she saw this action as nothing because she has always thought of him as a brother only. He remained like that until she got dressed. "You can now turn" She chuckled, her hand akimbo. Salvador turned slowly. He ran his fingers into his hair, the scene before kept replaying in his mind no matter how hard he tried to shove it off. "I've been thinking of something..." He started and Daisy made a "what was that look?" "Shouldn't Damon free your already? Meridith's scar has healed up". "I've thought about that as well" Daisy replied. "You should ask for your freedom the next tim
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Chapter 26
Meridith's eyes reddened from anger. It took everything in her not to go hard on Daisy. Not now! Not this moment. She won't let her look like a demon before the members. Instead, she put on a faint smile. "Look at the one who wants to lecture me on humbleness. I bet you won't be a slave if you are ten percent humble, a sinner slave wants to teach the future Luna lessons" She snarled and low laughter came from the background. Instantly, Daisy's eyes glistened with tears of being ridiculed by the members of the pack. Her palms suddenly became sweaty, she stopped feeding the kid and her head dropped on humiliation. Meridithsl glared harder at her. Her hate for Daisy only grew in her state of confinement. After Damon cancelled their wedding, she felt so agitated, she felt so pained. She hated seeing the slave responsible for her predication. How can something so unfortunate happen to her? Just because of a slave!? Meridith tried to calm her anger. Damon has already have lots of bad i
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Chapter 27
Salvatore walked out briskly to carry out the king's order of getting Daisy to his chamber. He had barely walk five minutes to the servants quarters when he started hearing rumors.Hump!They all knew about the slave ceremony afterall and this year's slave ceremony will be celebrated in the royal court of King Brandon of Ice Pack.As Salvatore walked, he heard more rumors. Maids formed little circles to gossip. Salvatore doesn't mind at all but when he heard "sinner slave" he stopped suddenly and faced the group of ten maids."What is happening? What happened to the sinner slave?" He asked, hoping it won't be what he wants to hear.Rumors are dangerous.One of the maids turned to Salvatore, she leaned closer and lowered her voice. "Nothing is confirmed or anything, but we were wondering if the sinner slave will be among the ten selected slaves to satisfy the crazy urges of the gigolo alpha's"."Daisy is the king most loathed slave, I bet she will be the first to be selected" Another c
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Chapter 28
Alpha Damon stared at the scroll before him. He was seated on the high throne in the court, his head nursed a heavy headache. The open window overseed the evening sky. It's almost night, the meeting in the court took longer than expected. The scroll he held had just two signatures on it instead of thirty signatures. Alpha Aiden and Alpha Brandon had signed the petition while the remaining twenty eight alpha's outrightly refused to sign it, they want to sleep over it. "Why would you want to eradicate the slave ceremony? Why would we enforce a law to stop using slaves anyhow we want? Why should slaves get a just treatment?" Alpha Ares had been angry. "They are dirt, garbage and should be our pawn!" Damon rubbed his aching head, his eyes darkened in anger and hurtful memories. He can never forget what Alexander did to him as a kid. "I see no reason why we should eradicate this" Ares disagreed and the meeting dismissed. The door opened an hour after the meeting dismissed. Salvatore
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Chapter 29
The room suddenly felt heated as Damon and Daisy stared at each other, Salvatore remained at the door. The king's eyes were blood shot like he was going to kill her. Maybe he will since she had crossed her limits. Fear overwhelmed all her body and she stepped back with every steps he took forward. Her heart was seriously beating wildly against her chest. Her back finally hit the wall, her eyes were on the once beautiful aquarium which was noe broken by her. She found it difficult to drag in breaths, then she shift her eyes as soon as Damon came close to her, their bodies almost touching. She could feel him raised his hands, he was going to hit her and she waited patiently for him to do that. She knew she deserves it. Her breathe itched. She felt the force of hand coming but he hit the wall beside her instead. One of his rings shattered and his knuckles bleed profusely. She he opened her eyes slowly with fear clouding her vision. She couldn't talk. Her words were superfluous. She h
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Chapter 30
Salvatore was very angry. As much as she wanted to save Daisy from the cruel hands of the Alpha, there was nothing he could do as he was just a low born whose worth is zero. Interfering in the Alpha's internal matter is like seeing his own death! ..... ..... .... This morning was the happiest morning of Meridith. She got a message from the king's messanger that the King seeks for her. Meridith was overjoyous. She had on the best of her clothes and stepped out looking so ravishing. Heavens, she can't wait to see Damon's face after a week of seclusion. Most importantly, she couldn't wait to listen to his words of praises. He must have heard about her good deeds to the members of the Pack. Once Meridith got to the king's chamber, the two guards at the door opened the large ornate door widely and she strode in like she own the place. The first person she saw made her frown. Daisy!!! What the hell is she doing besides the king's study table? At sight of her, Meridith teethered at t
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