Lahat ng Kabanata ng Oracles of the Moon Goddess: Kabanata 1 - Kabanata 10
36 Kabanata
Chapter 1
Chapter 1Darkness. Nothing to see. No light, no shadows, nothing. I tried to feel out to make sure I wouldn’t fall and get hurt, but there was nothing. The more I tried to run to find a source of light, the more it felt like my feet started getting stuck in mud. What is going on? I don’t understand.Far off in the distance there was a dot of light. Like the size of a pen cap beckoning for me to come to it. As hard as I try it’s not doing any good. Why is this happening. I want out. I want to go home. I’m scared, full of fear and helplessness. I notice the light is finally getting closer, bigger. I am so close but so far away.“Someone, please help me!” I screamed, knowing no one will hear me in this vast place.Out of nowhere I see a silhouette in the light I’m going towards. They are holding out a hand waiting for me to come closer.“Come now my love. Grab my hand. I will love you, cherish you, and make you mine.” Said the mysterious. When he said this it sent shivers down my spin
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chapter 2
Chapter 2:When I walk in the doors of the school, I get slammed into by my best friend Louise. She wraps her arms around me into a big hug. When she lets go of me, she stands back and smiles before greeting me.“Good morning, Liz! Can you believe it! We are seniors and this is our last year!” She squeals.“Good morning to you too, Louise.” I said with a half-smile. She gives me a knowing look. Even though we live in the human parts of town there are still a few werewolves who have opted out of going to the pack school and go here to my school. She is one of them. She is the only werewolf friend I have and I am thankful for it.“I guess your mom told you about having to live at the pack house?” She asked slyly. I nodded.“Don’t feel bad. I have to do the same but I will still be going here. Is that what you are going to do also?”Again, I nodded at her. She squeals again and hugs me. “Yay! I won’t have to go here without you and maybe we can ride together from the pack house! Oh my, t
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Chapter 3
Chapter 3:Robbie’s POV:After I asked Liz if she wanted a ride, I was a little bummed she declined. But I totally understand it. I am new and she doesn’t know me. Hopefully tomorrow I can start to get know her a little better. I don’t know why but I have a strange sense that I have known her forever.I pull up to the pack house, get out of my car and start walking to the door. I see the Alpha training with one of the freshmen who can’t seem to grasp the new fighting technique we are learning. “Good afternoon, Alpha.” I said bowing my head.“Ah, good afternoon, Beta Robbie.” He said smiling at me. He nods to the kid he was training to take a break. “How was your first day at the human high school?”“It was really good actually. Went pretty easy. They are a little behind us in the education department but not by much.”“That’s great news. I just wanted to inform you that we will be having two new wolves coming to live in the packhouse this weekend. I bel
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Chapter 4
Chapter 4:Robbie’s POV: Training was finally over and everyone was exhausted. These kids were so excited to train with the Alpha’s son that they went all out today. I told them all to go shower and change then go to dinner. Alec and I did the same. On the way out I met Alec in the hallway. I will admit he is a very good-looking guy. He is 6 foot 7, short black hair that’s always messy and startling bright blue eyes. His jawline is perfection. He has broad muscular shoulders, a very well-defined 8 pack. His arms make you think he could pick up a baby elephant with just one arm. Just by looking at him you can tell how powerful he is without even feeling aura from being an Alpha’s son. “Dude, stop checking me out. I don’t swing that way.” Alec said while swatting at me. “I wasn’t checking you out. I don’t even swing that way. I was just admiring your sexy body and getting jealous.” I said laughing. “Well, whatever it is it’s w
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Chapter 5
Liz POV:Beep.Beep.Beep. Ugh. Stupid alarm. I reach over and turn it off. I feel like I haven’t gotten sleep in a week. I roll over and throw my blankets off. I get out of bed and go to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and take a shower. When I’m done, I wrap a towel around body and go to my closet to find clothes. I decide on a teal flowy summer dress with short sleeves, a pair of brown ankle boots and a brown belt to go around my waist. I go to the bathroom and towel dry my hair and brush it putting it into a messy bun. I put on a little eyeliner and mascara. I grab my bag and walk down stairs. I go to the kitchen and make myself a bowl of cereal. Just as I’m about to sit down at the table I hear my phone ping with a message.Louise: Hey girly! Want me to pick you up today? It’s a beautiful day and she lives half a mile in the other direction from the school I think to myself.Me: Na I’m k. It’s too beautiful not to walk. I’ll see you at school.
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Chapter 6
Alec POV: Um. What the hell just happened? Why did Liz get pissed off? I was just stating the obvious. Even the she-wolves back at our main pack lands can’t beat me or Robbie. But I will admit. She looks pretty fucking hot pissed off. I look at Robbie and shrug my shoulders. He shakes his head at me and tells me to follow him inside. I’m only going to be following him for today to see how the human school system works and how different it is from our pack school. That way we can see if we can incorporate new things in our curriculum. As we walk down the hall, we follow her sent to her locker. Which I guess isn’t far from Robbie’s. At first glance their school doesn’t really differ from our pack school. You walk in the doors and all the walls are white with a blue and orange stripe down the middle and huge tiger mural across from the office. A little further down it looks like a library. It’s a lot smaller than ours but I can understand why. Ours als
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Chapter 7
Liz POV: Watching my class mates spar has gotten me giddy. Watching Cassy and Gene do their thing and know that she has this. I trained her so I know she is capable of taking Gene down. He is good though. When she finally has him pinned down, I look over to Alec and see him dumb founded that a girl can down a guy Gene’s size was like icing on the cake. Gene is around 6 foot 6 and probably 230 pounds. That is mostly muscle though. Cassy is a mere 5 foot 2 and 120 pounds. She has lean muscles on her body. They are not bulking but you can still see them. I taught her how to go maneuver around bigger people and how to get out if she is trapped. That is exactly what she did and had him pinned to the ground with his hands behind his back not being able to move. “Great job Cassy!” said the coach. “Next up is Liz and Robbie’s friend Alec who is visiting us today.” I smirked at Alec as I make my way to the ring. “You ready to get you
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Chapter 8
Liz POV:            After gym my day has went pretty fast. Before I knew it, it was lunch time. Yay food! I’m such a foodaholic. It’s ridiculous but at least it’s not all junk food. It’s all food in general. Luckily our cafeteria has different items to choose from. It’s pretty much a buffet. I grab a bacon cheese burger and sides, fries, side salad, a salted caramel brownie and ice cream along with a bottle of cherry Coke. I pay for my food and go sit at our table in the corner.            I start eating when Louise sits down opposite of me.            “Hey Liz. How’s it going so far?” she asked with a smirk playing on her lips.            “Pretty good.” I gav
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Chapter 9
Alec POV:            Robbie and I get back to the pack house and jump out of my truck. We go to find my father. As we walk up the steps to the Alpha office Jess is coming down. She smiles at me and gives me a hug.            “Hey Alec. I’ve been looking for you today. Where have you been?” She asked with a pout on her face as I pull out of her arms.            “I went to the human school with Robbie. Wanted to see how different it was from our pack school.”           I say as I look at Robbie. He rolls his eyes at me and keeps walking. “I have a meeting with my dad. I’ll come find you when I get done. We need to talk.”          
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Chapter 10
Fast forward to Friday afternoonLiz POV: I can’t believe how fast this week has gone. Seems like Monday was just yesterday and was walking in to the school for the first day. Now, it’s the end of the first week and I’m walking out the doors after the final bell. Tomorrow is the day Louise and I will be moving into the pack house. Robbie told us earlier in the week that plans had changed and our hang out day will now be Sunday mid-morning. I’m honestly happy about that. I might be to drained Saturday to want to do much of anything. I get home and hear my mom in the kitchen. “Mom, I’m home.” I holler at her. “In the kitchen sweetheart.” I hear her say as I walk in. “Yum! What smells so good?” “I made shepherd’s pie for dinner. It was your dads favorite and I haven’t made it in so long. I figured we would try tonight.” She said with a sad but happy smile. “I can’t wait mom. I’m going to go put my bag up.
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