Semua Bab Lies And Betrayal: Bab 1 - Bab 10
18 Bab
A Long Night
There was a lot of noise that night, which irritated Ritu in ways she had never thought possible. As much as she wanted to shut the mouth of her snoring husband, she wanted to feel him, to feel wanted. All Preshant did was work and sleep. It was like living with a robot, which would still be better because some robots were sex toys, and she would choose them repeatedly over the man beside her. Soft sounds filled her ears, and she groaned in frustration. Being sex-deprived was terrible, but having to listen to a never-tired duo have their love fight every night was worse. This had been the case since Kapil moved in after marrying Sakshi.Sakshi's next moan was more like a cry; Ritu knew it was not a cry for help but one she couldn't relate to, one she yearned to feel. She pressed her face deep into the pillow until she couldn't take it anymore. She sat up and brushed her thick strawberry-blonde hair out of her face. She needed a trim, but more badly, she needed someone inside her doing
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More Disappointment
There was a lot of noise that night, which irritated Ritu in ways she had never thought possible. As much as she wanted to shut the mouth of her snoring husband, she wanted to feel him, to feel wanted. All Preshant did was work and sleep. It was like living with a robot, which would still be better because some robots were sex toys, and she would choose them repeatedly over the man beside her. Soft sounds filled her ears, and she groaned in frustration. Being sex-deprived was terrible, but listening to a never-tired duo have their love fight every night was worse. This had been the case since Kapil moved in after marrying Sakshi.Sakshi's next moan was more like a cry; Ritu knew it was not a cry for help but one she couldn't relate to, one she yearned to feel. She pressed her face deep into the pillow until she couldn't take it anymore. She sat up and brushed her thick strawberry-blonde hair out of her face. She needed a trim, but more badly, she needed someone inside her doing the sa
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Ice Broken
Sakshi knew coming was terrible from the moment she walked into the party. The music was too loud for her, and she felt like she was running out of air, but she had to do this for her best friend. It was Farzeen's book launch after-party, and Sakshi knew she would be so pissed if she didn't show up. She looked around, found a place to sit, and sipped the wine in her glass every second. Looking at her time, she shook her head. Events never began at the scheduled time, and she never understood why, not like she cared. Just one picture with Farzeen, and she would be out of there. "Is this seat taken?" Sakshi turned to reply to the male voice and got the shock of her life. In front of her was Sunil Yash, the man she had spent her late teens and early twenties with. His expression mirrored hers, and they greeted each other. "I can't believe you are here." He said, taking the seat even without getting her response. "My God, Sakshi, you look so good." She thanked him and smiled. He was d
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The Past Haunts
It had been two hours sitting at her desktop and doing nothing. Her mind was filled with the events of two days before, and she couldn't look her husband in the eye. She had returned home to a nice dinner and Kapil's open arms, but she couldn't sleep beside him. She had given the excuse of staying up to work, but if there were any truth, it would mean she had been working on Sunil and wanting more from him. She could barely sleep at night, and that wasn't because she felt guilty about cheating on her husband but because she wanted to do that repeatedly with the same person. She recalled her relationship days with Sunil. He was a fantastic rider; he knew how to please a woman in ways that would have her running back repeatedly, he knew how to take down her defences, and he knew how to make every other man seem incapable. It only thrilled her that night to discover he had improved at his game and had also improved in his physique. Her mind had captured the picture of his member, and th
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Running Out of Time
Shards of the flower vase scattered on the floor, and she yelled in agony. She was basically a widow in her own home, which was distressing. She wondered how she would cope for a day, two days, a week, and weeks. She was fed up with living this way and looked for her next object of attack when she heard the hurried footsteps heading her way. In one minute, she was standing face-to-face with Kapil. The man was stunned as his gaze travelled from her messy hair to the mess at her feet. "Are you okay, Ritu?' he asked as he rushed beside her. Her mascara was smeared, and she struggled to catch her breath. "I'm fine," she managed to say. Her face was red with anger, and she stomped inside to get cleaning materials to pack up the broken vase."Are you sure you're okay?" Kapil asked when she returned. She gave him a huge smile. "I'm wonderful. I thought you were at work." "Oh, I didn't tell you. I've been given a week's break." He said and moved to the kitchen. He returned with a glass of
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Being Alive
He had never been inside the room nor in that wing of the hose. It was for Ritu and her husband, and no one except the maids dared enter, and even they did. It was by invitation. The room was spacious and had a gigantic bed. Everything was in order, and numerous plagues lined the walls belonging to Preshant. After delivering the box, she requested him to look at her computer and assist her with a website she was working on. As he worked, she went on about how Preshant wanted her to begin her fashion line and how she couldn't wait for him to be back so they could employ assistants and finally be busy. She talked about how much she would invest all of her time and resources into making her business work, and as she spoke, she leaned above him on the couch, her breasts pressing into his neck. From the big dressing mirror that occupied the whole wall opposite them, Kapil could not concentrate. He could see her fully, her breasts pouring out of her saree blouse, and her pallu shifted out
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I Told You So
She crashed into him; his name was on her lips, and her hair covered his face. Kapil held her, and for a moment, she enjoyed the trace of his hand down the narrow path at the centre of her back. How their relationship moved so quickly was what she couldn't explain. After their first time together, it was apparent she wanted more, and she had told him just that and that she would always be there for him whenever and wherever. It was also evident to her that he didn't want to push. Further, he felt guilty, but she knew so long as she had him once, she would have him again, for as long as she wanted. He had given her the ride of her life, something she had craved for years, and she knew he enjoyed it too, but he still wanted to be modest for his wife. The thing with men was they always wanted to try different flavours, see different colours and feel different sizes, and whoever would give them that, they would cherish, so when she came the second time, he hadn't said no, and then the thi
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Frequent Escapades
Sakshi changed into a more revealing top as she entered her car and went to Sunil's house. She would have laughed aloud if somebody had told her a month ago that she would be running away from home to be with another man. It had taken her some time, but she had gotten used to it, she felt happy, and that alone was enough for her. Moving to the countryside of India was what Sakshi never imagined she could pull off. Work was exhausting, and with Kapil always home, she couldn't spend as much time as she wanted to with Sunil. She once thought removing the distraction and focusing on work, perhaps home was good, but it was a colossal fail. Kapil seemed distant for reasons she didn't know, not that she cared anyway. He could never measure up to Sunil. It was a colossal failure. The more she tried to take her mind away from him, the more she was drawn to him and spent nights dreaming of his hands on hers. She found herself running back to him after two days and leaving aside whatever morals
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Nothing Changes
She had been waiting to hear the door close; it had become her favourite sound every night when the maids retired to their quarters for bed, and she and Kapil were left alone in the big mansion, but tonight, she just wanted to be alone. It was raining heavily, and she was cold. The blanket wasn't just enough. In frustration, she left the room and headed to the kitchen, where she saw Carina cleaning up for the day. "Why are you still up?" She asked in an annoyed voice. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I was finishing the dishes, and it will only take a minute." "You can go." She said and grabbed the coffee maker and a teacup. The maid heading out stopped. "Let me help you with that...." She began "Just go!" Ritu barked and watched as Carina exited the kitchen and finally got out of the house. She sighed in relief as she dropped the coffee maker and grabbed a kettle. She didn't want to stay up all night while Kapil was asleep, probably thinking of Sakshi. She sighed louder, realizing she was wea
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Change For The Better
Everything did change with Preshant's return and for the better. Ritu looked forward to seeing Kapil every day since Preshant was always at work. It wasn't an issue, except Kapil had resumed work and was away most of the time. They met at parks, hotels, and sometimes at home when Preshant worked late.Sakshi was yet to be home from her trip, communication with Kapil was now reduced, and Ritu knew something was fishy. She already guessed Sakshi had a relationship outside, but she didn't have proof, hunches and very high intellect. Sakshi had stated she would be home after three days, but five days were gone, and Ritu had made unique plans for Kapil, their own special outing. And she didn't want it to look odd if Sakshi came unannounced, so she called her. The phone wasn't answered on the first ring, and she called again. "Ritu," a shaky voice belonging to Sakshi came on the line. "How's your business trip going, Sakshi?" Ritu asked sarcastically There was a minute of silence, and R
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