Lahat ng Kabanata ng Divine Academy: Kabanata 41 - Kabanata 50
86 Kabanata
Chapter 41: Luka
Waking up with Samael cradled in my arms was one of the best feelings imaginable. I stared down at him, watching his nose crinkle with each breath and how his lips were slightly parted. I hadn't pegged him for a mouth breather, but he sure was a cute one, even with his gentle snoring. I was utterly smitten with him. Last night had been beautiful. I didn't regret a single decision I had made, and I hope in the light of day, Samael won't regret anything either. "I can feel you staring at me," Samael grumbled as he nuzzled his face further into my chest."You are cute when you're asleep," I reply, causing him to grumble as he sits up, pushing himself off me. "I am not cute." He growls. "Katrina is cute." I chuckle at his ridiculousness. He doesn't seem shy about last night, but he also wants to establish that he's not a bottom. That is completely fine with me. No one ever said two Alphas couldn't enjoy their time together. I was already looking forward to our future fights for dominanc
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Chapter 42: Samael
SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. Why did I just say that? Why did I go and open my big mouth? I didn't want to tell him the news this way. I didn't just want to spring it on him. "I'll let whatever is happening here slide, but whatever's going on, just know that when this is all over, we will revisit whatever this is," Luka responds, looking at me inquisitively, before turning and heading toward the opposite side of the house, "Let's get going." "Uhh... aren't you going the wrong way?" I ask, thankful Luka let the conversation drop for now. "Samael?" Luka asks, turning his head and raising an eyebrow at me, "Do you ever just do as you are told?" "Never," I replied cockily, "I am an heir, and it's not like my parents were around much to tell me what to do." "Hmm, looks like I'll have to teach you to do as your told then," Luka replies with a wicked gleam in his eye and a smug look before turning around and continuing to head toward the back of the house. Fuck. It really did something to me whene
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Chapter 43: Luka
"Luka!" Samael's voice rings through the smokescreen, and my heart slowly starts to calm. He's okay; the Cyclopses didn't harm him during their initial attack. I picked myself up from the rock; the blast had flung me on, and I grimaced at the pain running down my body. I knew I'd hit the rock wall hard, but I didn't think it'd been hard enough to leave any lasting damage. I move my hand slowly over my back and ribs; there are a few tender spots, but nothing's broken. I'll ache for a bit, but my body will heal quickly. I want to yell back to Samael and reassure him that I'm okay, but I don't want to draw the attention of the Cyclopses to me. I need them to be fully focused on Samael. My only strength against our enemy would be the element of surprise. They'd only sensed Samael's magical presence. My aura smelled similar to Tartarus's, while Samael's smelt like the underworld. His magical signature showed he was an oddity in these parts, and it's what attracted the supernatural beings
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Chapter 44: Beckett
Traveling to the Bermuda Triangle is harder than traveling from the academy to home. There was a lot of rough water that I had to cross through. The waves resisted my command. If I had my father's trident, I could command the waves. I could create stronger currents to carry me from one place to another. My Poseidon's Trident was a gift descended from Jehovah himself. Jehovah had first crafted the Trident for Moses, allowing him enough power to part the Red Sea. Once Moses had gotten his people to safety, Jehovah took the trident back and kept it as a gift, gifting it to his second grandson, Posideon, thus giving him an affinity for water. My father and his Trident have been inseparable since that day. Triton has one like it. My father had Hephaestus craft a similar trident for my older brother, Triton, the first merman. Triton's trident only gave him the capability of using his divine water gift, but Triton's powers were still on the weaker side of things. Ever heard of the East Aust
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Miles had sent the igloo emoji in our group chat earlier today. It was the only clue he'd given us to his and Katrina's whereabouts. Still, I knew he had a hideout shelter in Alsaka, so I decided to head here after meeting with Hermes and confirming my father had received my message. We were to meet with the council in six weeks, immediately after our final midterm. I hadn't bought us much time, but hopefully, with her academics and the help from all of us, Katrina would learn enough control over her powers to pass herself off as a low-level goddess versus who she is; a powerful angel demon hybrid. My father and the rest of the council wouldn't agree with the heirs of the four kingdoms being mated to a low-powered goddess, but they wouldn't be able to stop it; she was our fated. The moment I reached the bug-out in Alaska, I knew I'd guessed their location correctly, my aura calming the moment it detected that Katrina was nearby. It was nearly midnight by the time I'd arrived, so I he
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Are you going to tell me what the fuck that was?" Luka asked after we departed from the cyclopses, Lilac and her troupe having led us to the prison entrance. "I don't know what you want me to say," I responded, feeling guilty for not having told him before we entered Tartarus that he was the heir to the kingdom. "You wouldn't have believed me." "When did you find out?" Luka asked as he walked toward a locked cupboard pressing his hands against the wood, calling to the magic inside to reveal its contents. "When I went home. Beckett was pissed that I hadn't intervened when you mated Katrina. We haven't gone head to toe since we were kids, but this wasn't something I would back down on. I fully supported you and Katrina, and if Beckett couldn't, I wasn't going to allow his negativity to flow around you and Katrina. Eventually, Aphelion was able to calm us with news from his father that Katrina was to be brought forth and introduced to the council, and then Miles told us all the reason
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It's early morning, and I wake with a start. My chest is heaving, and I feel like someone is reaching between my chest cavity and squeezing firmly onto my heart. Something's wrong. I spring out of bed, waking Aphellion and Miles as I start pacing across the bedroom floor. "Kitten, what's wrong?" Miles asks me, his voice laced with concern. "I..I...I don't know. I had a nightmare, and then I woke up from it, but it didn't feel like it was just a nightmare. I have this nagging feeling that something's wrong. My insides are burning, and my heart feels like someone's trying to crush it." "What did you dream about, Princess?" Aphellion asks, throwing back the covers and getting out of bed, reaching his hand toward me and pulling me into his arm. "I can't remember," I reply. Miles and Aphelion glance at each other, their faces of concern mimicking the others. "Here, sit down on the bed, kitten. I learned a new spell in Magical Studies, and it might help you remember." "Okay," I nod e
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"He asked for the same thing you just asked of me. He asked me to seal his powers." Ursula sneered, spilling my secret for all to hear. Katrina gave me a look of betrayal, while Samael looked sadden. Miles and Beckett's expressions were blank, but I could tell by the twitching of Miles's vein in his upper left arm that he was irritated; at whom he was irritated, I have no idea. "Why would you want your powers sealed?" Katrina asked, breaking the silence that had followed Ursula's comment. "Because he's an abomination." Ursala cackled, "Born with the blood of both the god and goddess of chaos, he was bound to be dark before he even took his first breath. The twitching vein in Miles's arm was now twitching in his temple; I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that his irritation was solely from the sea witch. With how rapidly his vein was twitching, I expected Miles to berate Ursula first, so I was wholeheartedly shocked when Beckett jumped to it."Listen, Aunt." Beckett snared his lip
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After finishing my story, I glanced up at the heirs; Miles didn't seem surprised, which I knew he wouldn't. It happened on his territory; even though he was just a kid, he had to have been only 15 or 16 at the time; Ares was still training him on how to take over as King. It would have been one of Miles's responsibilities to help keep the investigation quiet. Miles offers me a small encouraging smile as my eyes meet his. Next, I let my gaze travel over to Aphelion. He seems to be feeling sympathetic toward me. Noticing my gaze on him, he clears his throat and speaks, "I may not have killed anyone, but I know what it's like to lose control of your powers; right before I realized that the mating bond had activated, I ended up shocking someone who I was intimate with. The girl I was with," Aphelion states, his eyes flickering over to Katrina's before continuing, "I am lucky she was born with the power of lightning; my magic coursed through her and lit her up like the humans do the night
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I followed Katrina into one of the spare rooms, unsure what to expect. When I'd stuck up for Luka against my aunt and shared my story with him, it wasn't for Katrina. I'd accepted Luka for who he is as a person, not who he's related to. I accepted that I needed to earn his forgiveness and make peace with him if I didn't want a rift in the mating bond, and I had to accept that I was the one at fault. "What you did in there," Katrina speaks up, turning away from the closed door, facing me as she speaks, "It was really brave of you." "I didn't do it to be brave. I did it because I wanted Luka to know that he isn't alone." "I know," Katrina responds, biting her lower lip. And I want you to know that I'm not doing this because you've finally accepted Luka into our group. I'm doing this because I want to. I'm doing this because I've craved your touch since you taught me how to control my water affinity. Because every moment I'm not with you, I dream of how you'll feel inside me." I walk
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