All Chapters of The Alpha's Wolf-less Luna: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
125 Chapters
Ch 21
Elora went home that same day but she found a note from Giselle saying she would not be back until 7. The wolves were nowhere to be found and it made her wonder if that was what Giselle needed to deal with. The first thing she did was to have a bath and the entire time she thought of no one else but Roman. Roman ignited something in her that day. Something that was very different from what she felt for Drew. She didn't know what it was but it was definitely the space between like and Love. " There's no term for that" she muttered as the water poured down her body, then she remembered how he had kissed her, how it felt when their bodies touched when his shirt fell off her shoulders - she almost lost her mind. But there was something she regretted, when he kissed her, she couldn't match his passion at all. She felt like she was suffocating but not in a bad way. In a way that she didn't want him to stop even though it was so intense. She got so shy when she remembered that she would h
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Ch 22
" Oh, I'm so screwed" Elora lamented inwardly as she lay on the floor. Sure the doors in the house were locked but they could still break in!" Are you sure she lives here?" She heard Celine ask and heard one of his friends Caleb saying, " Yes I'm certain, I saw her mom come this way" " But there's no house here Caleb, there's not a single living soul here! Or are you blind now?" Drew yelled." No. I'm just -"" - shut the fuck up! I'll call her and if her phone rings we'll trace the sound - that is if she is even remotely staying in this desolate part of the pack" Drew said." Oh no!" Elora gasped and she started to crawl to where her phone was. The mother wolf was fast asleep but she randomly imagined the wolf passing the phone to her and was overcome with shock when the wolf opened her eyes and used her nose to slide the phone over the floor to Elora. Elora had no time to be surprised! She quickly grabbed the phone and heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that the phone was alread
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Ch 23
" No! Please Drew stop!"That was the sound Elora heard in her head repeatedly. It was the sound of Gina's screams as he forced her to watch as he slept with Celine by the tree. As much as Elora didn't want to hear any of it, she still did. It was the most conflicting sound she had ever heard because it was a mix of Drew and Celine moaning while Gina begged Drew to stop making her watch. Elora imagined that they must've pinned her to the tree and probably slapped her repeatedly should she try to close her eyes. She knew this because it was the same thing those boys did to her after Drew's birthday party ended. If it wasn't for Stacy, she would've been forced to watch him and Gina have sex. Now, it seems Gina was given a taste of her own medicine, though it seemed that she faced a much harsher kind of medicine and this was because Drew did not stop at forcing Gina to watch as he slept with her friend, he proceeded to rape Gina!Elora couldn't believe that she once spent hours daydreami
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Ch 24
The next day, Elora got ready. Had a bath, and got dressed in a hoody and some pants just in case she needs to hide for any reason at school. She and her mother Giselle had spent a lot of hours deliberating on whether or not she should go to school and they finally decided that she should go. As she finished eating the last spoon of her cereal which purposely ate slowly that morning, she worried about what school would be like for her that day. The first thing that Giselle advised her to do was find Roman and beg him to be alert in case any one of them tried to hurt or harm her. Then, if for any reason she sees Drew, she must run and if she is in a tight spot she must use her only source of defense which she hoped she wouldn't have to use. The last thing was that if she sees Gina, she must not act as if she knows anything about her being raped. She must only thank her for the message and that is all. Elora found that hard to do because she genuinely wanted to comfort Gina for what ha
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Ch 25
Roman felt so evil for the way he lashed out at Elora but he had to. Part of the rules that his mother added that day involved a strict prohibition of any romantic relations between any staff and student. And seeing as Drew's rejection has led Elora to become his mate by transfer, he feared that his wolf would cause him to do something he would regret even more than imprinting on her as his soulmate. He could still hear her outside his door but he just had to avoid her. Especially after the way he threw all caution to the wind to save her yesterday. Now people just have suspicions and if word gets to his father about him having feelings for a human, he will not be able to save her from his father. He sat on his desk with his hands clasped and said to himself, " this is for her own good ". It was he who asked his mother to enforce that ban and even though she didn't add the prohibition of romantic relations with students, it's just common sense that it's not exactly proper. He looked
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Ch 26
Roman was so infuriated. This was a girl he's risked his discretion for. He was just about to go on with his plan to avoid her and he was going to do it just so his father never finds out about her - only for him to feel her getting excited over someone else! He had just entered his office without even caring to know if Priscilla was present and was about to take his seat when Elora barged into his office glaring at him. At first, he was shocked because he had never seen her angry before. " What's your problem?" She asked, folding her arms as she watched him furiously. " Excuse me?" " Yes, you heard me. Why are you treating me this way?" She said and he instantly pinned her to the door and locked the office from the inside. Neither of them said anything at that moment. Their bodies were so close and Roman could sense the sexual tension between them. He was angry at her and she at him, yet he wanted nothing more than to have a taste of her lips just like he did yesterday by the wat
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Ch 27
" I'm gonna kill you, Elora Davis! I swear you won't survive it!" That was the sound of Drew growling in fury as Elora ran as fast as her legs could carry her. " Psst! Psst! Elora, over here" she heard Aidan say. He was standing by a very large log of wood. " Get in," he said and she did a double take as if to say, " you want me to enter the log?" to which he aggressively nodded. She had a feeling that he was going to toss her with the log out of Drew's sight. She just hoped she wouldn't die from it, she quickly entered the log, and just as she suspected he gently tapped the log of wood with his feet and it rolled to the side since that side of the woods was as low like a valley. " Where is she?" Drew said glaring at Aidan who just winced when he saw Drew's body, particularly his hands. " Who did that to you dude?" Aidan wanted to respond but stopped himself, he has a reputation to keep or rather to hide." Who?" He asked instead while Drew glared at him. His body had peeled from
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Ch 28
Elora's heart rate was beating incredibly fast as she waited for Aidan's response but he just stood there and looked at her. He seemed slightly surprised but also unbothered at the same time. " Aidan...are you? Please, just answer me" she asked moving closer to him but he stepped away. " Damn it" he muttered before he sped off out of her sight and she sighed. That was definitely his answer to her question because no human can run at that speed. He was a wolf but a different kind...the kind that wolfsbane does absolutely nothing to - what kind of wolf could that be?Elora walked home in silence until she got home. All she wanted to do was...cry first because Drew tried to assault her, then she have a bath and think deeply about what kind of wolf Aidan could be and if she can't figure out anything from what she's heard in class. She would have to ask for her mother's library pass so she could do proper research on the matter. This kind of thing is not something you find online. As she
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Ch 29
Roman was thrown by Elora's quick response to the condition he gave her about healing her mother. He didn't expect that she would accept it so quickly. It was almost as if she was just being desperate and was not really thinking it through. " Wait, it seems you don't understand Elora. Those drugs she was taking before he was just buying her some time, now her body is aging too fast as a consequence of those drugs. Alpha Diesel knew this and he didn't say a word. If I am to heal your mother like I healed you the other day, I won't really be healing her completely because this is a disease whose cause I don't know. I can only relieve her for the pain she's feeling and it may last for like a month or two -"" - Roman do it, I already said that before. I don't mind if it's just for two months or even a month. At least she won't die today! And maybe I can find another remedy before that time comes. I'm not ready for her to leave me today. " Elora responded and he kept quiet." That's true
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Ch 30
Elora stood by the door. Her heart was wrenching in anguish because Roman was the only other person apart from Giselle who seemed to genuinely like her and Aidan...Aidan is suspicious. She would've talked about what she noticed about Aidan with Roman but it seems Roman was too fixated on avoiding her than anything else. It felt unfair to her that she would've had a higher chance of being with Aidan had she been a wolf. She didn't realize that she had been crying just thinking about it until she felt the pups licking her face. They were invisible so she couldn't see them but she could still feel their small Breaths fanning her face. She sighed and just walked back to her mother's room only for her to notice small droplets of pee and poo as the pups revealed themselves behind her. She groaned and turned around, " you aren't going to mess up this house just because you're cute! Where's your mom!" She yelled and they all started running away in different directions. " I don't give a da
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