Semua Bab Resisting the Irresistible: Bab 11 - Bab 20
59 Bab
Chapter 11
TYLER POVI couldn’t believe this was happening. Not now. Not after three years of living my life without her. Yet here she was, right in front of me where I could touch her to know that she was real. She looked at me with those blue-green eyes beneath her long lashes, and I suddenly felt like a seventeen years old boy who was completely in love with his three-year girlfriend.“What are you doing here?” I caught her arms and helped her get up on her feet.She smiled and put her forefinger up, pointing at the ceiling. “I’m going to the club. They have the best margaritas here. What about you?”“I’m going home. I was just from there.” Although I was there for work, for a completely different reason than her. I star
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Chapter 12
AUTUMN POVMy first thought was to go to the bar across the street but I stopped myself, knowing that would be the first place he went, considering we both went there on the first day we arrived here in New York and established the bar as one of the places for us to drink. I heard faint footsteps, which were probably belonged to Tyler, so I quickly put my coat on and walked faster.New York was truly the city that lived twenty-four seven. Even past midnight, there were still people partying and walking down the street. I jumped into the middle of the crowd and followed them closely.I knew it was stupid to run from Tyler but his words really hurt me. I had no idea what the hell just happened. He was the one who lied, he was the one who went to see his ex-girlfriend behind my back, yet I was the one atta
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Chapter 13
TYLER POVI was half-sober when I realized what just happened and how we fell apart.Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! If I could kick myself, I would. Why did I say all of those horrible things to her? I was drunk and in a bad mood, yet still, that didn’t justify my action. What I’ve said was unforgivable.As I paced around and about, trying to clear my head while waiting for her to come home, I subsequently checked my phone. I recalled seeing her grab her phone and wallet before leaving. Although it was unlikely she would send me a text, let alone call me, I kept my phone on hand just in case.I walked into the kitchen and started making coffee. Strong and black. I really needed the caffeine slap if I wanted to stay awake. My phone buzzed and I immediately put e
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Chapter 14
TYLER POVI just dropped the second package that day when I saw Faith walking down the road with three massive books in her hands. I watched her closely as a girl accidentally knocked her off, causing her to drop all the books she was carrying. I ran towards her and picked up two books off the ground.She looked up and smiled once she saw me. “Hey. You again.” She shook her head in disbelief as she continued, “what’s wrong with me today? I met both of my exes on the same day.”I frowned. “What?”“I ran to my brother’s friend which I dated last year a few minutes ago and now I met you.” She held the book close to her chest and adjusted the bag’s strap on her shoulder. “What are you doing here? Do you go to NYU as well?”No, I
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Chapter 15
TYLER POV“When I first found out, I was scared. The doctor said it was stage III colorectal cancer and I had to have it surgically removed.” Faith wiped away a tear slipping out of the corner of her eye. I was too shocked that I didn’t do anything but sat there with my eyes fixated on her while listening to each word she was saying. “My parents were there, for the first time they actually were in the same room without fighting.” She laughed humorlessly.She used to tell me that her parents always fought and one day they were fighting on the way home. Her parents started calling each other’s names and she broke down in tears in the backseat of the car. After that day, her parents agreed that it was best for Faith to live with her grandmother in Vancouver rather than stayed in Toronto and lived in an unhealthy environment at home.I s
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Chapter 16
AUTUMN POVJudging from how Phraser was, I thought he would drag me to a fancy place where the drinks were as expensive as the food. My first guess was hotel bars or fancy pubs, maybe like those kinds that I’ve seen in Gossip Girl. A fancy place where Blair Waldorf would go without cringing or scrunching her nose.But he surprised me when he pulled up the car to the curb and led me to an Irish pub. The building looked hundreds of years old. I looked up and read the name ‘McSorley’s Old Ale House established 1854’ which confirmed my early guess about the pub being old.He held the door opened for me and I stepped inside the pub. The interior looked busy with portraits and posters were everywhere, leaving almost no empty space on the wall. There were paraphernalia and stovepipe tha
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Chapter 17
TYLER POV “Am I allowed to go home now?” I put both hands on my hips and looked at Mario. I should be home, talking to Autumn, not standing in front of a hotel room, guarding the door for two hours.He waved his hand. “Go.”He didn’t need to tell me twice as I rushed to the set of the elevator at the end of the hallway and pressed the call button.It was around ten o’clock when I finally got home. The elevator took longer than usual, no matter how many times I pressed the call button so I ran my way from downstairs to our floor. By the time I got home, I was sweating and panting hard. I fished out the keys from the pocket of my jeans and unlocked the door. “Autumn?”All lights were turned off. I used my phone to get to the coat stand. I reached for
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Chapter 18
TYLER POVThe night turned into morning and before I realized it, it was afternoon. I was still sitting on the balcony, waiting for the front door to swing open with Autumn walking in. I knew I’ve seen her this morning but it felt like weeks instead of merely a few hours.I shifted in my seat and rested my head. I’ve drunk a total of five cups of strong black coffee, my eyes were tired and my body wanted to rest. But I couldn’t sleep now, not until I made sure she was home. Not until we had a talk. I rubbed both hands over my face and took another drink.My phone buzzed and I immediately pulled it out of my front pocket to find that it a text was from Mario. Maybe I should put a different ringtone for him so I’d know. His text was short as always. An address.
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Chapter 19
TYLER POVSeemed to know my gloomy mood, the sky above has turned grey and started to drizzle. I pulled the hood of my coat over my head. The cool air seeped through the space in between the buttons, I shoved my hands into the pockets of my coat and hunched my shoulders against the cold as I sped up to the address Mario has sent me earlier.It took me fifteen minutes to get there and by the time I arrived, I needed to bend down and steadied my breathing. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Mario’s number.“Ciao?” He answered after a short while.I swallowed hard. “I’m here.”I heard him let out a weary sigh and when he spoke, it almost sounded like he wished I didn’t come. “Get inside.”
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Chapter 20
TYLER POVI pondered his words for a few moments, then realized what happened. When I sat with him and Faith in the cafe yesterday, I was so distracted by trying to protect Faith that I didn’t realize his longing eyes whenever he stole a glance at her. He still loved her. Mario still loved Faith. I should’ve seen the signs. “Faith.”A bitter smile appeared on his lips. “Yeah.”“What happened?” I paused and quickly added, “I know it’s none of my business but if you don’t mind telling me.”Mario scratched the back of his neck and stood. “We are going to need some drinks if we’re going to talk about that.” He moved to the fridge again and yelled, “do you prefer chilled beer or shots of tequila?”
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