Semua Bab The Lycan King's Little Hybrid: Bab 1 - Bab 10
69 Bab
Chapter One (Isla)
As I ran down a forest path, a sense of foreboding washed over me as I slowed my pace to answer my ringing phone. “Mom?” “Don’t come back here, Isla run!” My mom's panicked voice ordered. “What do you mean, run? Why?” “They found us. You have to run…” I heard a crash and a scream before the line went dead. “Mom... Mom.. Damn it. I’m coming.” I yelled into the phone as panic rose in my chest and I left the path I was running along, heading home. I hung up, pushing my body as fast as it would go. How dare she tell me to run like I want to be responsible for their deaths? Over my dead body, no way would I let that happen! I was more than an hour away. I needed to pick up the pace. My parents owned an enormous property in the Rocky Mountains, large enough to get lost in. No one bothered us here, and it was the perfect place to hide. Until now, that is. I leapt over a creek, heading directly for home, hoping I would get there in time. The sun was setting. Hopefully, my wonky night vi
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Chapter Two (Anders)
Three days ago, we had finally found my father's former Beta and executed him and his mate for their crimes. We were unaware of their daughter. My father was in a rage because she managed not only to kill two of our pack but also escaped from us, and evaded us since. My father called the witch he had hired and asked her to do a tracking spell on the hybrid like he had to find his former beta. He had been upset about the death of his friend, but followed what was expected of him and executed him. “The witch finally got a lock on the hybrid. She’s finally stopped moving. We are about an hour away.” My father stated as he hung up his phone and turned his truck around, heading in the other direction. “Why are we hunting her down, exactly?” Thane asked, confused. “She’s a hybrid and they can’t be allowed to exist. You know this, Thane.” My father scolded my younger brother. “She also killed two of our pack. We can’t let that go unpunished.” “She was protecting her territory, and we h
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Chapter Three (Isla)
Finding a place to rest was difficult, but finally I came across an abandoned warehouse. I pulled my truck inside, got out, and closed the door. A few hours of sleep and I would be good to go. Using my duffle bag as a pillow, I curled up on the seat and willed myself to get some much needed rest. The Goddess must’ve been on my side because sleep came too quickly. I was standing in a field covered in blood, bodies lay everywhere, wolves had been beheaded and their corpses scattered the grass surrounding an enormous castle. Scorch marks marred the ground where immortals had been reduced to ash. I looked around the scene, not recognizing anything. What had happened? I walked towards a body that lay on the ground. The man that had been hunting me lay there unconscious and bleeding, but alive. Against my better instinct, I kneeled down and assessed his injuries. His leg was broken, and he had a nasty gash on his side. I looked around me for things I could use to help him. Finding some t
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Chapter Four (Isla)
“You need to get of here!” he yelled at me. His Blue-grey eyes set on our attackers. “They’ll kill you. Find Una and Murdina and Run." I was staring at him, disbelieving. Who am I supposed to find? “I’m not leaving you, I’ll fight beside you.” I declared as I grabbed my sword, arguing with him. I looked around, not recognizing the area. We were standing in the middle of a village. The clothing was old, not of the time I was currently in. Saddled horses lined the streets and men in armor rode them. “They’ve found you. You need to go. I promise I’ll find you.” He pleaded, wanting me to run while blocking a blow from one of the knights with his sword. “GO!” he bit out. Nodding and fighting my instinct to stay, I ran straight into the forest, looking for somewhere I could hide and wait for him. “Coward.” I hissed at myself; how dare you leave him to fight alone? Changing my mind and deciding I was going to help him, I turned around to head back to him when a man appeared out of the bu
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Chapter Five (Isla)
Nolan grinned, walking towards me, as the short man left and walked out of the room. He unhooked the chains from the wall and threw me over his shoulder, then turned and headed into the hallway. Angry, I was hitting and kicking him the best I could with my wrists and feet bound, trying to get him to let me go. He laughed. "Try all you like. It will not work." Finally, I gave up and turned my focus to my surroundings. Two things were certain I was underground, and this was a castle. It was like I had gone back in time. Which means I’m no longer in North America. Which begs the question, just where the hell am I? Nolan carried me into a medieval-looking room. Chains hung from the ceiling, there was an iron maiden in the corner, and the rack, which is the most common in medieval torture, sat in the middle of the room; they had iron claws on a table by what looked like a giant stone altar and a giant iron chair, and another chair sat in another area of the room. The room was terrifying.
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Chapter Six (Isla)
In my dream, I was running as fast as my feet could carry me. Two others were with me as a group of hunters got continually closer. “Run…. We are almost there!” I yelled through the mind link while I jumped over a fallen tree. The woman and the wolf with me did the same. The woman was tall, slim, and curvy, with long blonde hair and amber eyes. She turned and threw magic back at our pursuers, hoping to slow them down as my sister and I ran in our wolf forms. Alpha Darian (My sexy mate, how I loved my complicated man) wouldn’t be too far away. We just had to reach him. We had been running for what felt like hours to reach our pack's land and had gone out hunting but had gone too far, thinking that we were in neutral territory. We thought it’d be ok, but it turned out that another pack had claimed it as their own. “Darian is going to be so mad at me.” He grew angry anytime I had put myself in danger and scolded me in the most inventive ways. Eventually, we ran to a cliff and wer
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Chapter Seven (Anders)
A scream pulled me from the darkness that had consumed me. Fighting my drowsiness, I opened my eyes. Looking around, I tried to piece together where I was. I remembered being in North America and fighting against the Shadow Moon Pack. We were both after the same target. My father had killed his former Beta, who had run from the pack with his witch mate. It had taken years, but he had finally found them, and we followed pack law and executed them. We had not counted on them having a child, although she was not a child anymore. She surprised us by killing two of our pack. She was a sight to behold. Her Long black hair braided and falling to her waist shimmered in the moonlight which brought more attention to her piercing green eyes and small slim but curvy frame. She wore blue jeans and a red t-shirt with two swords strapped to her back. The weeks when we had pursued her, she awed me with her survival and fighting skills, although it was a disadvantage for us. She was quick on her f
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Chapter Eight (Alec)
“Where are they” I yelled at the wolves in the room. I had tasked them with finding my father and brothers. I was furious that they had left me behind in the first place. They left me in charge because I was the youngest and they knew I had no intention of leading, and it infuriated me that they left me in charge, anyway. Leaving me behind like some weak pup. My father and brothers hadn’t checked in with me in a few days, which was unlike them, seeing as they liked to keep tabs on me. Like I didn't know their spy was checking in, making sure I was doing my job and not womanizing. They didn't trust me, but this was just too far. I'm not just a womanizer. I have my uses and I'm smart with battle strategies and reconnaissance missions, but do they see that? No. The fact they hadn't called raised alarm bells. I knew the Shadow Moon Pack had showed up in North America and had crossed paths with them. My father was convinced that they were trying to find the keys that the prophecy had men
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Chapter Nine (Isla)
Nolan walked down the hallway after roughly flinging me over his shoulder. He opened the cell door and threw me hard against the wall of my cell, my head smacking against the hard stone wall before Nolan turned and left, slamming the door. I crawled to the corner and curled up, trying to get comfortable. Using the cool stone bricks to ease the pain in my head. I sat there, concentrating on my breathing. My body hurt, and I didn’t want to move. Scratch that, I didn’t think I could move. All I wanted was to find my mate so I wouldn’t be alone anymore. Before I had my parents, now I felt lonely. I wanted to live a normal life. Instead, I’m curled up on the floor, looking bloody and pathetic. Embarrassed and appearing weak in front of anyone caused me to become angry. A lot of good all the training did when I still ended up captured mere weeks after my parents’ death, unable to avenge them or escape this shitty situation. The man I had met at the bar was Anders or I guess now Alpha Ande
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Chapter Ten (Isla)
I awoke noticing someone had bandaged my back with whatever cloth they could find, mostly pieces of my shirt. I looked at Anders and Thane, who were now both awake. Confused. I uttered, “Why?” “I told you, your wounds needed tending.” Anders stated simply. “And I told you, let the pieces fall where they may.” I retorted grumpily, sick of the weird dreams and nightmares of my parents. Now, to top it off, I had a bipolar cellmate. Shall I kill the lass or help her? I’ll help her and kill her later. Again, mimicking his voice in my head. “You should’ve left it, but thank you.” I grumbled at barely a whisper, surprised I hadn’t woken up when he had bandaged it. Thane looked at me, puzzled. “What are you thanking us for?" he paused and continued, "Why are you here, lass?" I shrugged. “For bandaging my back. They think I know something I don’t, or I don’t know maybe the same reason you guys hunted me.?” I accused, causing him to flinch. "I am sorry about that," he looked at Anders. "I d
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