Semua Bab In Love With A Billionaire Casanova: Bab 31 - Bab 40
201 Bab
His miserable day
Emiliano watched as the so-called manager lady showed them all the tiny baby clothes her store could offer, to prevent getting attention from the media he suggested they go to a private baby shop and Sia agreed because she hated attention. Everything was going smoothly the day was still going and her lunch date with Tara was an hour away"Sir, madam this is the best quality our store can won't find this anywhere," the lady with glasses said as she raised a few rompers and of course, Emiliano being a businessman rolled his eyes because people would say anything to make their products sell. He had no idea what the little guy needed, although he despised Sia his hatred had its limit because the little guy was much cooler than his careless mom"Pack whatever you can, I'm so done here," Emiliano said to the manager with frustration as he adjusted his cap because many mothers who were getting baby clothes kept looking at him m from somewhere, he glanced at Sia who wa
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Trouble comes knocking
 "You have to be kidding!" Angelo exclaimed as he fixed his gaze on Diego who was crying like someone had dropped him from the fifth floor, Angelo was lost not sure what to do because since he arrived at where Emiliano was, he had seen nothing but watch Diego cry nonstop, and now it was getting the best of him, as they tried to find out what was wrong with him. Emiliano was going insane having to take care of a baby who neither talked nor walked at least he would have known what he wanted but so far, nothing"That vile woman left and ran away" Emili, and said through gritted teeth as he held the baby carefully in his arms, he was tired from walking around trying to keep him quiet and of course, Trey was calling him nonstop saying the client was already waiting for him"D…do you think she dumped the baby and left for good"Angelo gasped dramatically a
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Stranded in the middle of nowhere
"W...what's wrong Sia? come on drink this"Tara said with desperation and handed a glass of water to Sia who was coughing violently"I'm... I'm fine, thank you"sia with shaky hands took the glass and drank the water to wash down the solid lump on her throat formed by both fear and anxiety, how on earth did the Casanova find her"Are you confident…you look pale?" Tara said in a worried tone and walked to Sia trying to calm her down, but Sia's breathing increased as she tried to glance down the first floor hoping Emiliano wouldn't see her. If he saw her then it was game over on both sides because Tara would know about Diego and Emiliano would know that she was a tiny liar and a Navarro as well 'think Sia think' she thought with desperation as she adjusted her eyes to come up with an excuse to get rid of Tara"I think…" Tara started but just then her phone started ringing as she took it out and answered immediately"Yes, okay on my way," Tara said and c
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Trapped in the room with the casanova
"I don't have it, I forgot it somewhere," she said in a low tone again and saw Emiliano's anger flare up, now that she thought about it she regretted going to that boutique to change her clothes and since she wanted to wear something different so Emiliano would have a hard time finding her, she ended up forgetting her phone, she didn't even have her purse with her because it was in Emiliano's car"Damn it you are's getting late, we need to find somewhere to sit, forget that I need to sleep"he complained as they walked away from the restaurant, the sky darkened as thunder roared. For a while, Sia thought it was a car but it wasn't because lighting struck indicating it was going to rain any time soon as if they didn't have enough to deal with"How on earth did you get here without a phone and money huh, we need to book a five-star hotel""We don't have any money therefore we can't afford an expensive hotel...what's wrong with you," she said in anger a
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Prying for answers
Sia shifted in her sleep from side to side as she tried to find a comfortable position, but her body felt heavy as she fought with drowsiness to lift her eyelashes and when she did, she looked around the room and panicked as she at up to inspect herself just as the door flew open and Carmen walked in holding a glass of warm milk with a huge smile on her face"Good morning Sia, did you sleep well?" Carmen said as she went on to put the glass beside her bed and Sia with a confused expression tried to put pieces together"I' was good" she mumbled as her hand went in her hair as she watched Carmen draw the curtains apart. She was now back in the Alvaro mansion but how come because she recalled falling asleep in that small room if the hotel Emiliano hated"I was so worried about you Sia, granny and I nearly went crazy searching for you and Emiliano, especially Diego, "Carmen said and sat on the bed, still Sia was confused not sure how she got here"Well... I...i
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Saying no to the wedding
 "Baby are you sure it's okay for you to go in alone?"Mario asked with narrowed eyes as he looked at Sia who was about to step out of the car heading inside the Fine Dine restaurant"Yep, I'll be fine Mario as it is I can't let you three come with and Rhea need to look after Diego, "Sia said as she made sure her hair was perfect, it was in the afternoon and since she had nothing to do other than listen to Carmen makeup all the plans about the wedding, sia wasn't a fool but she knew she had gotten too deep in the Alvaro family than she planned. For one thing, carmen and the old lady weren't so bad after all and treated her with love and affection even more than her parents despite the hatred she got from Vince and Emiliano who never wanted her in their lives everything was fine but she was feeling bad to have lied to them about who she was. Putting that aside she was no one her way to have lunch with her other soon to be husband Logan Martinez who her very own da
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Torn between two men
Sia and Logan arrived at the Navarro mansion and as soon as the car came to a stop by the entrance, Logan got out and proceeded to open the car door for Sia like a perfect gentleman he extended his hand to her and Sia took it and got out as well. After having lunch with her, Logan suggested they spend the rest of the day doing things she wanted hence Sia ended up having a little bit of fun with him"Shall we?"Logan held her hand as they walked inside, from time to time Sia peeked at him, and like always she didn't find anything wrong with him, he was what most girls would dream of, caring and always paying attention to the tiniest detail about the person he was with. That was what made Logan the best man she has ever come across and that was why she always tried to distance herself from him, he was innocent and expected more from the woman he wanted and her being Sia didn't have enough to give which was why she always pushed him away"And here they are"Cristal exclaime
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A hot plan from Emiliano
 It was as if someone had finally switched her life with another because Sia was tossing and turning in bed not sure if to wake up and face reality or hide away until her troubles disappeared. With lazy eyes, she prompts on her elbows as she faces palmed herself repeatedly scolding herself for what she did the previous night with Logan. She vowed never to give him a chance no matter how many times he came begging to her but with just his sweet words she melted like butter. It wasn't old news that she and he had a thing for each other for a very long time even though they kept it between them, she never wanted Logan ever in her life because like every other man he put his company and greed for money first which was not what she wanted in a life partner, therefore, she always acted hostile towards him and made sure he never came close to her. Now it was different even if she melted under his touch and kissed him as her life depended on it. She still felt guilty about the fact tha
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Taking off her mask
Nothing felt worse than having to sit in the same car as Emiliano, Sia knew nothing went right whenever the man was around her, and since she was forced to attend the party with Emiliano she had no choice but to go-aheadAfter getting ready of course it wasn't easy seeing how many times her parents were calling her to attend the party with them not knowing that she was going to the same party, and she was the main event of the same party hosted by the Alvaro's*beep beep*Her phone made a sound and with narrowed eyes, she brought it to her face, and yes Logan had sent her a message like he had been doing for the last one hour reminding her of how delighted he was to attend a party with her("Hey baby, I'm already at the party so are your parents, come fast")she reads the message and put down her phone and secretly glanced at Emiliano who was sitting with ease smiling as he looked at his phone without sparing her a glance which she greatly appreciated"I know
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Touching what's not his
Just as sia was about to take off the mask Mario appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Sia before she could get exposed and said to the ladies"Hello beautiful ladies, may I have a dance with the lovely lady," Mario said with a charming smile that left Carmen who knew him very well helpless and Crystal smiling  while Sia exhaled in relief"Sure Mario go on but make sure you stay close okay," Carmen said and Sia nodded and followed Mario who ushered her away from there and led her to a hidden corner Sia nearly died from a heart attack"That was close, thanks Mario," she said as she tied her mask properly Mario scanned her for a while and frowned"Sia, couldn't you have thought of any excuse to get out of there" if he didn't show up on time who knew what would have happened, already he spotted her dad talking to Emiliano and of course Vince. If anyone knew who she was, then it was game over, her dad would make her life miserable"I know, but I can't take th
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