Semua Bab Killer Smile: Bab 31 - Bab 40
49 Bab
Chapter 30 Not Entirely Human
  I could feel someone jabbing my side, but my body was too tense and stiff. I feel so drained and dead, like I have run a marathon even though I hadn’t. I could not understand why I was so tired when all I did after lunch was eat with Tyrelle. “Gabriella.” I could hear Tyrelle calling for me as he tried to shake me awake. Because of his continuous pestering, my body slowly started to awaken. I began to feel the stiffness of my neck from the position that I was in. Wait. Position? Where am I exactly? In my haste to find out where I was, I abruptly lifted my head while lights danced in front of my eyes. I started to blink rapidly
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Chapter 31 Midnight Visitor
Despite the long day ahead of me, I found it hard to sleep. I mean, who would have especially when someone told you that you’re a witch. And I was pretty sure that I didn’t mishear them because they repeatedly declared that I’m a witch. If Tyrelle didn’t have the initiative to pull me back, I feel like I would have stood there frozen. “Meow.” Come to think of it; I brought the cat home with me without even thinking it through. My mom and dad weren’t aware of the cat either since they were busy in the hospital that they had to work overtime.  The little black cat hopped on my pillow as if it sensed that I was troubled. 
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Chapter 32 Opera’s Bloodline
The next day, Tyrelle and I headed to school early in the morning to come and see Doctor Kusher. It was me who requested this despite Ael’s warning to no longer converse with the witch doctor. There was just something in Al’s words that made me think that there was more to this witch stuff that he didn’t want me to find out. It was an impulse decision on my part to keep my mind off of worrying about my parents as they haven’t returned since yesterday. They also haven’t responded to my calls or messages. “Miss Gabriella, I am happy to see that you returned.” Despite doctor Kusher’s words, the look in his eyes contradicted them. It seemed that he was focused more on something other than our
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Chapter 33 Hidden Truths
My Killer Smile. As it turns out, it was a magical phenomenon. According to the doctor, because of the vast amount of magic that my bloodline has, my magic took it upon itself to make a defense mechanism to keep me safe. He told me that it was a common occurrence to people of my Opera’s bloodline because witches with high raw magic are hunted down during the old times. My killer smile was only my protection to keep me safe from danger. And according to him, the only way for me to remove my killer smile is for me to learn magic so it would deem me powerful enough that I would no longer need it. I managed to contact Tyrelle during lunch, and I told him everything that happened during his
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Chapter 34 Lovely Dinner
Since that day, I no longer saw Aelfric.  My parents were unharmed, as Tyrelle had promised, while the majority of the doctors were injured in some way. According to my parents' story, someone locked my parents up in the ER when the attack happened. They, along with the rest of the people in the room, were perplexed and shaken the moment they got out.  In the meantime, the rest of the hospital staff had to undergo therapy sessions for what happened - my parents included. Days went by, and soon I had to meet up with Tyrelle’s father again. But this time, fortunately, they no longer have to kidnap me because I am going with Tyrelle.
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Chapter 35 Witch’s Domain
“Julie?” I gasp when I see her at the place where I am supposed to meet with Doctor Kusher. We were on a private property where the witches live. The entirety of the land is enclosed in tall bamboo woods. We stood in front of a massive house. I hesitated to call it a house because it typically looks like a massive witch's home, complete with pointed roofs and square-framed windows. The wooden door at the front looks a little pointed and blends in with the stone material of the entire house because of its dark color. The area is wide, with a ton of greenery in sight. There's even a huge garden dome full of plants they were raising that I'm not sure what it's called. Then, my eyes moved to a meditation area on the far side of the house out of curiosity. It’s the firs
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Chapter 36 Burn
The witch's domain is like a maze. Tall hedges keep blocking my path, making it difficult to remember where I’ve been. Now, I’m starting to wonder if rushing off and leaving Doctor Kusher behind isn’t such a good idea.  “Lady Gabriella,” speaking of the witch doctor, is incomparable. The doctor rushes to me. His glasses almost fall from his nose as he runs. He sighs and leans forward. His hands support his body as he rests them on his knees. “Good. I finally caught up to you.” He says this before fixing his posture. “Let’s go, lady.” “Wait. Stop.” I planted my heels on the ground to stop him from taking me away. “The wolf.”
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Chapter 37 Sunflower
I was in a room and being pampered by Julie. She made me drink some sort of herbal tea that’s supposed to restore my energy and help me recover from the fatigue of using my magic. According to her, my first time using my magic had been used tremendously, which resulted in my headache. “What about Al? What happened to him?” I hand Julie the empty cup of tea that she made me drink. It’s disgusting, and I certainly have no desire to empty it. I had already consumed half of the contents in the cup. Julie didn’t seem to mind when she took the cup from me. “He’s in another room. Sleeping.” Julie must have read my mind by looking at my face. “He’s going to be fine.” “But I didn’t-” “I don’t know why you continue to associate with those supernaturals, but they are not good. You can never trust them.” She says. This time, I turn to Julie. I want to comfort her with a smile, but I can’t exactly do that at the moment. “Julie, can I ask you something?” I took her raised brow in question as
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Chapter 38 Sunflower
Tyrelle accompanies me the next day for my second day of training with the witches. He’s already aware of the circumstances regarding Aelfric, so he wants to come and see him for himself. Aside from accompanying me to the location, he’s also here to ask him a few questions. “According to Doctor Kusher, he’s already been transferred to another room.” Tyrelle and I walk side by side as we are being escorted by the other witches inside of their home. Tyrelle seems to have two types of images among the female witches. One is of adoration, while the other is of fear. I recall Julie telling me about the witches and wolves’ relationship before, so I suppose that explains the mixed reactions we're getting. “Are you and Al going to fight again?” I sneak a glance at him to see what his reaction is going to be. “I simply want to ask him some questions regarding the attack in the hospital.” He gives me a side glance when we finally pause in front of a door. He knocks on it before adding, “Y
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Chapter 39 Renewed Smile
Once again, Al disappeared. Tyrelle and I have no idea where he went, but every night, he would leave a note on my bedside table that was too skin-crawling for me to even say out loud or even read. But, at least it’s an assurance that he is alive. It’s been over a month since Al’s absence, and with that, the attacks of the other packs have stopped. My witchly lessons continued, but at a very slow pace since none of the witches could really teach me how to use my type of magic. Mine and Tyrelle’s fake dating seems to continue and we would usually go on fake dates to further convince his father. We get along well, but somehow, I always have this guilty sort of feeling that whenever I am with Tyrelle, I somehow imagine Aelfric popping out of nowhere to ruin the date. He never did, but the night after hanging out with Tyrelle, he would write a three-page love letter, detailing how he planned to murder him once he was no longer busy. I know I should be concerned, but it is also a reli
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