Semua Bab Whispers of Sikar: Bab 1 - Bab 10
50 Bab
Chapter One
'The Darkness is known to always do two things - take a life...and spare one.' 1871 The young girl woke in the dead of the night. It was unusual. She was always awakened by the first rays of morning. She could not see anything as she lied face up in her bed, and for a moment, she forgot where she was. Her breathing intensified as her eyes darted around, only to be met by more darkness, except for a small opening above her where a very faint light flowed in and she could hear the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze outside.When her eyes finally began to adjust to the darkness, she remembered that she had been asleep in her room. It was still too dark to see anything, however, as the candle sitting on her nightstand had long burned out. She looked over to her left, barely able to see her older sister's bed on the other side of the room."L-Lyda?" she stuttered, almost too afraid to make a sound in the darkness. There was
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Chapter Two
Adea slept like a baby that night in her sister's bed, despite the horrifying events that had preceded. However, the following morning was no easier to endure. Adea felt an enormous strain on her energy after the nightmare that affected her usual cheerful attitude, and there was nothing subtle about it as everyone could see it. After forcing down breakfast with little appetite, Adea found herself sitting alone on the front porch of the cottage, staring off into the trees.Their home was located just below a ridge that looked out over the horizon. On some cool evenings in autumn, her parents would take her and Lyda onto the ridge to watch the sunset over the sea of golden leaves, but that was halfway around the year from now. It was spring, and the trees surrounding the cottage were greener than ever.A river flowed down the hillside not far away and into a small valley, where her father would go periodically to trap fish. They were neither hunters nor farmers. Instead,
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Chapter Three
"Lyda! You're distracted again."Lyda quickly snapped back to her senses, having been lulled by the sound of a rushing creek nearby that she could not see. Usually, Iris would conduct her lessons with Lyda at the cottage or off in the woods not far away when the days were nice enough. This time, however, she took Lyda deeper into the mountains, heading west and carrying a burlap sack around her shoulder with everything they would need for today's lesson.Lyda was excited at first for a refreshing change of scenery but grew tired after the first hour of hiking. She kept asking Iris where they were going and how much longer it would take, but Iris just told her, "You'll see." To Lyda's bewilderment, they walked for over six hours, pausing a few times for breaks, before Iris finally stopped and instructed Lyda to sit down on a large, natural stone slab that was sticking up out of the dirt. She did as she was told, and Iris sat down on the stone in front of her. She began
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Chapter Four
That night, Lyda was unable to sleep. She felt overly aroused by her spiritual conversation with Iris, and as promised, she did not say a word about it to anyone, not even her own sister.Adea had been hesitant to go to sleep that night, remembering the horrible dream from before. She asked if she could sleep in her sister's bed again, but Lyda only shot her a look and said, "No. Grow up." Despite her fears, it did not take long for Adea to pass out, but Lyda was stuck in a state of limbo where she could not close her eyes no matter how tired she was. It got to the point that her eyes were burning with exhaustion, yet her restlessness prevented her from drifting off. Her mind was lost in wonder, desiring to know even more about the Spirits, but she knew that Iris considered their talk to be a one-time thing. It was like a terrible itch rising from the very depths of her soul.Just then, an idea lit up in Lyda's head that she would not have considered in her wildest dre
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Chapter Five
Lyda knew she must have lost her mind to think this was a wise idea. She slipped quietly back into her room, careful not to wake Adea as she dressed in warm clothes. She then hurried out to the small shed near the chicken coop and grabbed an old, rusty lantern. They rarely ever used it because her family did not often leave the cottage at night, so she doubted anyone would notice she was using it now. She managed to light the stone cold lantern and, with her leather-bound book stuffed in a pack on her back, she saddled up one of her father's smaller ponies and rode off down the ridgeline.Lyda had been learning to ride since she was six-years-old, so she was fairly good at it for her age. The pony she had taken was her favorite, the same one she rode the first time she ever mounted a horse; a beautiful, auburn young pony with white spots dotting along her back. Lyda fell in love with her immediately, naming her Hazel.Despite how adept she had become riding Hazel aroun
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Chapter Six
The first she found herself staring at was the starlit western horizon casting its faint light upon the mountains in the distance. Scanning around her new surroundings, Lyda saw that she had come out into a large, basin-like spring with a pair of streams flowing from the rocky walls on either side. The streams snaked toward the center as if mirroring each other, before joining beneath the exposed roots of a very unusual-looking tree. From there, the merged stream flowed toward the west and over the cliffside at the end of the basin.Lyda approached the tree in the center of the spring. The roots of the tree rose up from the ground as though the streams had eroded the area to the point that they now flowed underneath it. The roots then formed a base from which four identical-looking trunks extended up and entwined around one another in a twisting manner. Lyda's face lit up with a wide smile and expression of discovery. Everything about this place, from the tree standing before
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Chapter Seven
The entire night was no more peaceful for Adea than the previous. The nightmare from before was the most horrible she had ever experienced, and she hoped it would never happen again. This night, however, was no better. Adea's sleep was plagued by fleeting dreams of voices whispering to her from the shadows. They came one after the other with very little reprieve in between. Most of the time, she just heard the voices as if they were all around her, whispering in her ears. She could not understand what they were saying, but there were many. Actually, it sounded more like the same voice but speaking to her from multiple angles, almost like it was conversing with itself.The voices only sounded for a few minutes at a time, but in her lucid state of sleep, it felt like an eternity; an eternity of pure fear. Every time she heard them, Adea refused to allow her mind's eye to open and clenched her real eyes as ti
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Chapter Eight
"Adea!" a voice called out to her. She barely registered it as she flailed uncontrollably on the floor. "Adea!"Something snatched hold of her other wrist, trying to hold her still. Adea only struggled while her arms were pulled away from her face."Adea, calm down! Wake up!"Against every fiber of her being, Adea opened her eyes again. Though she was still screaming at the top of her lungs, she was shocked to find herself staring up at the face of her sister."Adea!" Lyda repeated, trying to get through to her. "Look at me!"Adea's screams slowly began to dissipate, her wide eyes glued to her sister's. Lyda's heart was pounding just as hard as Adea's. Just then, she heard the frantic scrambling of footsteps coming from down
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Chapter Nine
Neither Lyda nor Adea slept the rest of the night. Adea was far too frightened to even close her eyes and constantly asked her sister what she really thought about the dreams she was having. Lyda responded by reminding her that none of it could possibly be real, much to Adea's chagrin. Despite her apparent lack of interest, Lyda was, in fact, taking all this in intently, and she stared up at the dark ceiling, anxious to delve deeper into the pages hidden under her bed.It was not long after Adea's most recent night terror that the first rays of morning began to peek over the mountains to the east, and Lyda was thankful that she returned from her little nightly excursion when she did, or else she would surely have faced the wrath of their parents. By their mother's request, the two of them were left to sleep a little later into the morning instead of being woken up for their early studies, and Iris would no
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Chapter Ten
Mara did not come out of the cellar for the rest of the day after that. As he promised he would, Matthias immediately took the leather-bound book to the backyard and burned it with the compost. He did not take his eyes off it until the last flames had died down and each and every piece of parchment was rendered to ash. That would be the end of it, he kept telling himself.Alyra had been watching curiously from the garden. "What was that?" she asked as Matthias began heading back to the cottage."Don't worry about it," was all he could answer with.Alyra let out a sigh, showing a hint of frustration. "Did you talk to Mara?""I took care of it," Matthias responded, not wanting to keep his mind on any of this. "We won't have to worry about this anymore."
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