All Chapters of The Alpha's Fallen Angel: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
122 Chapters
Morrison We had to come back early and I was not happy about it. Liam called and said that we needed to come back because something had happened. We were still setting up the trap to kidnap Aliya, Tallyn, and Lailani when I got his call. We left the next day and got back late last night. I could tell by the way he sounded that something bad had happened but I had no idea what. I hadn’t heard of any attacks in the area so I didn’t think it was that. I sit up and that is when I notice that my little mate is not in the bed next to me. I stand up and walk into the bathroom. I can tell by her scent that she was here not too long ago. I take a quick shower and pull on some light clothes. It had gotten hot lately and the fewer clothes the better. I lean against the door frame with a smile on my face. Mom is there talking with Violet. She is teaching her how to cook. Violet can cook some stuff but she admitted that she is not a great cook. Mom is a fantastic cook and baker so w
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Brayden “You're not going to believe this. I just found out that two weeks ago Alpha Emmanual of the Northern Plains Pack attacked and killed Alpha Hewitt the Eastern Scarlet Moon Pack. From what I was told by Alpha Emmanual’s gamma, his little sister is a special/gifted wolf. She was kidnapped a month ago and somehow Alpha Emmanual was able to track her to the Eastern Scarlet Moon pack. She was being held in some hidden room. From what his gamma said it looked like there were other girls there at some point but they only found her.” Eddie says. “I wonder why they would move all the other girls if they had truly been there, but kept her.” I state. “One of the guards told them that Alpha Hewitt’s son, who is missing, wanted her for himself. That is why they kept her. The guard said that this isn’t the first time that Alpha Hewitt has housed kidnapped wolves.” Eddie adds. “Maybe she was his mate.” I point out. “The guard said that Alpha Hewitt’s son had not found his mate
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Harrington None of us had any idea what prompted all of them to make an emergency journey here, but Zharten, Gideon, Zane, Wes, and Emmanual will be here within the hour. Kendrick had already let the patrols know that they were on their way and to let them in no questions asked. Myles and Delanie had shown up an hour ago as well. Carter and Luke stayed behind since they are still trying to get the hang of running the pack. I already had everything in place so that Myles could take back a video of this meeting for Carter and Luke. I really did miss those guys. They had only been gone for a couple of weeks but everyone definitely noticed their absence. I knew Aliya had a hard time at first but she has been better over the last week or so. Brayden had decided to hold this meeting in the huge boardroom since there were so many of us. We were just waiting for the others to arrive. We heard them before we saw them. “Honey we’re home.” Alpha Wes sang. “Oh shut up and get your as
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Aliya When I find out whose bright idea it was to have this meeting at the ass crack of dawn I will kill him or her. The fucking sun isn’t even up yet. I drag myself down the hall to the stairs heading for the conference room. I can hear someone in the kitchen and there had better be both coffee and breakfast at this meeting or I can promise someone will die a very slow and painful death. I practically plough into Tallyn who looks just as thrilled with this meeting as I am. We both continue our journey to the boardroom. The both of us collapse on the large comfy sofa. I am almost asleep when the door bangs against the wall. “The next one to make that much noise is getting a bolt of electricity up their ass.” I growl. “I concure.” Tallyn mumbles. “Oh and there had better be food and coffee involved in this meeting or I will suddenly get the craving to drink blood.” Tallyn adds. “Don’t worry angel. We knew better than to get the two of you up this early and not have coffe
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Brayden I have been sitting in my office since Harrington dropped that bomb on us a few hours ago. Most of the others left and went about their business. I felt like I was glued to my chair. It also felt like someone stabbed me in the back. Granted Harrison and I had not been that close but we had known each other growing up. I knew Chester better and was closer to him. Honestly, there were a few of us that had our suspicions about Harrison and Chester not being related. Dad and mom were both adamant that Harrison was not Chester’s dad's son. I have no idea why no one questioned it but no one did. Most of us growing up didn’t care if they were brothers or not. Thinking back on it now Harrison had changed after being away at college. Not in a major way but little things that should have set off red flags. I was also at a loss as far as what to do with him. Henry or Willis whatever his name is I wanted dead since he was part of Morrison’s little group. I knew that I couldn
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Aliya Everything has been quiet these last three days. I have been keeping my ears open listening to what Morrison and his cronies talk about. Interestingly enough they have not mentioned me or anything to do with the pack. They have been talking in some weird code and I think it is about Alpha Hewitt’s old pack. I have heard them mention Alpha Emmanual’s name a few times. They seem very preoccupied with something but I am not sure what. I know that the guys have been stressed out over the whole Harrison and Henry issue as well. Those two have disappeared and I know that Nelson said that he had heard from them but they weren’t coming back to the pack. I guess the guys were right. I bet they did double back. I think they will come back close to here. I am sitting out on the balcony of our room. Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be 20. Kayssia called today and told us that Carter had proposed to Yvette. I was so happy for them. Technically when we mate and mark each other
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Kendrick Well, last night ended better than it started. I knew something was wrong when the lights flipped on and Aliya stood there like a deer in headlights. She had no idea what the hell was going on. It got even worse when she actually asked what was going on. Brayden had been told by Luke when her birthday was. He told us and we decided to plan a nice big party for our favourite luna and angel. Looking back on how we went about it I can see how she would come up with the conclusion that she did. When she admitted that she was thinking about leaving I felt my stomach twist and I am sure my face paled. All during the party, we apologized to her and I think I may have apologized for more than I needed to. “She forgives you so you can stop beating yourself up,” Tallyn says. “I know but I still feel horrible since it was my idea to basically ignore her so no one would give away our plan,” I whine. “Hey I know that you feel terrible for that but everything is fine.” Tallyn
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Shawn I had no idea how to feel when Harrington revealed that my Nessie was King Luthar’s long-lost niece. I think we were all shocked as he told hte story. While I was glad that Nessie would be able to get to know some of her family it also meant that King Luthar would want her to come back to his kingdom and live there. I am sure they thought that I was nuts when I got up and walked out of the meeting. I had no choice. It was that or start yelling and threatening the king. We had all gotten to know him and his beta are good guys but the thought of him taking away my little wolf pissed me off. So instead of fighting, I opted to leave. I stormed out of the packhouse. I am sure the women thought I had lost my mind. I think Aliya said something to me on my way out but I was so focused on getting out of there that I ignored everyone. I slammed the door to my cottage closed and leaned back against it. I closed my eyes and was just about to let out a growl of frustration when I
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Brayden My angel is up to something. I have been mildly suspicious since her mother was here. I noticed yesterday that she was spending a lot of time looking at flowers. That really shouldn’t be that weird since she does have fae blood and their love of nature is well-known, but these flowers were so normal that I found it odd. She usually loves rarer flowers. I am also convinced that Tallyn and Lailani are part of her little plan. I have yet to say anything to Kendrick but I think he has also realized that those three women are up to something. Milynn and Josie might even be in on it as well. Harrington came to and spoke with me about his concerns. I knew if anyone else noticed how suspicious they were acting it would be him and probably Chester as well. I love Kendrick and Eddie like they are my brothers but sometimes those two can be absolutely clueless. They can also be very oblivious to what is going on around them. “When is the King comimg?” Sasha asks. “Garreth and
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Aliya Well, we certainly received a surprise yesterday afternoon. The meeting was just about to finish when Oliver, who was part of our patrols, linked Kendrick to let him know that there were people at the Northwest border. I was surprised when the patrols said that they had never seen people like this before. Brayden told all of us women to stay at the packhouse but of course, mom and I went to see what the hell was going on. I stopped in my tracks when I saw who was standing at the border. I haven’t seen my uncles in a few years. I know they were shocked to see how much I had grown and were even more shocked when they realized I was pregnant. Brayden was not happy with me but I could care less. They are family and I was excited to see them. They didn’t stay long but they did say that they would be back. They were irritated that mom had snuck off again without taking her guards with her. “Sounds like another angel I know.” Brayden states. “I have no idea who you are ta
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