All Chapters of Devin Or Xavier : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
128 Chapters
Chapter 101
I returned home stinking of alcohol but I couldn't help but wonder what James was up to. What was he telling Emily? That shouldn't be my business, should it. After all, they are family, her biological father even if I don't understand their relationship. My phone buzzed and it was James calling. I looked at the screen and contemplated taking the call. Why was he calling me? Did he see me watching him? Such a stalker. I made sure he didn't see me and when I noticed he was approaching where I hid, I left immediately. I swiped up and placed the phone on my ear. "You better stay away," his husky voice warned. Stay away from what? Stay away from who? What was James saying? "Hello." "You heard me, Devin, stay away from my lane. I'm warning you." "You—" He ended the call abruptly before I could say anything so I tossed the phone away and went to bed. * * * I had an exam so I needed to get to school earlier. I spent my entire nigh
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Chapter 102
I know it's wrong to sneak around Emily's house but it felt relaxing and I needed that comfort. Emily made me feel human and I enjoyed every bit of her company. It was soothing to be here so I remained outside, looking around hoping she'd sense I was around and maybe open her window. I didn't want to go inside because her parents may be in and it would cause a lot of problems. I didn't want to be the cause of her family problems, I just wanted her happy. The door pushed open and Xavier came out. He looked confused as usual and wore a hoodie over his black shorts. I wondered if I could get inside when he was gone but I brushed the thought off. I was trying to avoid any problems with her family, including Xavier. I watched Xavier leave through the front door and he paused. He looked around like he was observing the environment then he turned to the back. He had a cigarette in his hand and he was going to smoke. I introduced Xavier to smoking pot and it made me feel guilty
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Chapter 103
I sat down quietly but everyone kept talking about prom and I was tired of listening to them. They were all making plans but I wasn't moved. The guys at my left kept making plans of how they'd snuggle some meth to the party and get high as fuck. They laughed at random topics and kept discussing how the prom would go. I don't want ro talk about some few that talked about wanting to get wasted when having sex. Do they they even think it's all about having orgy and getting random persons infected or pregnant normal? For me, its not and at the same time, I don't care. I didn't really care about prom except Emily was going to be there, of course. She had a way of bringing light to everything she got involved in and just maybe my Prom would be great if she came along. A smile tugged on my lips as I thought of her and imagined her in a dinner gown or something. She would look effortlessly pretty and it made my tummy grumble in excitement and anticipation. I checked
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Chapter 104
I returned home mad and irritated. I knew Xavier was an asshole but not the type that tried to rape his stepsister. It irked me to think that he touched Emily. Goad! I want to kill someone. I want to hurt someone now!!. I exhaled and kicked the soda can away. I was trying to take my mind off it. Emily said he didn't rape her and he just used her thighs. I was glad he didn't fuck her, I would have gone insane and probably beaten the fucker till his nose broke. Just nose, I would gladly break his rips and give him lots of internal injuries. "Damn it!" I yelled as I recalled how Emily felt when she told it to me. She looked like she was traumatized from the experience and it was fucking cruel. I couldn't stop thinking of it so I reached for an unlit cigarette in my pocket. I only smoked when I was heavily worried and couldn't think straight. Smoking and drinking helped clear my head, it was the only way I could remain the same in times like this. I walked t
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Chapter 105
I took the remnant of pizza and grabbed a juice. It was my breakfast and I needed to eat it hurriedly. I barely had any sleep, I sat up all night thinking of what James said. He made me worry and it didn't feel good to be disturbed. I stretched to the glass and poured some apple juice into the glass. I took a sip first and then gulped it till it finished. I checked my wrist watch and I had fifteen minutes to get to school. I took my baseball cap from where it hung on the wall and wore it. I grabbed my bag and my phone. I didn't want to run late so I took the short route as usual and walked to school. A notification pinged and I checked the screen of my phone. It was an Instagram notification and my brows raised when I saw the post. It was Gabby's post. Wish I could go on a date with the prom king #prom A furrow appeared on my forehead. I had no idea who the prom king was going to be and I didn't care. I imagined being the prom king for a minute but I
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Chapter 106
XAVIER'S POV The moment she said that my blood boiled. I became mad and could no longer keep shouting. I dropped my hands from her chin and clenched it. "You cannot do that!" "Watch me, Xavier!" She yelled back. Her eyes were teary and her whimpers were loud. "You cannot go with James, Emily. Fuck it! You're insane." She just kept whimpering and did not respond to me. "Let me go, Xavier." I wasn't going to let her leave till I made her know what I wanted her to know. "Emily," I started and reached for her shoulders. I held her arms and shook her. "I don't give a damn what our parents think, I want you, and I'll have you." "Get your filthy hands off me!" She yelled and tried to wriggle out of my hold. She heaved and her breathing pattern changed. She couldn't stop crying and I hated to see she was making up her mind to follow James. "Xavier you have no idea how much I hate you. I hate you so much and when I leave, I don't want to ever see you."
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Chapter 107
I got home and continued thinking of everything that happened. I wondered if Emily was really thinking of going to stay with James. It didn't make sense to me, she couldn't leave me, leave her mom, Dad, us. We had something going on and she just woke and decided to make such a decision. A surge of regret flushed through me, I wished I didn't have to say all that to Emily. I was regretting my choice of words and how my words hurt her. I was shitty to say those things to her. I was mad and thought it was the best thing to do. Yes, I wanted to hurt her but now I regret it. She didn't deserve to be called a mistake or whatever said, I could only wish to clear them from her head. It killed me to know she sought comfort in Devin's arms and that made me mad. It hurt me that I wasn't the one who gave her solace. I'm fucking toxic but that isn't the point. I just want Emily to myself and would do anything to have her. I reached for the unlit cigarette in my jacket. I
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Chapter 108
The fact that Emily left without telling me her destination sent chills down my spine. I turned back to the sitting room and kicked the couch. I held my hand in a fist and wondered what I could do to get my mind off it. I didn't want to smoke nor did I want to drink. I had no idea when Dad was coming back, it would get me in a lot of trouble if they get back and Emily wasn't back. I stretched and picked my phone from the glass table and dialed Mom's number. It wasn't connecting so I tried Dad's own and it connected.Dad picked up the call and I heard his burly voice. I swallowed hard and exhaled before responding."Dad." "Xavier, how are you son?""Uh, I'm good." "How's Emily? I miss my little girl too," he said and a giggle followed. "Emily. She's uh, she's sleeping and uh—" I was stammering because I didn't think of anything else to say. I didn't want Dad to find out Emily left the house so I tried to cover her up. "Sleeping?" I could hear
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Chapter 109
I angrily left Devin's house after he said Emily never went to his house. I was pissed that he had me come all the way there in search of her but a part of me was glad nine of the shit he said was true. I couldn't imagine Devin seeing Emily's naked body, it felt like a nail piercing my chest. I returned home late only to find Emily in the room. She was asleep and used a blanket to cover most of her body. I didn't know how to react if I should be angry she got me worried or be happy she was back. I couldn't bring myself to question her so I left her and slept. The next morning I woke up earlier than her and did a few things. I needed to keep myself busy till she woke up so I grabbed my gamepad and played video games. I was in the sitting room playing my games when she woke up. She walked to the sitting room and stood there staring at me. I noticed she was staring at me but she didn't say anything. Was she going to ask me why I was playing video games that earl
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Chapter 110
The policeman assured us they would do their best to bring Emily back but Mom kept crying. I couldn't blame her, I was scared too and I understood how it felt for your child to be missing. I returned home and kept blaming myself for what happened. If I didn't get into the argument with her, maybe she wouldn't have been kidnapped. I regretted everything that happened, I should have sat my ass inside and left her to go wherever she wanted as long as she returned home. I sat on my bed staring blankly. I didn't know what to do, I just needed Emily to be found. I looked at her empty bed and huffed. It didn't feel good to be here all alone. I was running out of my mind so I grabbed the packet of cigarettes from my jacket and took a lighter. I sneaked out of the house so I could smoke for a while. It was the only thing that could distract me from my reality. I couldn't sit down in the room knowing Emily was somewhere I didn't know. It hurt as hell to not know if she was f
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