All Chapters of The Reluctant Alpha: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
82 Chapters
Chapter 70 - Nigel and Holly
Nigel POV: I leaned in the bedroom doorway, watching my mate put the finishing touches on her make. She has no idea how gorgeous she is. She never has, probably from growing up as a tomboy, spending her childhood running free in the Adirondack mountains of New York with the Ironfur Alpha and Beta heirs. I always tell her that she is the most beautiful and sexy woman alive. She always tells me I’m a liar but with that soft smile and blush on her cheeks. I know she’s offered to let me leave her in these last eight years as we’ve yet to bring a pregnancy to term. I could never reject her. I don’t care if we ever have a pup because she is all I need to be happy forever. She is the air I breathe, and her love sustains me. “We need to go, gorgeous.” I smiled as she looked up and made eye contact in the mirror. “Unless you want to be late to Alpha’s wedding because I’d be happy to see that little black dress in a torn heap on the floor.” I smirked. “We will not be late for Alpha Logan’
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Chapter 71 - Kurt
Nigel isn’t the first casualty of this almost never-ending war. I know that might sound harsh, but this war with the Syndicate has been going on longer than I’ve been alive. Nigel is, however, the first casualty I could see I personally knew. And he died not only in my territory but also protecting my mate… I’m never going to forget him or his sacrifice. When this is over, the first chance I get, I will see Holly. I can’t imagine what she’s going through, and thanks to her mate, I didn’t have to go through it myself. I’ll focus on what I’m going to say to her later. Right now, I’m sitting in my office at the castle with my ranked wolves, Khalid and Dani. Wade is dead, so Noya will be weaker. We just need to find out where she is and put a permanent stop to this. “If we are going to act tonight, we better do it fast. Not only because you don’t want to give the Syndicate a chance to regroup but because we are running out of night, and Dani will have to rest. Not to mention we can kis
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Chapter 72 - Kurt
We needed to end this quickly. The sun was going to come up in three hours. But between the eighty warriors I was bringing, John’s hundred, and Caleb’s twenty-four vampires, I think we can take down the stragglers from the Syndicate. I’m sure some traffic laws were violated as we drove vans from Mount Adams to the meeting point with Bloodmoon and Caleb’s clan. We seemed to all arrive close to the same time. As soon as I was out of my van, I spotted John and Caleb. They were already standing off to the side, talking. I quickly made my way to speak with John and Caleb. “John. Caleb. Thank you both for coming. I know we are running out of time before the vampires will need to take cover for the day. So let’s make this quick.” I greeted. “John, we know this place. I say we stick to the same play. We break up into four groups to attack from all sides. Try to not kill any innocents, meaning unshifted or women trying to defend their pups. I’m sure there are still some here.” I instructed.
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Chapter 73 - Isis
I know I agreed to stay in the tunnels to protect those who can’t fight. But I feel really ineffectual right now. ‘Because we should be at our mate’s side. We should be with him making sure he is safe. We should be making sure that fucking cunt dies.’ Bastet growled, pacing. I sighed, trying to think of a response. To think of something that would rationalize why we are here and not out there. Something that might settle Bastet. Feeling someone tugging at my arm, I blinked and looked to my right. Talia looked at me with more worry than an eight-year-old ever should have. Looking past her, I see many worried faces huddled together in the tunnels. This is why I’m here. Kurt only took eighty warriors with him. I am responsible for the rest of our pack. That’s over two hundred people hiding in these tunnels. Over two hundred people are looking to me for guidance and protection. These are people who are too young to shift, have young children they need to protect, are too old to fight,
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Chapter 74 - Kurt
It was weird to wake up and realize that there was no danger to face. I don’t think I’ve ever woken up and not been worried about what trouble was waiting for me. Even as a child, I would wake up worried Siegfried would come for me. It was a feeling I could get used to. Not that I’ll ever stop being prepared for danger. I’m an Alpha now. I have to always be prepared for anything to ensure the safety of my people And thinking of people I always want to keep safe, I smile at Isis’s sleeping face next to me. Today will be a hard one for her, for all of us. Today we burn our dead, holding a mass memorial. But more than that, today I want to see Holly. We need to be there for Nigel’s memorial. I sighed, rolling to look at my clock, seeing it was almost nine. I’ve only slept for four hours. But I need to get up and start making plans for the memorial for those we lost, which I only think was maybe five or six. I decided to let Isis sleep longer. She went through a lot yesterday witnessi
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Chapter 75 - Isis
Can Kurt get any sweeter? I don’t think so. He went ahead and drew me a bath and was going to make breakfast for everyone. He knew how hard today would be for all of us. And he wanted to try and make things just that much easier on everyone. As much as I wanted to just soak in that bath for hours, I knew I couldn’t. Perhaps another time I can truly take my time and enjoy that big tub. ‘Maybe with Kurt.’ Bastet suggested making me blush as I looked through my side of the closet for something appropriate to wear. I should scold her for thinking that way on such a sad occasion, but I’ve thought about it too. Not today, but in general since we picked this suite as our master bedroom. I remember how impossible sex was in the shower and tub combo at the apartment was. But now we have a nice oversized shower with plenty of space for us, and the tub can undoubtedly fit two. ‘See, your mind is thinking about it now too. And I’m all for it.’ Bastet snickered. I rolled my eyes, choosing a
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Chapter 76 - Isis
“I know Uncle John and Alpha Logan will make sure you and your son are always cared for, but….” I started to ramble a little, catching myself as Kurt put his arm around me. “Silverclaw and our family will never forget what Nigel did and always be there for you.” Kurt concluded. “Thank you. I mean that. It’s just really hard, especially so soon. We had the memorial at dawn. And now… well…” Holly sighed, glancing at Davis, who didn’t look happy. He turned in a huff and went back inside. I don’t know what that’s about. Is he upset with us because he lost his son? Or with Holly about something? How rude to be angry with a pregnant woman after her love died. “He’s upset with my decision.” Holly sighed. “What decision?” Kurt questioned. “When Alpha Logan returns from his honeymoon, I will ask permission to go home. I have loved being in Bloodmoon, but there are too many memories of Nigel here. I want to return to Ironfur, where the only reminder of him will be the ache in my soul and o
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Chapter 77 - Kurt
The Silverclaw pack is breaking new ground and changing things up. My Luna is a hybrid born of a hunter and an unwilling werewolf. I’m the bastard son of what could have been the last Alpha. If he wasn’t a total asshole, even his mother knew he shouldn’t be Alpha. So if that wasn’t enough, let’s add in having a human hunter and his vampire mate as our Delta couple. Why not? There aren’t any rules against it. We’ll be the first pack to have an interspecies ranked leadership. I guess it works as we are also a cobbled-together pack. Some here have a blood tie to the old Silverclaw, but many are former rogues. In the wake of Noya’s demise of the ninety Syndicate, we captured, between both fights, all but a handful have chosen to take the oath when we have the big ceremony. So our pack has gone from nearly three hundred, including us ranked members, to almost four hundred. Beyond knowing where I need to be, what I’m supposed to say, and how I should dress, I’ve not been involved in the
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Chapter 78 - Isis
I don’t think I’ve been more nervous about something in my life. I was so jittery while getting ready that I nearly let my hair stay in the curling iron too long. Thankfully Zelma took the iron from me before my hair singed. Thankfully I had the others to help me. And I tried to distract myself from how nervous I was about the ceremony. I don’t know what all goes into a pack ceremony like this. I witnessed Aunt Sarael’s Beta ceremony, but that’s very different. All too soon, it was time to go. Everyone had gathered downstairs, waiting on Kurt and Khalid. And oh boy, when Kurt came down the stairs. Don’t get me wrong, Kurt is handsome no matter what he’s wearing. ‘Especially when he’s wearing nothing.’ Bastet snickered. I opted to ignore her, which was easy enough given I was distracted by how good Kurt looked in his tux. I had picked it out and knew he’d look good, but I hadn’t realized how good. Given how we both seemed to be in a lustful daze looking at each other, I at least kn
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Chapter 79 - Kurt
It’s only been a few days since the pack ceremony, and it’s still weird to hear the voices and feel the emotions of hundreds. Sure I was in the Bloodmoon pack link, so I was connected to thousands then, but as Alpha, it’s different. I can’t believe Logan manages to deal with this on a larger scale. Isis, Khalid, and Dani experienced difficulty adjusting to the pack link. None of them are used to being linked to multiple people like this, Isis more so as Luna. Khalid and Dani got it easier as they just had to tune out their thoughts. As Alpha and Luna, we have also to keep emotions out. But I think we’ve been doing well, and we’ll keep getting better at it. Today, however, the thoughts and emotions of the pack are strong. Today is the winter solstice, and Isis had her mind set on a pack-wide holiday festival. Everyone in the city is buzzing with excitement and joy to celebrate. Isis has no real experience celebrating Christmas, so I was more involved in this event. I’m of course ver
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