Lahat ng Kabanata ng My Bestfriend is my mate: Kabanata 51 - Kabanata 60
75 Kabanata
Ash looked at the time, and hour and a half before he was off to Adom and two and a half hours until he sees his husband. Awesome. He wasn't ready at all and he wasn't sure what he was going to say...or how to act. He was sure he was gonna break down into tears because it's Alex and god knows what else he's been hiding or lying about. He sighed to himself a bit before walking into his mums kitchen and biting his lip. "How're you feeling, pumpkin?" She went over and took him in a small hug before she pulled away and messed with hair a bit. "Fine, just a bit nervous about tonight." Ash had told his mum when he got back that he was gonna have a talk with Alex, she thinks it's a good idea, but told him not to make any rash decisions until tomorrow. "Don't get all to nerved up, pumpkin. You're gonna have Adom there to back you up, and I swear to god if he lays a finger on you, I won't
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Ash was still in his spot, he caught Alex gaze, and yeah he wanted to regurgitate. He looked like he just got off of work and his face looks like he hasn't slept in a few days. "So you wanted to talk?" Alex tilted his head and took a seat down in the recliner across from them and Adom was just glaring at him. If looks could kill, Alex would be dead. "U-Uh yeah." He had to collect himself a but, this was his husband, someone he could talk to...someone that stomped on his heart repeatedly. "I want you to tell me everything." Ash began to play with his wedding band and he could see the look ok Alex face, he seemed a bit pissed. "Like what? Explain." He said in a bit of a snippy tone. Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. "Tell me when you started sleeping around again....tell me how many people you've been with....if you really work that much." He wanted to know it all,
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 It was 12 in the afternoon and Kat was over trying to convince Adom to come out tonight. Don was throwing his summer 'bash' even though he had pushed it back like two weeks since they had a bit of financial issues. Kat was having a bit of trouble trying to get the lad to tag along, she hadn't the slightest clue why though, simply because Adom didn't tell her about what had happened. Adom did want to actually go, but he didn't want to run into the two love birds, it would seriously ruin his night. He had enough of feeling down and he was trying to avoid seeing them as a couple, he would much rather see Seb anyways of course by himself. "Adom, please come babe. Seb is definitely going to be there tonight and I know you won't want to pass up a chance to chat him up, I don't think Sophia is going to be there either," Ugh, false hope at its finest. "I don't know... I just don't want to be there and then get this
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It was pretty nerve wracking sitting outside your own house in your car, especially when you have to go inside and collect your belongings. Ash was going to do it this time, he knew Alex was home because his car was in the driveway, and that made it 100x more worse than before. He honestly didn't want to see him, not after everything that has happened. He took a few deep breaths and right before he cut the engine he second guessed himself and he was backing out of the driveway. Yeah, it wasn't time yet. It's been two full weeks since he last seen or talked to Alex, and it still wasn't enough time at all. He was down his street and stopped at a stop sign and took a moment to calm his nerves since he was the only car at the moment at the intersection. He really should go back and ration out his belonging and give Alex the house key...he had no intentions of coming back there after
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  Adom was in the middle of checking his bum out in mirror, he shook his head and sighed. "Why is it so flat?" He murmured to himself. Adom may be vain and loves to look in the mirror and take pictures of himself but he has some body image issues. He shook his head and groaned a bit before deciding to give up on imagining a bigger bum. He sighed to himself, he had a bit of time before Kat would be over, and besides he was pretty much done. After hours of getting ready that is of course. He heard a knock at the door and fiddled his brows, ugh, she was too early! He may be done but he wanted to some time  I relax before he goes off to his doom. He rubbed his forehead before he went and opened the door and he blinked when he saw Seb standing there. "Hey, Seb. What's up?" He wondered what he wanted and why in fact he was over.
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"Ash, you gotta eat at least something. Please eat." He shook his head at that. "I said I wasn't hungry." He rolled his eyes. Ash just wasn't hungry at all and he just wanted to be alone. He wanted to lay in bed and just relax. "Fine, but please don't go back to bed, I haven't see you since you came back earlier." Rose sighed a bit. "I just want alone time, Rose. Please." He was getting annoyed by her constant nagging of being social and being out of bed. "I'm worried about you, I know you're heartbroken and all, but you need to go out and have some fun instead of sulking." She crossed her arms and Ash just rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Whatever, Ash. I'm just trying to help you feel better. I'm gonna get mum invoked if this doesn't change soon." She threatened. His mum would make him literally get up and endure life. She left the room and Ash just clo
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"Someone's eager." Seb breathed against Adom neck and pressed a kiss to the crook of his neck. He felt hands go to his bum and squeeze and he shuttered a bit. Their lips met again and Seb led them onto the bed and do that he was beneath Seb, and his neck was was being kissed, which in turn caused a moan on Adom part. He gasped and his back arched when he felt Seb giving him a few love bites. This was gonna be one hard thing to explain to Kat. When Seb pulled away he pouted a bit but then it disappeared when he watched Seb undoing his belt and jeans, and Adom wanted to faint. He is really, really horny...and his judgement is all sorts of messed up right now. He bit his lip and when Seb pulled off his jeans and the boxers he still had on we're showing off his erection made him wanna faint, Seb looked pretty big. Perfect! Seb undid Adom pants and was pulling the
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"Adom, I can't keep housing you at my place for much longer, I will start charging you rent." Kat fiddled her brows a bit at that. Adom shook his head and slipped on his jacket since it was going into fall weather and it was the sort of well in middle of the night. It's been about a month since the whole hooking up incident had happened with Seb. He left his flat that night and found his way at Kats and with the right persuasion he's been staying here. "Kat, you don't understand... I can't go back there. "He hadn't told anyone what happened, because he was too scared himself to even face Seb after that conversation they had. "Why not? Did you and Seb have a bit of a disagreement and it really hurt your feelings?" She crossed her arms. "I swear, sometimes you're too sensitive and think he's mister perfect when he's not." She sighed a bit. "Something along the lines of that..." He mumbled out and she r
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Adom picked his brain a bit trying to remember, oops. "No... but I haven't slept with a guy in a long time, I swear." He was sure Seb was a clean man, he didn't seem like the type to just sleep with anyone. She shook her head at that "Adom, you make my head hurt. Not only did you sleep with him but you didn't have the decency to use a condom." It's not entirely his fault they didn't use protection. "It's not like I can get pregnant, Kat. I'm a guy, and besides he's really good in bed." he nodded his head to side and raised his eyebrows. "Oh my god, please don't give me details, I don't want to hear about your drunk sex with him, please." she complained. "I don't remember much so be lucky." he chuckled a little at that. "Ugh, you seriously need to revaluate everything with Liam, especially after what you told me." she wasn't wrong. "Do you
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They both headed inside and once they were seated at a booth and ordered their drinks and food, it was pretty silent. "Ash, how're you feeling?" well it's a start. "I'm fine, not to hungry though." Adom made a face and kind of glared at him. "Don't lie to me, Ash. You're not fine. You haven't gotten your haircut in a month, you aren't wearing your usual cologne, you aren't dressed to the nines as usual when we go out, and you haven't really spoken much." Adom wasn't wrong, he actually feels really miserable. "Just tell me how you're really feeling, so I can figure out a way to cheer you up.". "I just... it's hard to explain, Adom. It is." he relaxed his shoulders a bit and relaxed back into the cushioned seat. "Ash... I know its going to be hard to talk about Alex and your feelings, but Rose is worried about you, your mum is worried about, I'm worried about y
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