All Chapters of You Love Me: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
65 Chapters
~11 ~
* "Where did you get this?"  "Do you like it? I got one for myself too" he pulled out another one from his back pocket and showed it to me and my jaw only clenched tightly in anger. "That's not the fucking question Ryder. I asked where you got this stupid bandana in my hand" I more than yelled at him in frustration and he just took a step back with his hands up in total surrender. "Calm down man, I got it in the store down the street. I saw it and thought you might like it" I quickly threw the piece of clothe back at him but it landed on the floor. Right beside his foot "Take it back. I don't want it"
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~12 ~
*After getting my shit together some couple of minutes later. I decided to make my way downstairs and continue what I almost started and found Ryder stretched out on the couch with his eyes closed.Was he sleeping?He looked really relaxed and so much comfortable but am not going to let him have any ounce of peace, not when he is hell bent on stealing mine every step of the way with his very annoying presence.Cocking my head to the side with an evil grin on my face, I took a step closer to where his feet was resting innocently against the armrest and kicked at it hard and waited for his possible reaction.He jumped back on his feet with a pained expression and I couldn't help but scoff at him.Such a pu**y."What the fuck man. What's your fucking problem"I gave a careless shrug and began to make my way towards the back leading to the backyard where I intend to have his lesson with him. "C'mon, it's time to
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~13 ~
*Detention.Yes. You read correctly. I'm currently in detention at the moment and as boring and frustrating this is supposed to make me feel right now?, I feel rather relieved.I have never felt so damn good about getting sent off to detention like I did today. The last time i got sent off to this room was in my first year as a freshman and am here again after years.You might be wondering what exactly had happened yada yada that prompted the decision.Oh well, aside from Tia trying to rub her new relationship with some sophomore kid on my face as if I give a fuck about what she does with her life, a lot more has happened in the last four hours already starting with Ryder getting some kid nose broken for coming up to him about his girlfriend wanting to leave him because she can't stop crushing on his ass.I mean, isn't that violent and freaking hilarious? I never thought he had it in him but I guess I was wrong because turns ou
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~14 ~
*We were completely drenched by the time we got home and he killed the engine before we hurried inside the house laughing."That was incredibly fast" I said through chuckle holding onto my legs. I could barely feel it. It was all tense and shaking.Ryder only shook his head at me and I cocked a brow at him. If that speed wasn't fast enough then I don't know what is. We literally flew our way here."That wasn't fast enough though. I was being careful because the road was kind of slippery thanks to rain""Yeah right and now you are all drenched because of me"He looked at himself and then shrugged. "It's fine. I will wait and get home and change. It's no big deal""Well, come over to my room. I will hand you some dry clothes before you get the flu""Alright fine but I doubt. I'm immune"I gave him a sideways glance. "Yeah right you are. Now come on before I change my mind"The living room was lively with the TV dis
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~15 ~
 *"Open the damn door Jaden" I heard my sister very annoying voice from the other side of my door and I grudgingly turned on my side wondering what the heck she wants from me.It was almost midnight when I glance at the table clock seating on my desk and groaned into my pillow in total frustration."Go away Jasmine. I'm trying to catch some sleep here" I called back, hoping it's enough to send her away but her next outburst got me jumping out of bed and running straight to my door to unlock it."Open the damn door or Ryder is sleeping in my bed tonight"Fucking hell.I pulled the door open and found Ryder leaning against the door way with a passive gaze while Jasmine on the other hand, stood staring at me with a satisfied grin plastered on her face.Argh, the little devil.Before I could slam her with questions, she pushed past me and began to walk further into my room with Ryder following closely from behin
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~16 ~
 *I woke up the next morning with a loud yawn and gave a full body stretch out before my eyes darted out to the floor when I remembered the event from last night only to realize, Ryder was already gone.It was just 6:30am by the way and still too early to be out and going without making a sound.The blanket and the clothes I lend him were neatly folded and placed on the arm chair in front of my desk, right here I would see them.I took a deep sigh and lay back in bed for another minute or two before getting up to go brush my teeth and shower and get ready for school.Pulling out a pair of dark Jean and  white shirt from the wardrobe, I lined them carefully on the bed beside my sport Jersey before strolling into the bathroom to shower up. I bet Jasmine was still coiled up in bed no doubt. I thought about going over to wake her up but decided against it. I mean, if her alarm can't do it successfully then I doubt I could.
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~17 ~
 *I arrived in school some minutes later and made my way to my very first class. I slipped through the door and got settled down on my desk, my mind immediately wandering back to Jasmine and what she was blabbing about earlier at breakfast. I mean, I don't even understand exactly what she sees in that guy that got her thinking he is her fucking dream guy, blah blah.Is it the stupid lip piercing and tattoos that is clouding her vision and making her desperate? Because I can't think of anything special about that guy that is totally worth tripping over.Okay maybe, he has got lot of charms and incredible skills but that's not even enough to make her wanna lose her mind over him. For fuck sake, they barely knew each other.Mrs. Steward walked in and had me snapping me out of my thought as well. First period began and droned on and the only thing in my mind was the constant replaying of my sister's word like it was stuck on a
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~18 ~
 *I kept moving from side to side in an attempt to stay out of a lot of people way, especially the drunk and staggering ones as we continued to make our way through the sea of bodies cramped up in the dance floor.I craned my neck as we ascended the stair way,widely staring at the fancy decoration across the house getting stepped on by some crazy drunk ass kids as we went up in search of Oliver.We arrived at the passage way and she staggered towards the second door to the left and pushed it open and I quickly stepped inside, totally ready to drag Oliver out on first sight but got the shock of my life when my searching eyes fell on none other than Ryder fucking Smith.He was seated at the corner with a fat ass looking barbie attached to his lap and swapping spit.At first glance, I thought I was confusing Oliver for Ryder because for one, he was the last person I was expecting to find over here because last time I checked, he was supp
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~19 ~
 I jerked awake the next morning with a slight headache and quickly got myself in a sitting position. I rubbed my forehead for a little bit with a deep sigh because I was somehow hoping for Ryder to be gone by the time I wake up so I don't have to face him but I wasn't so lucky with my wishful thinking.Ryder was still coiled up and very much sound asleep on the floor when I turned on my side and stared at his direction.I groaned and lay back down,and immediately began to think up something useful before he stirred awake and remembers everything.Heck, I'm not ready to listen to anything he has to say. Best way is to shut him up if he trail towards that direction. I laid there for another couple of minute before I turned and glanced at the table clock and it was 6:30am.Fuck!Throwing the sheet off, I jumped back on my feet just as quickly, grabbing a towel and hurrying over to the bathroom to shower and got ready f
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~20 ~
 *"I don't know about you guys but am sure we are totally gonna win this match" Nathan said with almost certainty before taking a quick bite out of his chicken and salad sandwich.It was lunch time and we were all seated at our usual table back at the cafeteria. Everyone was eating and chatting about the previous basketball practice except me. I was barely touching my food as well as not contributing to the group conservation.I was completely deep in my own thought and staring blanks at everyone else.Noah gave a small nod in agreement at Nathan's direction, "you're right bro. We have everything it takes to really win this one" he paused and turned to look at me."What do you say captain?"I answered with a careless shrug and just leaned back down with a sigh, my elbow placed against the table.Noah equally sighed, his brows now raised at me completely, "what's wrong man, you don't look very happy today"He
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