All Chapters of His Rejected Hybrid Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
51 Chapters
Chapter 11
❤️❤️ Unveiling River's Identity (Part 1) ❤️❤️"What do you mean by that king Simeon? How can Queen Floral die?" Jeffrey found himself asking in uttermost shock."I don't know how she died, she screamed out my name and before I could reach her chamber, I found her and the handmaid on the floor, dead." Simeon explained and then continued. "When the kingdom nurse was invited and thoroughly checked their bodies, there was no trace of mark in their bodies, which means whoever it is that attacked them use something else on them.""There is more to this, why would someone kill a Queen?" Isaac asks no one in particular."Why do you say so, my Lord?" King Simone demanded. "My wife doesn't have a skeleton in her wardrobe." He added."Really? Then tell me why would someone kill a Queen and her handmaid?""To cover up his tracks, maybe the killer saw the handmaid peeping or the handmaid mistakenly walked into the Queen's chamber and the killer has no other option t
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Chapter 12
❤️❤️ Unveiling River's Identity (Part 2) ❤️❤️"Do you think it's a coincidence aunty that they bear the same name?""I won't know unless I see him face to face." Mari replied."You know what, more than one person bears Ariel and that applies to the name Royal, so maybe he isn't the one cus when I looked at him, I see an ordinary wolf, nothing special about him." Ariel said."Probably he is hiding his identity like you are my dear."Ariel thinking about it then nodded her head, "True, but let's just assume he is a Wolf god like you said, why is he here then? What business does he have with the Wolf king, Lucas, and most importantly, why is he a servant to everyone in Lucas kingdom?""That's what you are going to find out, I believe he is hiding his identity just like you are because a normal ordinary wolf, like you had said, won't have seen your truly self Ariel, I have a doubt he is an ordinary wolf. Anyway, ask him those questions yourself when next yo
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Chapter 13
❤️❤️ Unveiling River's Identity (part 3) ❤️❤️"Look at the kid's face, he looks happy seeing me." Ice mocked and breathed out towards the direction of Tyler.The air that came out of Ice nose almost froze Tyler to death, he started shivering, his teeth started grinding together.The leaves that held unto his hands loosened, freeing him from their clutchings and Tyler fell down to the rough ground not gracefully."Aww, the kid is freezing to death." Fire said faking concern. "Come to me kid, I won't hurt you." He promised.Tyler tried to move but couldn't, at last he managed to kneel down, his two hands on the ground still shivering from the cold."It's time for business." Ice said and the playfulness in the other three wolves vanished. "What shall we do to him?" Ice asked."Let's break his hands so when he wakes up and realizes his hands are truly broken, he won't touch or kick anyone's ass again." Dark suggested."Hmmm." Ice mused. "You are r
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Chapter 14
❤️❤️ Unveiling River's Identity (Part 4) ❤️❤️"Someone we are yet to know." Dark replied. "Royal doesn't even seem to know who River is." He added."And how do you know that?" Green chip in."He told me himself, he is searching for River to pass him or her a message and I don't know what the message is all about." Dark responded."Well, Royal will eventually tell me what the message is all about when I pay him a visit." Ice told the rest.****"So tell me son, who did this to you?" King Lucas asked his son Immediately they were alone. He had ordered the guards out of the room once the kingdom healer had left."Father, I don't know. I thought it was a mere dream but waking up and seeing this wound shows it was real." Tyler responded recalling the terrible dream he just had. "I felt the pain when one of them bit me and that woke me up, plus I could communicate with them, they talked to me father.""What did they say?""The wolves, they talk
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Chapter 15
❤️❤️ Unveiling River's Identity (Part 5) ❤️❤️No one was moving.'Who amongst the four of you bite him?' Royal demanded in his mind as he went to lock the door just in case a guard wanted to bring a message to king Lucas.'Jeez, your faith in us is as tiny as that kid (Tyler) brain.' Fire answered him. "What made you think I, I mean, we bit him?"'No wolves can talk in their form except the four of you. So all fingers are pointing at the four of you, one of you bit him.''Nope, we did not.' Fire told him. 'Have some faith in us Royal.'Royal didn't say a word back, he went over to where Tyler stood near his father and removed the bandage placed in his hand, he observed the bite mark carefully.'Dark, you have some explanation to do.' Royal said, calling out his wolf, Dark. 'And Fire, I thought you said 'we didn't bite him' then can you explain this bite mark on his limb?''You are the one that got it wrong Royal, in fact, you did not understan
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Chapter 16
❤️❤️ Unveiling River's Identity (Part 6) ❤️❤️Queen Latifah noticed a familiar presence in her chamber, she quickly picked up her crown, murmuring a reverse spell to stop the blue smoke from coming, before placing the crown back on her head and stood up to her feet.Latifah was surprised when she saw her unannounced visitor and it didn't fail to show in her face."Mari, what are you doing here?" Queen Latifah demanded her heart racing fast in fear, she was lucky she acted fast and she hoped Mari didn't see anything."Can't a sister pay you a visit without telling you first?" Mari asked, going to sit on Latifah's bed. She glanced around the room."Not at all, I was just surprised, seeing you after a long time." Queen Latifah said. "You know after we fought for him.""It's all in the past now, after all he ran away." Mari said. "How have you been?" She added."I'm great sis." Queen Latifah answered. "Thank goodness you've forgotten about the past Mar
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Chapter 17
❤️❤️ Unveiling River's Identity (Part 7) ❤️❤️"And why do you want to steal her crown Aunt?""When I appeared in her room, I sensed a little familiar scent that quickly dispersed when she grabbed hold of her crown. I need to check why the familiar scent was in her crown. She seemed scared when she saw me and was muttering something only she could hear when picking up her crown." Mari answered concentrating on the golden plate she was holding."Well good luck with your spell, I on the other hand, is about to visit Wolfe Crimson Kingdom.""Okay, take care of yourself and try not to make people know your real identity unless you want them to and oh by the way, don't forget to invite Royal." Mari said briefly, removing her eyes from the golden plate to stare at Ariel before returning her gaze to her plate."I won't Aunt, I am going to see him after I Tyler.""Okay, you can go now and come back before it gets dark.""I will Aunt." Ariel said and started
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Chapter 18
❤️❤️ Unveiling River's Identity (Part 8) ❤️❤️"Why did you tell Dark to bite his hand?" Royal asked, his lips not moving but Ice heard it."I won't answer until you stop glaring at me as if I stole your wife from you or something related to that." Ice retorted out.Breathing out, Royal smiled at his wolf, "Can you tell me why you did that?" He asked."Well I was told that you got beaten by that kid and decided to help you teach the kid a lesson so that next time he won't lay his fifthly hands on you." Ice replied. "You should be happy we are taking revenge on your behalf.""On my behalf you say? Did I send you or the rest to do my job for me?" Royal asked with a raised eyebrow. "Did I?"Copying Royal by raising one of his eyebrows, "You didn't but we did that so you would summon me and I will ask you this, what in the god's name are you doing here with those rags you call clothes?""Are you now turning the table around Ice?" Royal said, trying not
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Chapter 19
❤️❤️ Unveiling River's Identity (Part 9) ❤️❤️"Then I will have to pay her a visit." King Darken said smiling."But you need to be careful, Mari isn't a mere witch." Lora told him."I know my beloved Mate, thanks for telling me." King Darken said sincerely."Whatever that will stand between you and the Millennium throne shall be uprooted by me." Lora said standing up from his lap and went to stand beside the window."I know you've always got my back Lora." King Darken said getting up to his feet as well. "I will be back soon love, don't go yet.""I won't, I will be waiting for your return." Lora said seductively.King Darken turned into a puff of black smoke which was seen moving towards the open window. The dark smoke disperse.*****Mari smiled to herself as she watched the transformation of the golden plate turning into a replica of Latifah's crown. It was exactly the same, no difference.Picking it up and bringing the fake crown
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Chapter 20
❤️❤️ Unveiling River's Identity (Part 10) ❤️❤️"Hello Royal." Ariel said, smiling brightly."Hi Ariel, what are you doing with Tyler?" Royal asked, trying not to feel jealous."He is my friend." Ariel lied not knowing why she was lying."Your friend?" Royal repeated after her in a disbelief tone. "How can a servant girl like you become friends with the Prince?""I can become friends with anyone I want." Ariel answered. "Let's forget about him and talk about you, the first day I saw you sweeping and now you are in the kitchen, what sort of servant are you?""I would ask you the same. How can a servant girl like you have such rare hair? I haven't seen one in my thous- years of life. Who are you really? Why do you have water fountain hair?" Royal whispered out the last so only she could hear him.'Told you she will be back for you.' Dark said in his mind.Groaning inwardly, he blocked his mind and thoughts from his wolf."Can you keep a secret?" A
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