Semua Bab Blue Like The Moonlight: Bab 21 - Bab 30
30 Bab
Stories With A Soul
His throat ran dry. Erin practically sang the honey sweet words, mellifluous phrase lingering in Uriel's conscience. The air in the bedroom grew heavy under Erin's wispy words, setting growing evermore dusky. Erin awkwardly slid his hands away from around Uriel's neck, almost pathetically falling limp against his lap. Uriel had those three special words on loop, as the same sincere voice hummed the words over and over again. Three words, maybe a bit ordinary on its own. Maybe meaningless, even. Though, when put together, something delightfully supernatural occurs. Timeless history between people can be summed up with those three words, making the butterflies in your stomach go haywire, tickling you from the inside out. Messy hair and messy curls and messy, pink-stained cheeks, Uriel embodied the word mess. He peered over, and thanked every star that he wasn't the only one who looked as messy as Uriel felt. 
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You Just Didn't Know It Yet
The dangerous combination of his voice, the beautifully gentle lilt to it, his countenance, and enchanting words ascended Uriel's heart into an unreachable altitude, thumping away on a cloud of longing. Eyes clouded by this unfamiliar emotion, Uriel complied to Erin's request. Yearned for it. He captured Erin's lips between his. It was safe to say that the younger was moonstruck. Totally, utterly drowning in the deep blue sea that was Erin, yet soaring in the sky that was his mere touch. He was everything with Erin, and nothing without him. Nostrils flaring, Uriel breathed in Erin's sweet rosy aroma, wanting nothing more than to get drenched in his scent. He can see it in Erin's eyes. They're full of wonder, they razzle and dazzle under the blanket of twilight, they smile without prompt. He could see the haze that used to coat his irises when he was smiling or crying or both, he could see the light in them when the two of them got into
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High Like The Moon
Its vivacious rhythms and beats and off-key notes keep the spring in your steps alive. It's finite, but feels endlessly long at the same time. It's a beautiful song that plays from the moment you bloom, to the day you die. The song that puts one at ease, that reminds you of your existence, that proves you're alive. It's a song stained red, pulsing through your veins at a million miles per hour. It's a song that works hard to keep you uplifted, and moving. The song of life, the song that would play until the universe itself ceases to exist. It was Uriel's favourite song. The song he grew to love with a bit of time, and a bit of patience. Or, as Erin put it, he always loved it. He just didn't know it yet. The more you hear it, the more you can't be without it. To be is being, and he is not so sure he can continue being anymore. The song he loved with every fibre of his being, with
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The Prologue's Epilogue
Uriel's father's voice resonated loud and clear through his ears, but he felt as if he couldn't hear, ending the call with an empty mind. They were spewed like a foreign language, which he's never been more elated he didn't understand. He turned his phone off and faced the TV. "...urge utmost caution. Reports of another casualty with similar symptoms has appeared within the central hospital-" Uriel turned the TV off. Mind wandering back to his other half, he began to wonder if he was doing okay. Was he eating well? Sleeping well? Making new friends? Looking down on him? It shattered his very being knowing that the first touch was his last. He wanted to eat mochi with him, tell him he started liking it a lot. Wanted to visit Angel Falls, and chuck him in the same way he chucked Uriel into a lake, he wanted to go to university together, visit the Japanese caves and witness the dazzling quartz caves in person. Abov
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Painted Red
"Uriel, please just straighten your tie. You shan't ruin this business meeting with such a haggard countenance," his father bellowed, his mother nodding in agreement behind him, lips stained red. Uriel's suit was ill-fitting, just barely sitting at his hips. All this money and they still didn't know how to mould it upon Uriel; if it wasn't something that made his heart rip, it would almost be comical. No one cared as much as he did. He even measured him to make sure the clothes fit well. They had reached a ridiculously lavish, costly five-star restaurant, owned by some of the most well-known Persian chefs to reside in Japan. Of course, the restaurant had to be Persian. Fate was so damn cruel. At first, Uriel used to love that Erin shared so much of himself with him. Now, it only picked at scars. After the twinge in his heart settled, Uriel's steps increased once more. Heading in, he was faced with a grand hallway, carpet
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Winter's White
The red almost drowned Uriel in its drunken tang of delusion, and Dionysus could only slur scraps of a sentence Uriel longed to hear. His limbs ached so terribly. And oddly enough, all he can begin to remember is being slumped against a tree with the redness of raw meat thrown at him. Could almost feel the glimmer of something that shouldn't have a physical sensation, the greenish glimmer, tingling and healing. It took the scrape of something against the balcony floor to snap him back to the present. He scoffed, shook his head, and walked up. His steps were quiet, feathery, almost as if he wasn't there: walked as if he entered a room full of nails with no shoes. He didn't know why he was being so mute, but figured it had something to do with the fact that this person could be armed. He couldn't help the nth scoff he released at his own stupidity. "Hey, the fuck do you think you're doing in my pent
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That Something
He couldn't. He couldn't help himself, couldn't resist the urge, couldn't silence the lust-coated pleas dripping from his mouth, couldn't deny his body from curving and rolling up inches higher just to meet Erin. He couldn't resist, and no deity would be able to either. He has never been so glad to be so useless at something. He was so glad his pitiful efforts poured into resisting was all but futile. He chanted and chanted his name, shuddering breaths lacing and weavings its way into every tenebrous syllable, begging for his beautiful name to be etched into the air and ceaselessly lingering. He wants to always feel Erin. "I want you to love me. But I don't just want to know it. I want to feel it. I want to feel your love filling me up and splitting me wide open at the seam, I want to feel it drag across my walls and paint me crystalline white. Let me feel it, Uri, I'm begging you. ple
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"Several news reports have amassed over the last eight months regarding the virtual headset. It has broken all barriers humanity had believed could never be broken, but has some extremely grave consequences. A total of 52 patients have developed psychotic symptoms after extensive use of the headset, and even catalysing brain malfuction and death in one young patient named Park Erin. Park Erin passed away upon turning 20, and post-mortems show extreme levels of plasticity in his brain, as his parts of his somatosensory cortex severely decreased in volume."   "Thank you, Ms Byun. For what reason were the reports delayed?"   "In all actuality, speculation was always made regarding the headset as more and more cases of psychosis, and even neurosis, emerged. Officials deemed it too early to take this case to court and further examine the reports. However, as of two days ago, data regarding the origins and maintenance of the
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Uriel was blue, too. As blue as the poem Erin wrote months and months ago. As blue as Gihyun's quivering lips when he read it to him aloud. He wished he could reach beyond the glass barrier and warm his small hands up.  -  Blue, blue like the moonlight,Bluer than every blue,I'm speaking of your eyes,those blue mendacities,Oceans of restlessness. Blue is my heart,The sea that is held captive,This is destiny's visage,That takes its colour from you. When I stare at the depth of the tiled pond,I feel like I'm staring into you,Even though you are absent.I see your eyes in the color of the universe,I genuflect to you. Blue, blue like the moonlight,Bluer than every blue,I'm speaking of your eyes;those blue mendacities,Oceans of restle
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The Notes
A week before Erin's birthday. "At least I could say that I tried," he played with Rae's paws. "I really did, you know? It's not like I wanted this." He gnawed at his lip, a twisted red. "I...I mean I did want it. Of course I did, but I tried not to, Mr Blue. I really did." he wistfully looked out the window. "I didn't want to love him, because now I'm stuck up here," he jabbed a finger at his skull. "God damnit, I'm stuck here. God damnit!"  Fingers knotted deeply into his hair, pulling at his roots. "I don't want him alone, please, please," he silently pleaded to no one in particular.  His cacophanous whispers were carried by the breeze and crumbled into ashes.  Because, from the very beginning, Erin knew he shouldn't. Shouldn't get involved and create something only to leave it unfinished, forever. He knew, and yet
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