Semua Bab The Half Blood Luna: Bab 21 - Bab 30
74 Bab
Klaus’s POV We arrive at the pack hospital five minutes later. Ella went straight for the OR to be prepped for surgery, and I was taken to a private room next to the OR. There was a nurse waiting for me there, and started the blood draw process immediately. Joseph stayed outside to keep an eye on Ella’s condition. When I was done, I went outside and stood against the wall next to joseph. We were standing outside the OR door. About ten minutes later, a nurse walked out and headed towards us. “Alpha Klaus, beta Joseph, Dr. Hunt needs you inside” the nurse motioned us to follow her inside. My heart dropped. Did she die before he could get started? I looked at Joseph and saw that he was thinking the same thing. The nurse gave us sterilized medical gowns and face masks to put on. I took that as a good sign. If she were dead they wouldn’t bother with sterilization. Once we were done, we followed the nurse into the OR. I saw an intubated Ella, laying on the operating table. The knife wa
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Ella’s POV Death was painful. I was so disappointed. It should have been only peaceful. Hate, hurt, agony, despair, anger, hopelessness, they shouldn’t exist when someone dies. There should only be good things like pure unending happiness and laughter. I don’t remember laughing at all after I was ten and forced to drop out of school to serve in the pack house. I don’t even remember how to smile let alone laugh. I only know how to cry and scream in pain. Death was supposed to be the start of something good, like finally meeting my mother. Running into her arms and hugging her. Breathing in her scent. Goddess, what I would do to hug her. I would never let her go, not for months. Why isn’t she here with me? Why even death was painful as hell, unless…. Am I in hell? Is that why there is nothing but hurt and darkness here? No, no way, I was a good person. I don’t deserve to end up in hell. I never hurt anyone. Never killed anyone. What the hell is happening then? I tried to get my e
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Ella’s POV The expression on their faces was priceless. They were not expecting me to say this at all. I wasn’t expecting myself to say this out loud to anyone, if it wasn’t for that jerk of an alpha. I cleared my throat and tried to speak the next words in a flat tone. I didn’t want to feel anything I was saying because if I did, I would break down completely in front of them. I kept my eyes down and fixed on my hands. I didn’t want to see their pity or sympathy for me. “After my father died in a few weeks, I was serving them dinner one night and I accidentally broke the alpha’s glass of wine. He slapped me then took me to his bedroom to punish me. After he was done… he took away my virginity. Ever since that night he noticed me, he made me come to his bedroom almost every night and did the same thing to me over and over. When alpha Grey got too drunk to touch me or when he was busy, his beta Sam would take his place. Alpha Grey never knew that his beta was abusing me too. I was th
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Klaus’s POV I sigh loudly as I stay in the jeep, waiting for Joseph to convince Ella to come back with us to the head pack. My head was still spinning from everything she said in that room. All those horrible marks I saw on her body were caused by her old alpha and beta. It wasn’t just a one time thing, it happened every day for 10 freaking months! The bastards were heartless monsters! How could they do that to her? My blood was boiling in rage. I wanted to rip them to shreds over and over again until my rage diminishes. No wonder she didn’t scream during the public punishment, what I did to her was nothing compared to them. She handled a lot worse than that. I closed my eyes as the pain of handling what was done to her weighed on me, crushing and breaking me from the inside out. To top it all off, I forced her to speak about her abuse by alpha commanding her. I lost my shit when she told me that guy tried to kill her to keep her from saying something else to me. I accused her of
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Ella’s POV WHIP! I scream out in pain as the alpha’s whip hits me on my back for the millionth time. “Should we move on to making me comfortable? I have been craving you since the beginning of this lovely evening” said alpha Grey with lust coloring his tone. I cry desperately. If given the choice, I’d choose the torture over the rape a hundred times. Being violated by him makes me hate myself. It makes me disgusted of my own skin. It makes me sick that I am handing over myself to him willingly now because I have no other choice. WHIP! “Did you bite your tongue my little slave?” whispered alpha Grey in my ear, while pulling my head back by painfully grabbing a handful of my hair. I sob in desperation. I have to answer him or he will keep hurting me, but at the same time, prolonging the rape and tolerating more torture would worn him out faster and cut down the number of times he rapes me later. I cry out as his hold on my hair tightens and I feel a couple of strands snap. “I ca
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Ella’s POV Joseph and I hang out in my room for almost an hour. We speak about trivial things, and I feel like he is walking on eggshells around me. Trying not to talk about anything that would bring up my abuse or my father. “Beta, you don’t have to hang out with me the whole time. You must have a ton of work to do” I said shyly. “Actually, I really don’t have anything to do, believe it or not. Klaus has more than one beta, although I’d like to think of myself as the head beta. So I delegate my work to them. I’ve been working my ass off for the past seventeen years, it’s their turn now” he said before giving me a wink. “You have been a beta for seventeen years? So you are not just alpha Klaus’s beta?” I ask in curiosity. “No, I was alpha Matthew’s beta as well. I took over the beta position after my father; who was his beta, died of a heart attack” “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ask you such private questions” “Ok we need to set a ground rule between us” he said seriously. His s
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Klaus’s POV“So that’s everything that happened at the new pack, I am sure Joseph gave you the full version already. Particularly the part where I was a complete asshole to Ella from the moment I saw her in the woods that first night” I said to my mother in law Sara.She gave me a disapproving look that I am too familiar with. Sara practically raised me after my mom passed away when I was 5 years old. She has been a wonderful mother to me. She was very passionate and kind towards me. She never made me feel the loss of my birth mother.“Well, I am sure Joseph said everything that needed to be said, probably even more. But I find myself unable to understand how you could do all those things to that innocent girl Klaus. Regardless of what has been done to her before you took over the pack, that punishment should have never happened in the first place. And the alpha commands! That was down right sadistic. What the hell has gotten into y
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Klaus’s POV“Klaus, have you been listening to me for the past ten minutes or have I been talking to myself?” Joseph waves his hand in front of my face, pulling me out of my recently constant distraction, Ella.She has been occupying a big part of my mind for quite sometime now; ever since the first time I saw her, and I can’t seem to stop thinking about her. She was the first person to have that effect on me after Kate. And that was freaking the shit out of me. I didn’t want to end up having feelings for her. Falling for another woman after my mate was out of the question for me. You only get one true mate in your lifetime. One true love. If that person is gone, a part of you will go with her and nothing will ever be able to replace that part.Yet, where the hell did the part of me that kept thinking about Ella come from? Was it just guilt that brought that part on or was it something else?I sighed in frustration, ran my ha
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Ella’s POV The first thing I felt was warmth. Warmth seeped into my whole body covering me from the inside out. It wasn’t the usual warmth that comes from being covered with a blanket. It was a warmth that promised safety and protection. My eyes were still closed, so I didn’t know the source of that amazing feeling that I have never felt before. But I didn’t want it to go away, even if it was just a dream. I kept my eyes closed and focused on my surroundings. Half my body was laying on top of someone as I felt my head rise and fall as if it was laying on someone’s chest. A hand was gently stroking my hair. My left hand was clutching a piece of fabric very tightly. For a second, I remembered the same kind of warmth I felt when Joseph touched my hand at the hospital. However, the feminine perfume I smelled right now confirmed that it wasn’t Joseph I was holding onto so tightly. It was a woman. But who was it? I had no idea. It was probably just a dream. I was never held like this befo
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Ella’s POV “Ella look…” Sara started to speak, but I couldn’t let her finish. This one, she cannot convince me to accept, no matter what she says. “Even if he was the last person available to train me, it’s still gonna be a no, I’d rather give up training altogether than accept his help” I said barely controlling my anger. “Ella, he regrets everything he did and said to you, he just wants your forgiveness in anyway you can give it. I know you have your doubts about him and I can’t say that you are not right to think that way, he gave you every reason to. But, he is also the son I raised for the past twenty years after losing his mother at the age of five, and that makes me able to tell when he deeply regrets something. I am telling you the truth, please believe me” said Sara carefully. He regretted nothing. It was all a trick. How could they not see that? The fact that she raised him surprised me a little, but it didn’t convince me entirely, mothers c
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