All Chapters of The Alpha Vampire Master: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
165 Chapters
On The Wrong Side Of The Law
"I said drop the blood."I hear the click of a gun and the footsteps of a man coming closer.My first instinct is to spin around and tackle him with great force to the floor. But I do not know who is behind me. So I do as he says, and I place the packet of blood gently onto the table. "Now," I hear the man start to speak again. "Put your hands on your head and slowly turn to face me."I look over at Edward that only but shrugs his shoulders. Very reluctantly, I place my hands on my head and slowly turn around to face the man that has a gun firmly pointed against my head. And as I finally face him, it is what I expected.We have just been caught red-handed by law enforcement.Well, there are only two ways that this can go. I can either overpower him and take him down in a spectacular way and most probably bring the Vampire's existence into question, or I can give in and let the man take me to what I presume is going to be jail.S
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Catacombs & Graveyards
…Anastasia POV…There is a burning inside of me that I can no longer fight. It feels as if my body is going to be ripped open any second. The turmoil I feel inside of me is beyond anything I have ever felt. Yes, this indeed not the way any pregnancy should feel like; well, that is what I guess.Now, I have not been present in my own body for far too long now. Lucius has taken over and has been keeping me suppressed no matter how hard I have been fighting. The whole sick thing of this is that I can feel his every thought and emotion. And god! The things that he has planned the moment that he rips himself out of my body are beyond what I ever can imagine.I would like to believe that Sebastian will make his elegant appearance before that even happens. But we all know that in order to kill Lucius then, they will have to kill me. I cannot see how I will survive childbirth with a, well, let us call him a baby for now, but I will not survive with the rat
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Right Under Your Nose
…Anastasia POV…They have brought me to what seems to be like a basement. My eyes have been blindfolded so I have no idea exactly where I am. What does strike me, though, is that it has some oddly familiar smell which I am unable to place at the moment.At the moment, Lucius is now starting to show signs that he is ready to make his arrival, but yet there is something that they are waiting for.Now I am not complaining, for I truly do not want to see this birth through, that is, if I am going to survive it. But as he is reminding me so often about whenever I try to resurface, he has made it quite clear that I shall not survive this.Well, I guess that is just one thing that I have to start accepting, though I wish that Sebastian was here. I do not wish for him to see me dying; I just would have like to say my goodbyes.As for my own goodbyes, by the way, that Lucius is ripping my insides out, from the inside, I wish that it would come
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Tunnel To Danger
It does make me furious that my beloved has been right in our own home this entire time. Now I cannot blame the boys for it, but the fact that Elloise shall be so bold just shows her nasty ways of playing one for a fool. I shall get very much pleasure from bringing her down. But before her, there shall be Lucius.Now how big Lucius will be is rather debatable, but we will assume that he will be like any other nine-month baby. So I shall be faced with the vision of a child in front of me when I need to decide if I kill the evil. Which does trouble me some bit.As for the demons that are most definitely roaming my house, well, we have the rest of us bunch that shall make good of it. But, what is troubling, is the skies and, do I even dare to say, the sidewalks as we drive by.It seems that people with viable vessels have been taken over. Now I have no idea how these things will be taken, or removed, or what you call it, but how will they leave these humans that th
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Breaking The Barrier
We are standing in front of the door that shall lead us into the tunnel that goes to the basement. Ahead of us is the Vampire Army, lead by a Vampire Hunter. We have a group behind them that consists of three Hunters, an Angel, three Vampires, and a Wizard.What a truly bizarre combination.Our mission is to save my beloved and end the life of the King of the Underworld before he is even born. In our way is an unknown number of demons, and behind them the power of a fairy.So it is with great fear in all our minds that I release the spell to open the doorway to the tunnel.We are met by the stench that makes our stomachs cringe to pure horror. These vile creatures have done what they have done the best, and that is feed of the flesh of each other. I can for sure say now that after this mission has ended that I am burning this house to the ground. So we step into the tunnel with this ever-increasing nauseating smell filling our senses, but we
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The Evil Is Born
It is with a heavy heart that we make our way through the tunnel; as we go along, we slay whatever we find in our path. The sole purpose now is to get to Anastasia. The thoughts of leaving Breyden behind are sitting deep in our throats and are rather hard to swallow at the moment.Then out of nowhere, I hear the shrill screams of Lilith echo down the tunnel. I immediately rush over to her side. The first thing that enters my mind is that she must have been overpowered by a demon.But as I come closer, I see the very thing that she has been expressing her terror at."My god, Breyden. Where? How? I thought you are dead.""It hurts that you have such little faith in me. My dear Sebastian, you know that I can teleport.""Oh, that is true. Now, I am glad to say that we all are feeling far better now that we have seen you. But it is time to push on."I hear Connor only but chuckle at me and shake his head, "You are surely dumb for someone that is
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All Died Out
It has been a long night, but only but a few moments ago, my beloved opened up those beautiful blue eyes. Now her first words."Can I stop dying, please."I only but chuckled at her and held her close in my arms, never wanting to ever let go.This was a very close call. It brought a weird bunch of men together, but we save my beloved, and that I shall be forever grateful.Now, after much convincing and a few threats, my beloved and I are heading downstairs to go thank this very weird group of men. So as we come around the corner into the common room, they are all just as surprised to see her.The weirdest of all is dear Bobby; now the man has jumped from his seat and is giving Anastasia an awkward hug. A Hunter is hugging a Vampire, definitely a moment to treasure. Then Connor comes with the very same sentiment."Can you people stop dying now? You damn Vampires are dying more often than our humans."We only but burst out in laughter a
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The Roadtrip
…Anastasia POV…So we are off to Scotland. To be precise, Edinburgh, where Sebastian was born and also where he was turned. My childhood is very little known, so after much discussing and pulling of straws, Sebastian won, and we will be taking the seven-hour drive to Scotland this morning.We decided against flying to, as Sebastian says, get the experience of a couple on holiday. Now, if Vampires have holidays, that I do not know, but we both need to get out of this godforsaken place. The fact is, no matter where we go, there will still be Vampires, and god forbid, some creatures around. Just as long as we are not hunting them, then I am pretty fine with that.My terrible experience is still very much cemented in my mind, and that is, unfortunately, one that I shall carry with me for an eternity.Sebastian has been very patient and understanding, and I love him for that. I do understand that he, too, is going through his own demons, that he
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My Dear Brother
The moment that my beloved spoken those words, I felt as if my world came spinning to a halt. I can simply not take another surprise, especially if it is the creature kind. Now I came here to relax and not to be disrupted, so whoever is the driver of that vehicle is going to see not such a pleasant side of me today.So as I look through the window, there is a great relief that sets over my body, well, that is only for but a brief moment, for I am about to get it from both directions.Now for the first one, I will have to make my way downstairs."My beloved, I know who the driver of the vehicle is.""What do you mean that you know who the driver is? Did you pick up that it was following us earlier?""I am afraid not; I have known the person for rather a few years.""How long is few.""Perhaps as long as what I have been a Vampire, maybe a few years less.""Sebastian, what are you not telling me.""My beloved, let me go do
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Please Lie To Me
My beloved has just found out that I have a brother, a real brother, which many years ago we were, in fact, blood brothers. Now, I am his Master and his Maker. Now, if I thought that the little vixen would take this well, it does depends which side you see it from. So I have just told her and Roberto has left us alone, well, I wish that he never did."Anastasia! Aaahhh, god, why did you do that for? You just bit me?""Oh, come on, Sebastian, I know you enjoyed it.""Well, perhaps just a slight bit, for one second there I thought you were going to rip my throat open.""The thought did come to mind, but I think we both do not want me to turn all Ancient again.""That is so considerate of you. Now please tell me that you are not mad?"She looks at me for a brief second; as she starts stepping forward, I start stepping back. The woman is about to leave another gash in my skin. I think she is enjoying the pleasure far greater than me."Seb
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