All Chapters of FORBIDDEN KISS: Chapter 61 - Chapter 65
65 Chapters
Chapter 61: Lillian
“That dress is absolutely beautiful on you.” Mary states while a smile extends across her entire face.I am so happy, because today I get to take home my dress.  Just a few weeks ago, I was trying them all on and it seemed as if I would never find one that I liked.  But then the seamstress just happened to find this one in back and when I saw it, I fell in love, even before I tried it on.Jordan will be so surprised when he sees me in it.  I can’t wait two more days.  Matter of fact, I have even suggested to just run off to Los Vegas and elope instead, but Jordan won’t stand for it.“I just love it so much.  If she hadn’t found it on the bottom of the pile, I wouldn’t ever have found one I liked, let alone I felt was absolutely perfect for me.” I say while standing in front of the full-length mirror and admiring myself. When Charity, the seamstress walks back in, she states wit
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Chapter 62: Jordan
Hearing her at the top of the stairs, I glance up at her and see my Lillian in the most gorgeous long red dress.  It looks like it is made of silk and has a plunging neckline that shows her abundant cleavage.  When my eyes travel down her beautiful body, I notice that the dress has a slit that ends at her hip.  Which means that there is no way she is wearing panties under it.As it brings a smile to my face, I think of all the things I could do with her, if only we didn’t have dinner reservations in a half an hour.  That is just my luck of course.  The moment we must leave to get there on time, I want to strip her down and make wild passionate love to her.Sighing, I close my eyes and swallow hard before she reaches my side and looks down at me.  “Hey, handsome.  Shall we go?” She smiles at me with that sexy grin, and then I watch as her fingers run up her thigh to the top of the slit.I start to drool and the
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Chapter 63: Lillian
Waking up in the middle of the night to the phone ringing, I bolt up in bed startled and then glance over at my phone.  The screen shows Keith on it, and it begins to worry me from the minute I see it.  I climb out of bed quickly and then I hear Jordan stir from behind me as I try to reach the phone before it goes to the answering machine.“Damn it!” I hear the answering message on my phone and then I trip over the end table. My phone falls to the floor and I as well before I pick myself and the phone back up.  When I finally regain my balance, I stand up and walk over to turn the light on.  I had managed to knock the back cover off the phone and the battery is on the floor somewhere now. Flipping the switch, light floods into the room and then I see it when I turn around.  Rushing over to it, I notice that there is blood on my knee, and it is stinging as I kneel to retrieve it from under the bed.  “Wha
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Chapter 64: Jordan
It has been 3 months and I believe that she is finally coming to terms with her father’s death enough that we may end up getting married this time.  With everything that has happened, it makes me wonder sometimes if we are just not meant to be after all.  I mean, she has been shot before we could get married. Her ex-husband tried to kill us all numerous times and then just when I thought for sure that we would get married, her father dies the day before the wedding.  I knew that there was no way I could even push it then.  But now she is in her right head again and still hasn’t mentioned anything about the wedding.“Hey, Jordan.  Can I ask you something?  Man to man?” Jon asks while staring at me with a strange look on his face.  He has grown another foot amazingly and now looks more and more like a man every day.“Man to man, eh?” I raise an eyebrow before sitting down next to him at t
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Chapter 65: Lillian
“Lillian.  Where is your something blue?” Mary asks in a panic, because it is two hours before we are supposed to be at the courthouse. Looking around frantically all over the room, I yell, “I don’t know.  It was just here.” My voice trails off when I see it. I stare at the Sapphire heart necklace Jordan gave me and realize that would work perfectly.  Sure, I really wanted to wear the necklace that Keith had given to me before he died for that very purpose, but since I can’t find it. That will do. Walking over to the dresser, I unwind the necklace from the stand and glance into the mirror.  This morning when I started this whole excursion, I had no idea that it would all come together so well.  Jordan hurried off in the early morning hours so he wouldn’t see me in my dress and told me, “Make sure you are there at 11 a.m.  Not a minute later or they won’t marry u
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