Semua Bab Emergence: A Story of Romance, Peril, and Vampires: Bab 1 - Bab 10
37 Bab
Salem 1692 Kira’s legs worked hard to forge her slight body down the narrow, snow laden deer path that took her from her family’s cottage to the nearby village of Salem.  She’d managed to slip away from home just as the sun peeked over the horizon.   If all went well, she’d be back in her room before the family expected to see her rise and none would be the wiser.She was determined to meet the ship that was arriving.  Not only would the village be abuzz with news of her homeland, but, with the recent change in weather, ships would be far and few between after this; at least until the spring.  If her package wasn’t on the ship, then she doubted she’d see it until the thaw; which would be too late.It was five years since her family fled Englandafter her grandfather died and a vicious land battle between siblings ensued. The Donnelly family was a warring family from it
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Chapter One
New York City, 2017 “I can’t believe you’re really leaving,” Pricilla pouted as she leaned against the doorframe. “I’ll be back in time for Thanksgiving dinner,” Edwin said as he closed the zipper on his travel bag. “What am I supposed to do for the week you’re gone?” she whined.“Maybe you can take advantage of the time without me to reconnect with some of your friends? I ran into Sally a few days ago and she was complaining that you two never get together anymore.  She blamed me for it.” He strode to her and cupped her chin in his hand. “I’ve never tried to keep you from your friends, my love.  I don’t like it that they think I do.”“I’m happy with it being just us.  They seem so immature lately,” she said with a scowl.  “Their conversation is mundane and frivolous. We’ve just
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Chapter Two
Due to a nor’easter that started just about the time Edwin hopped into the SUV, the normal three-and-a-half-hour drive took almost five hours to reach the cabin in the hills on the edge of the Wachusett Mountain Reservation that belonged to Tim’s uncle.  Edwin was thankful that Tim was a professional stunt driver and, therefore, fully capable of maneuvering the SUV over slick, snow, and ice laden roads.Having monitored the weather, they’d deliberately taken Tim’s vehicle; with Tim manning the wheel. They’d also stopped and stocked up on provisions to bring with them, rather than pick some up in town after they’d arrived and settled in.  Even so, they were surprised and taken aback by the conditions of the road.“We spend too much time in the city,” Mark grumbled as he wiped away the foggy film that accumulated on his window from the heat of his breath and looked out onto the winter wonderland. “I’d
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Chapter Three
Tim and Mark finished breakfast and were on their third cup of coffee by the time Edwin crawled out of bed to join them at the harvest style dining table that was positioned on the side of the great room near the kitchen.“I was beginning to wonder if you were alright,” Mark said as he slid a mug of black coffee in front of Edwin.“What time is it?” Edwin asked as he propped his elbow on the table and rested his forehead in the palm of his hand.  “I have a killer headache.”“From that fall, no doubt,” Tim said as he slid a bottle of Ibuprophen next to the creamer and sugar bowl that were less than an arm’s reach from Edwin.“I prefer Tylenol,” Edwin said as he grabbed the bottle of Ibuprophen and uncapped it.“That’s not just a pain reliever. It’s also a muscle relaxer.  You need both,” Tim explained.“We weren’t planning on huntin
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Chapter Four
Tim stood aside to allow Edwin access to the door.“Can I help you?” Edwin asked warily. The old woman’s grey eyes bore into his blue ones with such an intensity, he felt unable to move; as if mesmerized. When he was finally able to gain control of his senses again, he said, “I’m Edwin Jacobson.”“Then, ye are the one I seek,” she said firmly. “Please, come with me.”Edwin was so taken aback that, at first, he simply stood staring at her in disbelieve with his mouth open.  When she was half-way down the steps, she turned to face him with an expectant look.“I’m sorry, lady, but I have no clue who you are, how you got here, how you knew I’d be here, or why you want me.  What I do know is that I have no intentions of going anywhere with you,” Edwin said as he surveyed the grounds for what might have brought her to the cabin. The caretaker had yet to pl
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Chapter Five
The men rushed out of the cabin with the intention of driving the SUV to where the strange woman claimed she buried the poor girl.  Tim’s hand was on the door handle when she beckoned him back to the center of the snow-laden driveway.“Hold hands,” she said briskly as she positioned them into a circle of which she stood in the center.It took her forcefully barking the order a few more times before they stopped giving bewildered looks and grabbed each other’s hands.  Almost immediately, the world swirled around them until they could see nothing but particles of snow twirling past their heads at breakneck speed.  When it stopped, and their vision cleared, they found themselves deep in the woods on what they guessed was a logging road.Mark struggled to keep a steady stance on legs that felt like jelly while he did his best to prevent his stomach from purging its contents. “Did we just teleport?” Edwi
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Chapter Six
Agatha rushed to place her hands-on Kira’s shoulders to prevent her from rising up out of the coffin while she shouted to Tim and Edwin, “Ye men need to stand back now.  She is a vampire who has been without blood for several centuries.  I must have a chance to be with her before she sees ye.”Tim wasted no time running to hide behind the trunk of an ancient oak tree, but Edwin didn’t move. Agatha warned him a second time before she turned her focus on Kira.  He backed up, but didn’t hide.  He might be crazy, but something told him he didn’t need to.He listened intently as Agatha reintroduced herself to Kira. She reminisced about the events that led up to placing her in the magical coffin and then explained the reason it was imperative that they flee as quickly as possible. A squirrel skittered up the tree next to him. With minimal thought or effort, Edwin caught it and walked toward the newly awaken
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Chapter Seven
“Oh, good,” Agatha said as she watched Tim approach.  “We were just coming to ye.  It has been decided that we will go to Edwin’s family cabin on the Canadian border.”“Right now?” Tim asked with surprise.“Aye,” Agatha replied.  “We must make haste.”“I don’t know about…,” Tim began before Edwin interrupted him.“You can hunt just as easily in New Hampshire,” Edwin said.“That cabin gives me the creeps,” Tim admitted.“It’s not creepy, it’s rustic,” Edwin said playfully.“When was the last time you were there, brave ass?” Tim grumbled.“It’s been a while, but it’s fine,” Edwin assured him.“I don’t have a hunting license for New Hampshire,” Tim pouted.  “None of us do.”“We must leave,&
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Chapter Eight
Kira stood in the middle of the cabin with a look of sadness. Aware of her every move and mood, Edwin was quick to ask her what was wrong.“I am reminded of home,” she practically choked out.  “When I crept from the house before all were awake, it was with the intention of retrieving the cloth my aunt shipped from my homeland.  It was my plan to surprise mother with a new dress. Little did I know I would never set eyes on her again.”“That’s horrible,” Edwin said in a hushed, emotional tone. “I’m so sorry.”“Ye are not bothered that I am a vampire?” she asked in a soft, gentle voice as she stepped nearer to him. “I am a danger to thee.”He’d been so engrossed in her natural beauty and the way she made him feel complete whenever they were in close proximity that he’d forgotten the fact that she was also a vampire; a reputed predator and danger to manki
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Chapter Nine
Thanks to Mark’s stubbornness and generosity, the cabin was provided with enough modern amenities to make it quite cozy.  He purchased a gas powered generator for electricity and a portable gas grill for cooking that had two burners on the side; making it possible to cook a complete meal on it.  A dorm size refrigerator was also purchased to hold the necessities such as eggs and butter. Although both Kira and Agatha studied these items in wonderous awe, the table lamps he’d purchased caused the greatest curiosity. He questioned if the light bulbs would burn out before they ceased turning the lamps on and off.Tim concerned himself with the sleeping arrangements; purchasing several air mattresses and down filled sleeping bags.Edwin concentrated on making sure that they had the proper cooking and eating utensils, since his family had always taken them there and carted them away when they left.  He also picked up a few heavy quilts for good mea
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