All Chapters of Shadow Love Book Two: Chapter 21 - Chapter 29
29 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-One
Martin returned to Alison’s home with a heavy heart.  He’d spent the night searching for Vanessa in all the places he thought she might go to, but with no luck. Now, he had the burden of having to tell her that her friend didn’t go back to their old apartment, as she’d thought.  She was sure to be worried and upset.  These weren’t good things to be when one was making their first shift into shadow land.It was late afternoon on the night of the new moon when he knocked on her front door.  When he got no response, he walked around to the back of the house and knocked on the kitchen door.Again, nothing,  He tried the handle, found the door unlocked, and walked inside.Standing perfectly still, he listened for signs of life in the house.  He could hear the faint sounds of love making coming from upstairs.  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to decipher that it was Alison and Alfred
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Chapter Twenty-Two
Nick wrestled with what to do.  It was the night of the new moon and he should be returning to shadow land for regeneration and rejuvenation.  He could skip one new moon with limited consequences to himself, but more than that would be a problem.He guessed his captor was a shadow person simply by the way he was being treated.  It wasn’t as cruel and harsh as one would expect from a hunter who was simply waiting for him to leave his body on the new moon, so it could be destroyed before he returned.  Hunters had a sick way of thinking that, since the body was empty of the spirit because it was in shadow land, they weren’t committing murder by destroying it.  They failed to understand that a small part of the soul and the spirit were still connected to the body and not all was departed.  If that was the case, then the shadow walker would truly be dead.If he was correct and his captor was a shadow walker, then he should be return
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Chapter Twenty-Three
Martin clung to the rope that was attached to the slender seat as he was boldly lowered from the helicopter onto the deck of the yacht.  When King Rufus said he’d have the helicopter take him to the yacht, he assumed they’d be landing on it and he’d be stepping out onto the deck.  Instead, it hovered over the deck of the yacht as the wind swung his body to and fro while he, little by little, was lowered until his feet were able to support him. The helicopter stayed in position while Martin scrambled about the yacht in search of Nick.  He found him chained by the wrist and ankle in a small room that looked like it was intended to be used for utility, not to accommodate a human.“So, cousin,” Martin said in a voice that he hoped sounded light hearted. “It seems it’s my turn to rescue you.”“So, it would appear,” Nick said as he struggled to stand.  “They have me chained so
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Chapter Twenty-Four
The searing pain right down into his bones was far greater than Martin could have ever imagined.  He didn’t know what to do to relieve it.  It hurt to stand. It hurt to sit.  It hurt to lie down.  He wanted to scream the pain away but feared appearing weak in front of the king; especially since Nick was behaving in such a damnable stoic manner. What Martin didn’t realize was that Nick was in so much pain he was practically frozen by it. He couldn’t get his ribcage to work well enough to take in the amount of air that was needed to operate his vocal cords enough to protest the situation.  As terrible as it was being cramped and clamped to the wall while a hostage, he’d much rather be there than going through the trauma his body was experiencing after being pulled from the mundane side of the veil to shadow land. The doors of the castle anti-chamber burst open as the king’s physician and his assistant rushed to tend to the men.   Prep
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Chapter Twenty-Five
The dark side of shadow land should have rightfully been called the pits of hell.  Not only was the atmosphere uncomfortably close and hot, but the lighting was dim and dingy, and the place was absolutely filthy.  They quickly ascertained that they were too clean and too well dressed, so they adjusted their clothes and hair to better fit in. Time on the shadow side of the veil was measured differently than it was on the mundane side. It moved at a slower pace; which was why the shadow walkers were able to accomplish so much in what the mundanes considered a short amount of time. Had they been on the mundane side measuring time, they would have searched for Vanessa’s whereabouts for only a day before finding her.  As it was, on the shadow side, it was the better part of a week.Their cover story was that they were recent converts to the dark side of shadow land and were still learning their way around.   Since it was a more common oc
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Their zealous grumbles and complaints about having to pay for time with a used-up sex slave got the results they desired.  They watched as Vanessa’s limp body was unceremoniously hauled off to a pickup waiting behind the building and tossed onto the pile of other used up sex slaves.  It looked like they’d have to work fast to learn the route of the pickup.  It was clearly time to make a delivery. Ocilian offered to give them time with another slave, but they indignantly declined and made their exit.  Time was of the essence.  They needed to mix and mingle and ask just the right questions in just the right way to figure out the best and least dangerous way to rescue Vanessa.As luck would have it, Nick stumbled upon two of the men who’d went in with Vanessa before him.  His fingers dug into Martin’s forearm as he joked with them about getting worn out goods and listened to all they did to her.  Their patie
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
Alison paced the hall outside the room they’d placed Vanessa in.  The doctor closed the door to all visitors almost three hours earlier while he examined and tended to her.  Could she be that damaged?Her thoughts shifted to Alfred and Heloise.  She’d learned that Heloise escaped the prison with magic and there was fear that she’d return for Alfred and take him using the same method.  The elders were fervently working to decipher what type of magic Heloise used so that, should she return to free Alfred, they’d be ready for her.  Not only did they intend to stop her from freeing him, but they planned on recapturing her as well. Once back in custody, steps would be taken to bind her that should have been taken in the first place.The sound of the door opening caught her attention.  She watched the doctor come out of the room with nervous anticipation.  “Can I see her now?”Dr. D. closed the doo
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Chapter Twenty-Eight
Other than the fact that it was an odd sensation, returning to the mundane side of the veil and re-entering her physical body was relatively easy.  She was surprised to see Nick standing next to her when she sat up.  “I thought your body was at Martin’s place.”“The king had it brought here by his guards when I asked for protection,” he explained.She looked at the empty spot where Alfred’s body should be.  “It’s gone!”Nick smiled as he pulled her to him. “The guards took it with them and put me in its place.  As it should be.”“Where did they take it?” she asked.Nick shrugged.  “I haven’t a clue and, to be honest, I don’t care.  If I ever lay eyes on him again, you’ll be having to hire a lawyer to defend me against murder charges.”She leaned her forehead against his chest.  “I know this is a
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Chapter Twenty-Nine
If she admitted it to no one else, Alison had to admit to herself that she felt a little envious of Vanessa and Martin’s romantic marriage.  She’d been foolish in rejecting Nick’s proposals and, now that she’d made her mind up to marry him, she wondered if it would ever happen.  They’d discussed it briefly when they first saw each other in shadow land, but nothing was said since.  She didn’t want to appear like she was trying to ‘keep up with the Jones’ by bringing the subject up now.She filled her lungs with air while she thought about all of the mistakes she’d made recently.  She could be married to Nick by now if she hadn’t been so foolish. Now, she was pregnant and unwed with memories of having sex with a man who turned out to be so horrific it made her want to scrub herself clean until she’d eliminated all layers of flesh he’d touched.  She felt dirty beyond reason.  Th
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