บททั้งหมดของ Never Again: บทที่ 1 - บทที่ 10
Chapter 1 – My Series of Unfortunate Events
            "Next!" The plump lady shouted from the table in front of the room. She looked bored with the monotonous work she probably does every day.  I have been here many times, and she would usually do the same thing, that is to hand application forms to applicants. When it was my turn, she looked at me. "It's you again." She said sourly. She handed me the paper without smiling. I faked a smile and took the application form from her. It was already embarrassing she recognized me. Maybe, she was thinking I could not fit anywhere, which was true. I have been going to this office for more than three years now. I gave up applying directly long time ago because I always get rejected. This recruitment agency was my last hope of getting another job after I finished my contract with my previous employer. No matter how hard I work, they wouldn't hire me directly nor at least extend my contract even until
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Chapter 2 – The Irony of Time
It was exactly 1:15 p.m. I didn’t know how many times I looked at the time. I touched my watch. My dad gave this to me as present. He told me that it will always remind me it’s time to go home. It was the same watch I had in my wrist this morning. It stopped ticking twenty years ago, but I still wore it.    If I did not miss the bus, I would have had the time to eat lunch and be on time for my part-time job. If my future still exists, Mrs. Fritz must be angry by now. She has an appointment at two, and I had to babysit and tutor her two children. Thinking I was daydreaming, which was quite true, Mr. Maurice called my name. "Miss Rivera," He called making some of my classmates giggled. I stood up, unsure of what to do. Do I have to stand? It has been years – almost four decades - since I went to college. "You seem to know the lesson very well. You're no longer paying attention." He sounded disappointed. "Care to explain
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Chapter 3 – The Grandfather Paradox
Hello and welcome to the Rolling Heart Stones live show. First up is a song by Michael Jackson, now in its top five. The DJ played the song, ‘You are Not Alone.“Oh, I love this song!” Jane exclaimed. She sat dreamily while concentrating on the lyrics of the song.  It was almost three in the afternoon, and I suddenly felt nostalgic sitting on this familiar bench under the tree. A lot of things had happened here.I wasn’t listening to the song. I was busy reading the newspaper the other student left on the table. It was more interesting than listening to Michael Jackson. I would have flipped out if the DJ played ‘Love Me for A Reason’. Even at my age, I was still crazy over that song.Also, I knew what would happen next. I was sitting opposite her. She excitedly waved to Ed and Albert. Her eyes sparkling and smiling. Ed insisted on treating us as his way of apologizing for what
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Chapter 4 - Royal on the House
“Selene has a boyfriend! Selene has a boyfriend.” Billy kept on chanting it over dinner. I scowled at him, but I did not say anything. I wish I could smack him in the head, but I just looked at him lovingly. My cute three-year-old brother, already independent at his age, ate his dinner on his own.My mom came with a big bowl in her hand. Before my dad could stand up, Albert went and got the bowl from her and placed it on the center of the table.“Thank you,” she said sweetly, then winked at my father.My dad cleared his throat. Oh no! I always hated it when he did that. It usually meant the beginning of an interrogation.“So, are you really my daughter’s boyfriend?” He started.“Dad,” I grumbled as I eyed him scornfully, but I knew he won’t let go of this topic.“Not yet, sir.” He answered politely. “Hopefully soon.”My parents made an exchange look, a
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Chapter 5 - Second First Kiss
The dark sky was covered by glittering stars, and the full moon proudly shone in the night. We didn’t need the lamp post light to guide us on our way to the park. The moon has done its part. Suddenly, I regret walking in the park with Albert. He looked like a Greek god wearing a white polo shirt and white pants. I was so busy hating him that I almost forgot how regal he was when he moved and walked. He was also taller than me. That’s why I had to look up just to glance at his beautiful face. He was perfect in many ways.He stopped walking and looked at me. “Enjoying the view?” He grinned.I panicked and turned my gaze somewhere else. “Yeah. The sky’s beautiful.” I was thankful it was night, he didn’t see my cheeks flushed like a red apple. For a long time, I loathed him, but now, I’m hating myself more.I led him to the picnic table, and we sat across from each other.  As much as my heart was aching to l
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Chapter 6 – Stubborn Past
Still half asleep, I rolled to my bed, stretched my arms, and searched for my cellphone. I usually place it on the side table, but my hand couldn’t find it. My arms reached out to the floor, feeling the cold wooden floor. Maybe it fell, and went under my bed again. Did I forget to turn on the alarm? What happened last night? I groaned. Instead of recalling my past evening, I made a quick recollection of what I should do today. I have to go to the agency to submit another application. In the afternoon, I had to go to Mrs. Fritz’s house to tutor her two children, then head to Jane’s to babysit her three children while she attends an important dinner event.  With my eyes still closed, I sighed heavily. This will be another busy day for me. To be honest, everything was exhausting already, but I badly needed the money to pay the bills.I moaned when someone opened the curtain. The sunlight kissed my face and I murmured a complaint as I continued to search fo
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Chapter 7 - Dumb Ways To Kill
My mind was wandering along the green field outside the large window of the classroom. Our professor has not arrived yet, which gave me time to process what just happened this morning.We arrived thirty minutes earlier, thanks to how maniac Albert was in driving his car this morning. I gave him a fair warning by trying to remove my seatbelt.“Hey!” He shouted when he saw me from the rearview mirror, then slowed down the speed of his driving.I care less about him being a drag racer, but we will not die today just because he wanted to prove something. I gave him a sullen look, then gazed outside the car.“Did you fight or something?” Ed chuckled as he glanced at me. “I thought you’re friends already,” He said grinning at Jane. They were suspicious of our silence about what happened last night.“She was very clear last night. She doesn’t want me to be her friend,” His voice was serious.
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Chapter 8 - We Belong To Each Other
It was dusk when I went out of the building of the library. I walked in silence and focused my eyes on the uneven pavement until I reached the bus stop. I slumped on the seat but did not bother whether I was on the right stop or not.I observed the busy street. The sounds soothed my ears, though there were jumble of noises from traffic and human sounds. In the future this city would soon hum of cars honking, traffic, construction, and people’s noises. Good thing, music apps were created to help you escape that world until you reached the comfort of your home... if you have a home.I could not brush off everything that had happened today. The red mark on my arm has completely disappeared there, but I still tremble in fear whenever I remember the depth of anger in Albert’s eyes. I kept on pushing myself for little luck of changing my future, but the inconsistencies I made has brought events and people I have not met nor seen before. However, I was not thrille
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Chapter 9- Last Night
The wide-open window invited both the chilly wind and the warmth of sunlight into my room. As I became aware of my surroundings, I realized two things at once. I was still in my 18-year-old body, and that intimate moment with Albert last night wasn't a dream. The cold gold pendant touching my skin was proof. I giggled and covered my face with my lumpy pillow as I remember his touch and kisses. But as I think back, it gave me a chill when I recall the serious tone in his voice as he put the necklace on me. He talked metaphorically like something would happen, which I would not like. If I wasn't wearing the necklace on the day we met again, would that mean he still has it with him today? Until when will I stay here this year? Did I die somewhere in the construction area? I brushed off all the questions. I may have the spirit of my 55-year-old body, but since I was in my 18-year-old body, I have duties and obligations to fulfill. I got up and checked today's sch
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Chapter 10 – Feisty Wife
I put on my hoodie as I walked to the classroom. Jane waved at me as soon as she recognized me. I focused my eyes on the floor until I reached her, although there were few people inside. "Have you heard?" She asked in a hushed tone. "And what's with the eyeglasses? I thought you'll be using your contacts," I opened my book. "I was in a hurry," I answered pretending to read. She nodded. "I had to call Ed early this morning to confirm the news, and -" She was interrupted when Ed came in. He gave us a sweet smile, then walked towards us. He sat in the vacant chair and turned to Jane. "So, this is the feeling of being the third wheel," he grunted. She rolled her eyes and glanced at the doorway as the 'most iconic couple' all over the news this morning went in. Diana's arms were in his arms. She was all smiling today like she just won the lottery. Her face was as bright as the color of her dress today, a yellow plaid dress. I slumped to my
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