All Chapters of Fenrir Rising: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
90 Chapters
The Hunt
Hakan leads Skoll outside the city. The meeting place is in the forest near the houses, farms, and small businesses that surround the city walls."So who is going to be our victim tonight? Skoll asks. "We usually have one of our members wait for a drunkard to walk out of one of the bars and pretend to walk them home. Don't worry, we kill them quickly before we feast on them. Most of the time they don't realize what's happening before there dead." "So you kill them humanly?" "We try to at least. We are not monsters like some of the humans would like to believe we are.  You should consider yourself lucky that you don't have much contact with humans outside the city.""What? They think we are just monsters?""Some of them do, yes. At least it's less prevalent inside the city. Not everyone agrees with the king turning his army into werewolves." "So they consider us monsters even though they don't know about ou
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"Shouldn't we be trying to get as far away from the capital as possible?" Skoll asks both of them. "We have plenty of time. Besides, the soldiers should be preoccupied dealing with the wolves in the capital for some time. By the time they start searching for us, we will be long gone from the village we're headed too." Lokota replies. After two hours of walking, they reach their destination. This village, unlike others, is known for logging instead of farming like most small villages are. The massive forest that used to surround this village has been slowly dwindling due to excessive logging. What was once a village hidden in the forest, it is now surrounded by a field of tree stumps. "This must be where the capital gets most if it's wood from." Hakan points out. "Most likely. If we did enough damage here, they would need to focus on fixing this more than they would on hunting us down." Lokota says with a mischief smile. 
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Magic Rings
"Shouldn't we be trying to get as far away from the capital as possible?" Skoll asks both of them. "We have plenty of time. Besides, the soldiers should be preoccupied dealing with the wolves in the capital for some time. By the time they start searching for us, we will be long gone from the village we're headed too." Lokota replies. After two hours of walking, they reach their destination. This village, unlike others, is known for logging instead of farming like most small villages are. The massive forest that used to surround this village has been slowly dwindling due to excessive logging. What was once a village hidden in the forest, it is now surrounded by a field of tree stumps. "This must be where the capital gets most if it's wood from." Hakan points out. "Most likely. If we did enough damage here, they would need to focus on fixing this more than they would on hunting us down." Lokota says with a mischief smile. 
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After a week of walking, the wolves reach the headquarters of the rebellion. Situated in neutral territory between the Land of Fura, and the neighboring country, it is divided by a long stretch of mountains. "Wait, I heard there are dragons that live in these mountains and guard this territory." One of the wolves says."That's just a myth, but it does keep the humans away from this place." Hakan replies.They make their way through the forest with Hakan leading the group. Many of the new wolves they freed, wonder how he knows where to go without a distinct path to follow. Before long, they reach a large chasm that runs straight through the mountain. Walls on both sides that stretch upward as far as the eye can see.Fissures in the walls are everywhere, each one narrower than the chasm they are walking through. They all seem to go a lot deeper into the mountain, making it seem like it would be a maze if you wandered in too far. "How does
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Preparing for the Fight
"What, you have to go straight to asking me that? No, it's good to see you again? This is exactly why I didn't want to come here.  I was hoping that you wouldn't recognize me." Fenrir says with a growl in his voice. "I'm guessing that she is dead then? I thought both of you were dead. I have made my peace thinking that I lost both of you for years now. Then you show up here by yourself, I thought you were going to protect her like you wanted too. That's what you kept saying, that you would protect us both like the eldest brother should. You spent your childhood training to become stronger, but it seems that was all for naught." Skoll says in a calm tone. "And what did you do while we were fighting for our lives. I did the best I could to save her while you were nowhere to be seen. I damn near died trying to save her." Fenrir shouts. "Fine, you win. I admit I should have been there as well. But with all the chaos that ensued that day, no on
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And the winner is?
Skoll and Fenrir look at each other in confusion. Skoll seems to be the most surprised by this. He knows Lokota is strong, but he also believes he is underestimating them. "Will all due respect sir, what's with the sudden change?" Skoll says. Lokota pauses before he speaks, and stretches both of his arms before he continues. "There is a mission coming up, I want the two of you to go on this mission. For that, I need both of you to be able to work together, to put your differences aside and complete the objective. I dont care what happened in your past, when a foe is before you, will you get in each other's way or work together?""He is right Skoll, no matter what we think of each other, we can't let our differences get the better of us. When our enemy is too strong for one us to defeat, we have to rely on each other to take them down." Fenrir says."I know, just back me up while I go in close to attack." Skoll says as he begins to loosen up for the fight.&
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"W...Why wasn't I able to sense you?" Lokota asks Fenrir as he tries to stand up. "I just did what you wanted us to do." Fenrir replies. "We performed as a team to take you down. Skoll provided the perfect opening for me to land a direct hit. I simply took advantage of your magic abilities weakness." "I see. So you figured out how it works. You figured out that I use the vibrations in the earth to keep track of my targets. You jumped into the air at the same time Skoll tried to punch through my last barrier. The shockwave he caused was nullified the vibration your jump made." Lokota is impressed by Fenrir's awareness in battles. Showing the ability to exploit your enemy's weakness mid-battle is the trait most veteran fighters have. Both of them have shown excellent teamwork, the plan Skoll came up with worked. When the enemy is outnumbered, it's best to attack from different sides. Attacking an adversary with precise coordination, will through
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Plans for a new kingdom
The mages release the barrier as the fighting has come to an end. Lokota speaks to the wolves that participated in the fights about the mission he wishes to send them on. "I want all of you to participate in this important mission. Arkad will be informed as soon as he is released from the infirmary. I want all of you to report to the command room in the morning to receive your orders for the upcoming mission." Lokota turns to leave the room after he is done. Recognizing the bewildered faces of Lucia and Fenrir, Skoll speaks up. "Don't look so stressed out by how he speaks. Ever since he became the leader, he started talking like this. My theory is, he talks like that to make up for his lack of confidence." "So he's compensating for his lack of confidence, by being overconfident?" Fenrir asks. "When you spend enough time around him, he lets his guard down. Being in charge of a small army does not come easy, he is just stressed out by all of his
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Early the next morning, the wolves gather in the command room to receive their objectives for the upcoming mission. "Our scouts have identified an ancient ruin not far from the area that we plan to relocate." Lokota says. "As far as we know, it is unexplored. The possibility of finding a magical artifact in there is highly likely." Lucia clears her throat to ask a question. "How often so ancient ruins contain magical artifacts?" "Most of them do. If they don't, it usually contains lost information relating to the ancient beings that built them."Most of the information on who built these structures are unknown. The only thing anyone really knows is that whoever built these, had a good understanding of magic before recorded human history. While early humans we're living in the stone age, these structures were being occupied by the ones the built them. No one knows what happened to them, and why they seemed to abandon these structures fairly quickly.&n
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Three hoodless cloaked figures stand overlooking the city of Hitara. The metal helmets they wear are in the shape of a wolf baring its fangs. Two of them wear black helmets, while the one in the middle wears a silver-colored helmet. "So this is where it all started." The one standing in the middle says. "The wrath of the human race came down on our species here. They must be judged for their actions.""In accordance with the new world order, we will unite this world by eliminating the wicked with our judgment, Anubis." The one on his right says in a monotone female voice. "There is a group of werewolves that only wish to free our species from this tyrant that calls himself king of this land." Anubis says. "Suriel, the mother of our species wanted us to eliminate all of the humans. However, I do not believe all humans are evil, all of them deserve a chance to be judged properly." "The devoted followers of Suriel are no more." The one on h
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