Lahat ng Kabanata ng Burned to Beta: Kabanata 1 - Kabanata 10
14 Kabanata
The Fire and Loss
 The blaze flared into the sky. The night filled with smoke and sparks. The stars disappeared in the haze and glowing embers. The historical saloon hotel was shaded by the inferno roaring behind it. The life Lynexia had known and loved, devoured by coruscate.  Lynexia stood at the edge of the woods and watched two figures being pushed through the ruins of the entrance to the saloon. They were covered in ash, and they were pale with fear from the building, disappearing inside again.  A crack was heard through the screams and flames, and another window exploded.  The roof began to buckle as more smoke and sparks sprayed the night sky.   In the mountains of the wild west of Wyoming, the old town sat several miles from civilization.  Though perfect for the pack, there was no way for emergency services t
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'Welcome, cousins. “ The older male greeted. “Thank you, ALPHA Cyan.” Wyett shook the male's hand. “How many have arrived?" He inquired.  “Two families. “ Cyan responded.  “What happened? “ The older female questioned.  “Good to see you too, Luna lavender.  An omega decided to stage a coupe.  He couldn't best anyone in a real fight.  So, he poisoned a small group into following him.  Then they firebombed the town.  Alpha Camus and Luna Sarina worked to get us all to safety.  Sadly, they were trapped in the saloon when it collapsed. “ Wyett explained.  Lavender gasped and covered her mouth with her hand as tears filled her eyes.  “What of the Luna princess? “ A middle-aged female inquired.  “Lynexia is in the back of the RV.  A couple of hours into the drive she fell asleep, so I laid her down in the bed. “ Aunt Azura responded.  “How is
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A knock came from the kitchen door. Lavender left the dishes and opened the door. A red-haired, slim female stood on the step. “Ginger, thank you for coming on such short notice.” the older female greeted. “You’re welcome, Mama. You said that it was important. How is the pack?” Ginger responded, entering the kitchen. “The ones that are here are shaken up but coping. The one we are most worried about is Lynexia She watched as her father and mother got as many of the pack to safety as possible. Then the building collapsed around them” LAvender explained. Poor girl. How is she holding up?” Ginger required. “I’ll take you to her.” Lavender offered. The red-haired female followed her mother out of the kitchen. The males continued their conversation as the females left.Lavender opened the bedroom door and allowed Ginger to enter first. Ginger looked to the bed and found them curled-up teenagers sleeping. The tee
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The sky changed and Lynexia could smell the evening coming.  The animals of the day started to bed down with the sun.  The animals of the night opened their eyes with the rising moon. The insects changed shifts and the wheat smelled different.  Lynexia could feel the awakening moon. Every instinct told her to shift. As much as she urged her body,  it just couldn't change. The silence of her wolf tore her soul apart.  Lynexia stomped through the fields. Her anger and frustration were boiling up inside her. She walked up to the side of a barn and punched a hole through the wall.  When she pulled it out she watched the blood streaming out around the pieces of wood stuck in her flesh.  She didn't feel any pain from her wounds.  She stomped towards the woods.  The blood dripped fast to the ground and stained the grass behind her. She reached the edge of the trees and realized that her arm hurt.  She looked back at her hand and arm. 
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Leaving it all Behind
Lynexia woke the next morning, confused. She remembered being in the fields but not returning to the ranch house. She sat up, stretched, and sniffed the air. The smell of sausage and eggs filled her sinuses. She kicked her legs over the edge. Lynexia slowly got to her feet and left the room. She made her way through the house to enter the kitchen. Alrik, sensing her presence, looked up from his plate. “How did you sleep, Lynexia?” he questioned. Lynexia shrugged her shoulders in response. “Are you hungry?'' he inquired as he got up from the table and approached her. “Not really” she whispered as Alrik led her to his chair and had her sit. “You really should eat something.” Lavender urged. Alrik moved his plate so his grandmother placed a plate of sausage and toast in front of Lynexia. Lynexia was not really hungry but felt all the eyes burrowing through her. She took a small bite of toast. Ginger then placed a glass of juice next to Lynexia's plate. The young female finished one pie
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Scenery of Change
Lynexia watched out the window as they left the gas station. They continued the journey through the western state. Around Little Rock Arkansas, she turned from the window and curled into herself. Changing scenery broke her heart more and more. She closed her eyes and allowed the tears to lull her to sleep. Just before Memphis, Ginger entered the bedroom and woke the young female up. “Lynexia, we are going to be stopping soon. You should get out and walk around a little bit.” She suggested. Lynexia laid there not speaking. “I know that it is hard for you leaving your home behind. I did when I married Xavier. I lived all my life in Oklahoma. I remember the changing scents in the air and the changing land. I was happy on the way so it was a little easier. Didn’t make it not hurt. I knew that my life would change. Xavier had just been made Alpha and I was still young. I wasn’t sure that I was ready to lead a pack or ready to become a mother. There was a l
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I am sorry that I have not written anything in this story for a bit. I am working out where to go from here. I thought I had a plan but that did not work out so well. I am working on the next phase. Pleas be patient and keep checking in. I will get some more out as soon as possible. I am worried that what I have next it too predictable. I want to add more to the story. I want a few more twists before I continue. Thank you for reading. While you wait you can check out my other books. Happy Reading!
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A New Home
Lynexia sat at the alpha’s table while the others ate. She didn’t want to eat nor did she want to be there. The Alpha and his Luna had asked that she join them for dinner. Lynexia thought that declining would be disrespectful. These people had agreed to take her in when they really didn’t have to. All around were conversations. When the others would address her, Lynexia would nod, give a weak smile, or monsolavic responses. Everyone understood that she was going through a hard time, even though they worried they did not push her to be more engaging. After dinner, Melania and Rydell bid everyone goodnight and led Lynexia to their house. The house was not large but it was not small either. It was a two story Victorian style house. The first floor looked like a typical Victorian. To the left of the front door was the drawing room that connected to the library towards the back of the house. To the right of the front door was the living room that connected to the dining room towards the
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The Visitor
Lynexia awoke sometime later, hearing voices down stairs. She got up and walked out of her bedroom. Then she walked down the stairs and cracked the door open, just a little. She could finally hear the voices more clearly. “I’m sorry, Alrik, Lynexia has not come down. I don’t think this is a good time to visit.” Melania said. “Mel, I need to see her.” Alrik protested. “I understand what you are feeling but you cannot rush her feelings. You constantly around will unnerve her. She is already struggling with the new life she has been dealt.” Rydell responded, trying to calm the young man. “I can’t just walk away and wonder how she is doing. She is me..” “Stop, do not talk about that right now. If she can hear us, this news would scare her more. Now is not the time to add that into her world. Give her some time to settle. You can come back another time. We will let you know when it would be a good time. I promise to keep you up to date on her condition. Be patient.” Melania urged. Lynexia
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Dinner and Revelations
The group entered the dining room and sat around the table. The table was filled with homemade foods that reminded Lynexia of her Grandmother. There was Southern Sweet tea, fried green tomatoes, Soft Buttermilk Dinner Rolls, sweet corn, fried chicken, and homemade country gravy with mashed potatoes. It all smelled delicious. Far better than the cereal she had back at her apartment. Alrik tried to sit next to Lynexia but his family attempted to keep him from his goal. They didn’t want to alert Lynexia to the situation. But she already knew. “It’s fine. Alrik can sit next to me, if it will make him feel better.” Lynexia sighed. The group was surprised. Lynexia very rarely spoke and hasn’t without being spoken to. They were also surprised that she would let Alrik sit next to her. “Are you sure?” Ginger questioned. “If we keep telling him to stay away he will keep trying and probably get aggressive. Just let him sit next to me.” she replied. “Behave yourself.” Xander warned as his son
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