All Chapters of Tainted Memories: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
44 Chapters
Mesi's POV My gaze ran over her slowly as we continued to enjoy our meal, the sweet sound of jazz in the background setting a scene that was perfect for my moments of adoration. She had me on the edge of my seat completely intrigued. In all honesty, she was different from all the other women I had met and held conversations with, she challenged me and did a very good job at it, her view on a topic wasn't based on mine, she had her own reasons and didn't seem to fear voicing them with a sense of passion and determination. Her argumentative nature was amusing while also inspiring, I had met strongminded women but they usually came with pride and a lack of knowledge when it came to admitted wrongs, learning and apologizing but she was the complete opposite and that fac
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Destiny's POV I took another sip from my glass, my tired feet screaming for much-needed rest as my social battery continued to decrease with every passing second, but sadly the ability to deal with exhaustion was a requirement for my occupation. I was left to mingle and create business relationships at least two times every month, and now my interactions had become rehearsed which meant the conversations held less and less excitement, in the end leaving me to want to leave before I even arrived. "Is he the one who wrote Dreaded?" Mr Teri asked directing the question to me and I forced a smile. "Yes that's him," I replied and he nodded as I fought back a bored yawn while also sending encouragement to my tired body.
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Destiny's POV My eyes ran over her for what felt like the hundredth time tonight, the soft music and dimmed lights setting a distractingly perfect mood, one which had my mind drifting off to a place where only she stood on display. I placed my now empty glass of wine on the coffee table as my gaze fell to the red silk robe she wore and my mind couldn't help but wonder if she had anything underneath it. "Do you want a refill?" she asked, her words pulling my eyes back to hers. "No I'm fine," I replied as the thought of her touching me came to mind, making concentrating on anything else but the way her skin shined with glory difficult. "What?" she questioned and I smiled meeting her eyes once more as I tried my best
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Mesi's POV Unspoken words and denied emotions. I was stuck wondering if I had spent my life trying to break a generational curse only to repeat the actions I feared, only to be faced with the inevitable, I was too closed off. I had spent so much time trying to build my financial status that I forgot to build myself emotionally and after all this time I was left wondering how to fix what I had unknowingly destroyed. I didn't fear being alone or at least I don't believe I do, but what I am sure of is my fear of dying alone with the knowledge that I never loved anything but myself and the wealth I had accumulated.  It was somewhat depressing to think that at my age emotions made me uncomfortable, that my biggest
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THREE WEEKS LATER Mesi's POV "You have a degree in psychology," she said repeating my earlier confession and I smiled lifting my recently poured glass of wine off the table as I shifted on her couch, my mind tuning into the sweet sound of jazz playing softly from her speakers for a split second. "I do," "Explains a lot," she continued making me snicker as I enjoyed the sight of her. "What do mean explains a lot?"  "Just the way you approach life, approach me," "How do I approach you?" I asked and she looked down at the contents o
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One Month Later Samantha's POV I stood there with the box of supplies in my hands patiently waiting for the elevator to arrive. A month had passed since I had started working here and over time I had grown comfortable with not only the surroundings but the people, a majority of them also having prior convictions like I did which in return made it easier for us to build relationships since we all had the ability to empathize and understand each other. It was seemingly the first time since I got out that I had felt accepted and understood. It was nice to speak with people who understood what I went through on a daily and at the same time, I was still left feeling like an outcast as well since the motto around here was 'Time is the greatest heal
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Destiny's POV I sat by the bar taking another sip from my glass savouring the taste since I knew I was only allowed two drinks tonight, being that somebody had to be sober enough to keep watch. It was a sad and depressing reality to know that we as women had to be on guard even in the moments that were made for us to relax and let go. The reality was even more depressing when you realized that no matter the situation the blame was always going to be shifted onto us. My gaze went to my best friend Aliyah who was dancing in the arms of a man on the dance floor enjoying herself and even though I came to do the same thing my body was not up to follow through. No matter how much I tried to avoid these situations I alwa
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Samantha's POV I stood up removing the gloves from my tired hands as the hot sun continued to rest its palms against my skin awaking the sweat from my pores but somehow I went unfazed. Maybe it was because the sun and I had become properly acquainted over years leaving me to appreciate the slight burning sensation, it reminded me that I was alive and while in prison it gave me hope. Hope for not only new beginnings but for growth in ways my mind could never imagine. So days like these were the ones I dreamt of, days like these were the ones my soul yearned for at night, it was a blessing to be able to appreciate the small things in life especially when the world held so many distractions on a daily. Distractions t
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Mesi's POV "Do you want something to drink?" I offered as she moved to sit on the couch, the white v-neck she was wearing showing off her beautifully tatted arm that was still quite visibly under the dimmed lights. "No thank you, I'm fine," She answered and I gazed at her from beyond the kitchen island, a small smile greeting my face as I continued to sense her uneasiness. "Are you sure? Because you look kinda nervous" I replied and she chuckled scanning my living room. "I'm sure," she voiced and I hummed grabbing my glass of wine walking over to her. "Mesi, you have an amazing house," she complimented. "Thank
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TWO DAYS LATERDestiny's POVMy eyes drifted to her once more before returning to the contents of my glass as conversation continued to fill the space and I couldn't help but wish I wasn't here. It's not that I didn't want to celebrate Britt's accomplishment tonight, it's just that I felt out of place and somewhat guilty with Mesi sitting beside Jazmine a few steps away.My conscience couldn't really handle it as thoughts rushed through my mind forcing me to take another sip from my glass as I tried to calm my anxiety as much as possible."Wanna go dance?"Britt asked"No, I think I'm going to stay here,""You okay?""Yeah I was just up and down all day, I'm really tired," I half lied."I understand,""Just give me a few seconds to get liquored up," I added playfully and she laughed nodding, my gaze moved up as they all exited the private lounge leaving me alone with my conflicted
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