บททั้งหมดของ MISS HEIRESS: The Excellent Achiever : บทที่ 41 - บทที่ 50
Chapter 41 SWITCH (1)
After the couple’s short conversation on the phone, Ethan’s mood lightened up. He felt so much excitement and anticipation. He was really looking forward to seeing the most beautiful woman in his own mind and heart. His feelings were too obvious to Ella to comprehend.  But knowing Ella’s possessions on him, she thought that maybe he had already forgotten his anger towards her earlier and she also thought that maybe he wants to enjoy her company for a while.  ‘Maybe he decided to give us a chance finally.’ She thought happily as she fixed herself according to her style.   She decided to sneak out from her room and hide from her bodyguards which was strictly deployed to keep an eye on her by her mother Anna Win
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Chapter 42 SWITCH (2)
Ethan was in a daze of his confusion as to why his body reacted this way towards the woman he had despised the most. How could he explain to himself that he was perfectly captivated by ‘Ella’s’ sudden change of aura?  No! No! No! How could he thought of it this way?  ‘I need to stop this, this is not right! I can’t betray my Izzabelle!’  He thought whilst shaking his head violently to awaken up his rational senses. Upon reaching on his front, ‘Ella’ reached her long slender hand to take his but he dodged quickly. He ignored her completely. Then he stood up from his seat and starred at the woman in front of him.  
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Chapter 43 PICKING HIM UP (1)
Hearing Izzabelle’s carefree laughter, the man’s furious expression suddenly softened. He really admired her cleverness in making her sly and cunning plans effective.  Who would have thought that a high ranking female officer could also be deceiving in appearance too?  In his point of view, creating someone who look exactly like it’s version was an impossible task to fulfill and how much more the total cost of it while creating the project with meticulous details and making it more authentic?  He can’t fully imagine how much she spent for those creations of hers.  ‘She’s really that loaded, huh?’  
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Chapter 44 PICKING HIM UP (2)
During the couple’s silent and uneventful ride, Izzabelle’s phone vibrated. She skimmed her purse and held her phone.  The woman choose to answer the call through her Bluetooth ear stud to her privacy. She glanced at the caller’s name and smiled faintly. It was Marcus her friend and confidant. “Hey dude, What’s up?”  She asked enthusiastically fixing her gaze at the outside  scenery. She wasn't paying attention to her driver.  “Boss where are you? Why didn’t you take me with you?”  Marcus on his playful mode fired out questioning his boss’ whereabouts. Now he fee
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“Inzo!”  Izzabelle shouted loudly while seeing her brother losing his consciousness. The pitiful sight of him makes her heart clenched. She quickly checked on his pulse and felt relived knowing that her brother just went blacked out momentarily.  Ethan came forward and took the skinny young man in his arms from Izzabelle’s grasp. Thinking that she couldn’t handle carrying her brother, he offered to carry him instead. “Please stay with him and take good care of him for me... You have to go and move... now!”  Izzabelle’s voice roared out making him startled on the spot. “Don&r
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The adjacent building was a hospital establishment specifically build for usual emergency circumstances like this.  Behold that the whole property were privately and purposely hidden, it was literally advisable to create one for medical purposes. It was fully equipped with different high-tech medical parafernalias which was ready to use anytime   for convenience.  Ethan and Izzabelle pushed Inzo’s stretcher in a hurry into the emergency room where she could be able to check on her brother’s condition properly. The young man was suffering with a high fever and it engulfed him entirely. Due to poor health and lack of nutrition, his immune system couldn't fight the infections which was slowly envading his whole being.
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Marcus’ wide smile vanished and replaced by a mix of frown and confusion while starring at the young man’s features. He eyed him carefully and averted his gaze to his boss with a questioning look.   Inzo on the other hand did the same as Marcus did. He starred at the latter for a few seconds intently. He also averted his gaze from the man to his sister and give also the same questioning look.    “YOU!”   Marcus and Inzo blurted out in unison while pointing their fingers into each other's face. The high pitch voices of the two young males echoed at the whole spacious hospital room.    Ethan whom still sleeping leisurely at the sofa due
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“Take your time boys, no hurry. I’ll be back later. I just need to assign some tasks to this confidant of mine who happens to be your friend.”  Izzabelle announced and patted Marcus’ shoulder gesturing him to go out with her.  The two then bid their goodbyes and promised to be back later.  Inzo and Ethan nodded their heads in acknowledgment.  Watching Izzabelle and Marcus leaving the room, the two men began to dig into their separate meals.  “Brother, how did they end up being boss and confidant?”  Inzo asked curiously,
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On the other side of the State...  Anna Winchester’s luxurious villa...  “Ahhh! Make it more harder and fast idiot!”  Anna’s voice was cold and domineering.  She was enjoying her leisure time pleasurably with one of her muscular subordinate pounding on her hard and rough as she commanded.  “I’m almost there..! Ahhhh! Again harder!”  Her moans were too loud that she didn’t noticed her personal phone was already beeping for hours.  The old woman
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Chapter 50 SLY FOX
At the Smith’s residence... Linda’s phone beeped but she didn’t noticed it until came the third beeping. She was fully occupied at the moment but finally got the chance to answer the phone call. She glanced at her phone screen and was surprised. Her eyes widened like saucers.  Clutching her phone tightly, she excused herself from the kitchen and made her way through the door connecting to the garden. She looked  around to check if someone’s present but discovered none. In one swipe, the call was automatically connected.  “Hello Madam..!”  She answered fearfully. She was freaking anxious and nervous at the moment but tried to be casual.
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