All Chapters of The Wolf Moon Rises: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
44 Chapters
Chapter Thirty - Coming of Age
The few remaining days before the Wolf moon had flown by. Selene was still unconscious, but the silver was removed from her blood. She had fully shifted to her wolf in the middle of her first night sleeping in the moonlight. Seeing a scruffy white wolf on the cot made everyone much more confident that she would heal well as soon as she got enough hours with the goddess. Every morning her coat seemed to have filled in some, which was a good sign. The lycan appeared to have left, but the guest houses still smelled recently used, so nobody in the pack was quite as comfortable as they would normally be. Jake had fallen back on his traditional pack party plans, omitting most of the birthday and mate announcement plans he’d been making. He really wanted to count on both Lia’s shift and their mating, but he understood Lia not wanting attention from a bunch of werewolves who were still mostly strangers to her, so he’d agreed to keep those things just between them for tonight. Knowing most of
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Chapter Thirty One - Mates
Lia dove onto her bed and spun around, her knees bent up to hide her chest and her hands over her burning red cheeks. Had she really just done that? Had she really felt him up like that and then stripped naked? What had come over her? She heard Jake following her and buried her face behind her knees.A large hand wrapped around her ankle and tugged her leg out, hauling her to the end of the bed. She squealed, then burst out laughing as Jake ran his tongue up her leg. His shoulders stiffened and he stilled for a moment, cursing softly. “Come here Lia, our wolves need to have a chat before we do anything else.”“Why?”“’Cause yours is sending out messages when you have strong emotions or sensations. David doesn’t want any more glimpses of me licking your bare legs and apparently, he heard a couple of giggles from Ellie and Elsie’s room a few minutes ago so they’re probably seeing or feeling something too. Dylan also says that Zinnia just asked him some interesting questions about tingly
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Chapter Thirty Two - Wolf Moon Rises
After sleeping most of the morning, Lia and Jake snacked, snuggled, and made love in their rooms. The activities on the lawn and in the house grew louder as everyone’s anticipation of the wolf moon grew. The new coupe hardly noticed the festivities, except once, mid afternoon, when the howling and cat calling from below the balcony had Jake reluctantly pulling Lia up from the bed.“Put on...something.” He grumbled as he waved around her room. “They’ve scented our pheromones now so they won’t leave us alone until I take you out and introduce you as my mate and Luna.”“Oh.” Lia’s face burned with embarrassment.“Yeah. Then I guess we better leave the doors open and put a fan on for a bit to push the scent out as much as possible, otherwise the little Rogues will be asking questions and the big ones will be distracted all through dinner.” A smile curved Jake’s lips as the heat of her blush made the scent of their lovemaking even stronger. She was definitely more easily embarrassed than an
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Chapter Thirty Three - Together at Last
Lia sighed in relief as her wolf and Jake’s finally managed to mind link. The first image he shared with her was of a majestic white wolf on a lounge chair with her eyes closed and her head tipped up to the sky, the moon gleaming brightly behind her, its light sparkling and glowing on her fur. His first image of her as a wolf, she guessed. She heard Jake whimper then and knew that without her consciously trying to, her wolf had shared the feelings of her experience with him. Her orgasm had been sweet but then the pain of shifting had ripped through her with such intensity that for a moment she’d been terrified the change was going to just tear her open and she’d bleed to death instead of fully transforming! As that had dimmed, her other senses had exploded. She had always been able to see, hear, and smell more than her human friends, but the full wolf senses were amazing. The intensity of it had completely overwhelmed her at first. She could scent every wolf in the pack and hear every
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Chapter Thirty Four - Stolen
Liana awoke the next morning with a sneeze. She sat up, looking around the room. She was human again. When had she switched back? Obviously that hadn’t been as painful as the shift to her wolf. She was human, naked, and curled up on the floor near the fire in the Alpha family’s suite. Jake was behind her, his hand on her hip tightened slightly as her movement disturbed his sleep. She sneezed again and felt the tingling all the way down from the back of her head to her shoulders. “Aconitine?”Jake sat up. “Wolfsbane? Here?”Jake stood, pulling Lia to her feet with him. “Is it on us? Do we need to shower?” She sniffed again, following the scent to the open patio door, sneezing twice before she got there. “It’s definitely coming from outside, but there can’t be any plants from the Ranunculaceae family growing wild in the winter. I think I smell Albert too, and Albert shouldn’t be hunting this close to houses.” She sneezed once more and pulled the patio doors shut against the smell and th
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Chapter Thirty Five - Lycan Secrets
Jake heard David’s yelp of surprise at the same time he got his linked message. Lia had been there one moment, sneezed, then disappeared into thin air! There one moment and gone the next. Literally vanished in the blink of an eye. The werewolves around him were frozen in shock, looking at each other and trying to make sense of what they were seeing in the link. Only a lycan could make werewolves vanish like that, and they only did that when a law had been broken. There was always a warning too, not a hearing really, but a sentencing so the wolf and their family all knew what was happening and why. Jake took a slow steadying breath. Lia had done nothing wrong that he knew about and a lycan would ensure one mate knew the other’s transgressions. Usually their entire family and the pack as well. Lycan were heavy-handed and unforgiving when it came to law breaking, but they too followed their own laws to the letter. The family had to be notified first. Jake suspected the point of that was t
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Chapter Thirty Six - The Creeps
"For the love of the moon!" Yelled Mark, "how do they expect us to find what they can not? A Lycan who doesn't want to be found can not be tracked by werewolves just because the council commands it! We sure as cats can’t make him come here just by asking politely."The words were barely out of his mouth when David, Jake and Zinnia all cried out, "Lia!" Mark spun to look at his Alpha, surprised to see hope radiating from his smiling face."She is alive!" He said, "Her wolf is linking with me, though not well. I'm getting a jumble of images and sensations. I can't really figure it out.""I got the message scared, stuck, and a call for help as clear as air," David said, "but that is the sort of message Selene taught her to send specifically to me, so her wolf has known how to do that for many years. I don't have a location or anything useful. Usually useful information comes with the call for help.""She in on or near the ocean," Zinnia said, "and I think Selene is with her. I am getting
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Chapter Thirty Seven - The Creeps 2
“What’d he mean by that?” Asked Albert. “Train 'er fer what?”“You’re a wee bit slow or something? Teach her to always do as the man in charge tells her. Strip. Stick her ass in the air. Suck a man off. Beg him to break her nose. Bring him a whip to crack over her pussy. Whatever he says.”“Jesus,” cursed Albert. There was a chorus of laughter. “You’ll like it when he gives you a go with her.”“He...he does that?”“Sure, you just can’t stick nothing in her pussy, that hole belongs to the buyer, but anything else you want to do to her is fine. Sometimes there’s a specific thing he wants us to do, but mostly we can do whatever we want. He says it’s easier to train them when they’re little, but really I think he enjoys breaking the older ones in more.”“How’d you mean?”“Well, this past summer there was this little dark-haired girl we picked up in Mexico, maybe twelve or thirteen years old. Just getting her tits. Anyways, she was fighting tooth and nail when we go her on board. He brough
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Chapter Thirty Eight - The Great Escape
Selene stayed so completely motionless that Lia wasn’t entirely sure she was still conscious. The last kick had moved her too far from her mother for her to reach. She didn’t dare try the link on her own though, not with both werewolves and a Lycan around. She was pretty sure it was all her wolf could handle just to remember to keep all the links closed. The boat swayed on a large swell and her nausea increased. She swallowed the extra saliva, pressing a hand to her middle and trying to think of anything other than the motion and the burning in her stomach. She was colder and more miserable feeling than she had ever been in her life. Either sea sickness increased over time and made every motion more miserable than the last, or the sea was getting rougher. Did that mean they were moving out of the bay? Was the falling snow in the bay just a taste of a storm raging off the coast? On the next large swell, her cage slid across the deck and bumped into Selene’s. The two stared at each other
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Chapter Thirty Nine - The Great Escape Continues
Jake cried out with everyone else on shore when he saw the giant fireball. He’d told him no. Killian had either defied a direct order or accidentally crashed. Defied the order was more likely. “If he survives, he’s a dead man,” Jake growled.“Even if he brings them back?” Dylan asked. “I said no.”“He didn’t ask though, did he? His message was that he was ditching the plane, hopefully onto the ship, and jumping in as close as possible to the three life jackets. He was probably out of the plane before he got your command.” Jake growled again, but not with as much force. He hated to admit that Dylan was right, and he hated even more that he was hoping Killian would succeed.“Any word?” David asked.“We’re not asking,” Dylan said, “he’s got enough to worry about right now. He hit the water alive, I don’t know beyond that. We'll just wait to hear.”“Jasper tells me the raft is open, but only a little over half inflated. It will hold Selene and Lia, but the men will have to ride the tide
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