All Chapters of Sins of The Past: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
120 Chapters
011 | The Darkest Hour
Unknown Person’s P.O.V. Because I was not used to drinking too much, I didn’t know if I would consume all of it. I could drink in a shot glass, but what they were giving me right now was a huge beer glass, and the wine content already reached more than its half.  “Of course, bro! Well, it should be bottom’s up and no excuse at all. It is your birthday today, and you will suit yourself with just a shot glass? Hell, there’s no fucking way! You have to drink hard. We will surely get drunk here later, so we will not allow you to end up sober! But anyway, this is just a glass of red wine. You will not get sloshed here,” Gabriel intruded. Jude and Daniel laughed as well. “Alright! I’m going to drink this, okay? But you, guys, have to promise me first that you will take this beautiful woman to her home safe and soun
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012 | Deep Remorse
Unknown Person’s P.O.V. I felt like being swayed on cloud nine. She had a natural fragrance that kept on attracting me towards her. I guessed her aroma blossomed from her head to toe. I was sure as hell that I could never get tired of kissing her the whole night even after dawn. She uttered something, but it ended up vague to me that I was not able to understand it. All I knew was I removed the only thing that covered her amusing breasts. Even though I couldn’t see those, I eagerly claimed the right while caressing the other. Nothing could stop me from doing this to her as if there would never be tomorrow. Her breasts were so huge that I ended up slurping her alluring peaks even more. Curling my fingers on her hair, I pressed my lips on hers again. I tried to be gentler as much as possible, despite whateve
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013 | Obsessive Behavior
Diane’s P.O.V. “Did you like it?” Leandro’s eyes were sparkling the moment he asked me. He was talking about the flowers that he gave me. It was the same bouquet of elegant red roses that he left on the asphalt cement outside our gate earlier. Leandro said that he left immediately upon seeing me rushing outside. After our last conversation that did not go well, he was ashamed to show up to me in front of our territory. We were now in one of the corners of Lucy's Club near the counter. He opted to buy me some refreshing drinks, but I refused. I just finished my dance number, and until now, I had not yet removed my mask while talking to him. I was ready to go home because I already timed out, so I also had my bag with me. It was fifteen minutes past ten o'clock in the evening, and I was sure that my brother was still awake waiting for me.
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014 | Avoiding Leandro
Diane’s P.O.V. He was silent for only God knew how long until he finally spoke. “I also knew your real name, D-Dayanara,” he confessed without even looking at me. I knew for a fact that he was guilty. It was damn obvious. That was it. Tears immediately welled up my eyes, but I let out a sardonic chuckle to hide my hurt feelings. The word hurt holds a lot more meaning than its usual definitions, and I was hurt because he lied to me. All this time, he knew, but he didn’t tell me? Although I did not reveal my real name, I still stayed true to him for the sake of our friendship. I kept myself cool and empathic, even though I had already predicted that this kind of terrible thing could happen soon. I felt betrayed. I trusted him more than anyone, but I guessed he was not trustworthy enough.   People could say that I was too emotio
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015 | Meeting Liam Arthur
Diane’s P.O.V. “You must be referring to my brother, miss. I saw that he was the only one who left the parking area a few seconds after you entered my car. By the way, I am Liam. Liam Arthur Evangelista. Do not be confused—we might have looked like each other, but Leandro and I were not twins. So, may I have this chance to know the name of this pretty girl beside me?” His description of me made my brain float in the air. He painted a magnificent smile on his lips as he held out his right arm to reach mine for a handshake. There, I noticed a deep and gorgeous dimple on his right cheek. Liam Arthur. I liked his name. It was so handsome and suited him well. So, Leandro was his brother? Well, that explains why they look so alike. But what is he doing here in the parking lot of Lucy’s Club? He does not look like someone hanging out here.
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016 | Mischievous Wink
Diane’s P.O.V. It was a good thing that the road was wide enough and had four lanes, so we would not disturb the other motorists here. Although while moving my head to search for a familiar landmark, I could tell that we were in an almost secluded part of the village. “Shit! I am so sorry, Diane. We lost gas. Tsk, I think I should have it full next time! I should have never been too confident,” Liam said apologetically. “It’s okay, I can manage.” I smiled. Incidents happen when you least expect them, so I had to understand the situation. He closed the roof of his car then patiently looked around the area until he decided to get out of the car. Perhaps, he would go and ask the owner of the store I was looking at. “Wait, stay here.” “I’ll join you,” I offered. Because of that, he
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017 | Unfathomable Urge
Liam’s P.O.V. Diane does not have any other choice but to come with me. I knew that it was not easy for her to be with me in just one room, considering the fact that we had only met today, but I thanked her for trusting me. For that, I would not do anything that could break her trust. If I had to sleep on the floor, then I would do it just for her to be comfortable in our current situation. The room was clean and fully equipped. It had its own bathroom, small balcony, air-conditioner, sofa, cabinet, fridge, and television. The only problem was the small bed. It was only a double size—too far from my customized emperor-size bed in my bachelor’s pad. In fact, my bedroom was way bigger even if I would triple the size of this room, but I could not do anything about it because I did not want to exert further efforts to go home now. I guessed this would be much better kno
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018 | Confused Thoughts
Diane’s P.O.V. You are embarrassing, Diane! So, what do you expect? That he will kiss you? Oh my God! Maybe his brother, Leandro, will do that to you faster than the speed of light. So quick that you do not even have to wait! But Liam? Do not ever assume that he will like you! Not even a single chance that he will fall for someone like you, okay? Women like you are not his type. So it will be better not to expect anymore because you will only get hurt in the end. My subconscious was such a pest, murmuring at the back of my head and acting like it already knew everything. It would not leave me alone, and it was damn too annoying. Suddenly uncomfortable with what Liam had said, I slowly removed myself from leaning against the wall and just followed him with my gaze. Liam laid his body on the small sofa, but he could not fit in
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019 | Spending The Night
Diane’s P.O.V. Looking at him again, I could not help but fall more and more into his gaze. It felt like I ended up melting even more. I bit my lower lip as hard as I could. Even if I wanted to be afraid by how deep his stares were at me, I could not understand myself because it was as if I even liked what he was doing. Even if I wanted to get away from him, it was as if I wanted to get closer to him. Tonight might be the first time we saw each other, but I wanted to know him more. “You know what, Liam? Whatever the outcome of me being with you right now, it would be all my fault. The moment I entered your car, I did not think straight though. I just went with the flow—naively crossing something without even discerning about the possible risk. So, I guess I really have to face the consequence. I have to deal with it.” My goodness, I didn’t even know
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020 | Extreme Fear
Diane’s P.O.V. After a few minutes, Liam got out of the bathroom wearing a plain white T-shirt and boxer shorts. He was holding his tuxedo. As much as I would like to see him with his wet hair, I ended up ignoring him. With the towel on my shoulder, I rushed inside and locked the bathroom door. I could not even remember if I closed the fridge properly. All I wanted was to avoid him. I felt like my face was still red from the heat, and I immediately confirmed it in front of the mirror above the sink, installed right next to the door. Soon, I was done showering too. I was not able to bring my bra, so I was sure that my rich breasts could be barely seen through my lacy top. Hiding them from Liam, I just crossed my arms in front of my chest while walking in the direction of the cabinet. I even saw him watching a Netfilms’ movie, but I had decided to look away. “Forget a
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