Semua Bab Is Karma A bitch: Bab 11 - Bab 20
22 Bab
11- Mission winning back bestie 1
Eddy knows that he messed up big time, but he also knows that he can win back his old friends. Hailey and Evy had been with him through thick and thin. He not only has to clear the air between him and Evy but also with Hailey. She also deserved his apology. He was glad that Hailey had been with her when she needed her the most. Hoping Hailey would forgive him, Eddy went to school in search of her. He needed to be careful and talk to her when Evy and Owen were not around. It wasn’t easy to catch her. Either Owen or Evy always surrounded her. He had seen her a few times with Owen, and it seemed that they both liked each other. Finally, after school, he saw her on the football ground, probably waiting for Owen. He was busy with the coach, so Eddy took the opportunity and went towards Hailey. “Hey, Hails.” He nervously greeted her. “Oh, hey Edward,” she replied, and an expression of shock and confusion was clearly written all over her face. “So, how are you?” He asked her. “It’s been
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12 – Talk with Owen
Eddy was sitting on the bed with his laptop and was going through the F******k profiles of Evy. He is not a stalker or anything, but he likes to see what’s going on in his best friend’s life. It’s been a week since he talked with Hailey. He thought about how he could have them forgive him, but he didn’t get any single idea. Evy looks so happy in the pictures that she posted on her profile. He really wishes he could undo all this stuff that he did to them, but he couldn’t. He gave a sad sigh and heard someone knocking on his door. “Come in,” he shouted. “Oh hey, Owen,” Eddy said surprisingly. “Hey, so what sup? I hope I am not disturbing you?” He asks. “Nope, so what brings you here?” “Hailey told me about the chat that you two had,” he told Eddy, but he could see that he was a bit hesitant to talk about it. “I am sure she had told you last week, so why are you bringing it up now?” “Yes, she did, and I thought about it the whole week, and I really think you all should sort it
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13 - Flowers
Eddy thought the whole night about what Owen said. He isn’t that bad as he made him look. He needs to take things slow. So that’s what he is going to do. He woke up early in the morning, left for school. Now he just needs to wait for Evy and Hailey to arrive and open their lockers. Within half an hour, both of them arrived along with Owen. Eddy had a big smile on his face, which made Owen suspicious of him. He just shrugged it off and indicated him to carry on with Evy and Hailey. When both of them open their lockers, both of their eyes soften and glance at Eddy. Evy looked at him, crushed the flower, threw it in the dustbin, and left for the class. Whereas Hailey was concerned, she looked at him with sad eyes, kept the lily in her locker, and followed Evy. Eddy sighs when he feels someone’s hand touching his shoulder. “Dude, it will take time for them to come around,” Owen said. “Yeah— My whole life.” “Come on, think of a positive side. Hailey didn’t throw it. At least she acc
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14 - Trust
Today was another session that Mrs. Natalia was taking. It’s been almost a two months since school started, and it was going pretty well. Mrs. Natalia made the guys stand in line in the class and asked all the girls to blindfold themselves. She took each girl and made them stand in front of their partner discreetly. “Okay, so now I know you might be confused. But none of you will utter a single word. Be quiet. Now, as you can see, all the girls are blindfolded and standing in front of the boys. Remember, girls, the guy behind you could be anyone from your class. So now, on the count of three, you girls will drop back and hope that you guys will catch you. So one, two, and three.” Mrs. Natalia eyed them. She had a satisfied smirk on her face. Everyone did it perfectly. Evy was apprehensive as to who would be there behind her. She followed Mrs. Natalia’s words and let her fall backward. And luckily, the guy behind her caught her. After the little activity, Mrs. Natalia asks them to
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15 - Emergency
Like any other Friday, today, the members of the culture team had a meeting. As the school carnival was coming closer, they extended their stay in the school for a few more hours. Everyone was dotting their ideas down to make their fest hit as the money collected from the carnival would be used as a school fund in the future. It has already been two hours. “Guys look, I think we should take a break and eat something. It’s been two hours since we have been working.” Maddy spoke. “Well, for the first time in the history of this universe, you said a sensible thing,” Evy smirked. “Whatever.” Before Evy could retaliate, Maddy left to get food for everyone. Strange! She had gone to get food. But none of them cared as Maddy’s presence was irritating. After half an hour, she graced them with her presence with the delicious smell of food. They all sat together on the floor and began to eat waffles and pancakes. “I never thought in life that you crave this kind of food. I mean, don’t you
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16 - Handcuffs
“You know, Eddy came to visit me yesterday after you and Owen left,” Haley informed her best friend. “He did?” The surprise was clearly written on Evy’s face. “Yeah.” “Hails, you can forgive him if you want. If you want to talk to him, go ahead. I won’t stop you from doing that.” Evy told her. She would never want to come between Eddy and her friendship. “Not so soon, Evy. I want to forgive him, but what’s the guarantee he won’t ditch us again? But at the same time, this was the last year of our school, and I don’t want to part ways with him holding grudges.” “I know. I was thinking along the same lines. At least he is trying, which counts for something, right?” Evy told her she was lost in her own thoughts. “Exactly. You girls should talk to him.” Owen spoke from behind. He came towards them and kissed Hailey. “When did this happen?” Evy smirked, which made both of them blush. “Um, yesterday after Eddy left, Owen came again to check on me.” Hailey blushed hard. “Well, finall
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17–Tit for Tat
“Hey, babe.” “What do you want, Victor?” Evy said, coming straight to the point. “I want you to go on a date with me.” Evy felt Edd stiffen beside her, and she could feel his fingers turning into a fist. “Nope.” “Did you just deny me?” He was dumbfounded. “Yes,” she said with a blank face. “Who do you think you are? You should be honored that I am asking you on a date.” He exclaimed, clearly gaining attention from everyone in the cafeteria. “Excuse me.” Standing face to face with Victor even made Eddy stand up as they both were handcuffed. “You should be honored that I am even noticing you.” “Look, guys. The loser nerd has got guts talking back to me. If I want, then I can easily ruin you.” He was fuming. “Oh my god, I really would like you to try.” Eddy wanted to butt in, but Evy’s glare told him to back off from her business. “Changing your looks won’t make you popular, you know.” “I’ll rather stay as an outcast than being popular like you. You know, it’s unbelievable th
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18 - Carnival
Finally, the day came. The biggest carnival was organized by the ‘Woodstock High School’ cultural team. Unlike all those years in the past, this year it was a hit. People were enjoying it. “You guys did an outstanding job,” Eddy told Evy, Owen, and Hailey. All three acknowledged his appraisal. “Let’s enjoy this carnival. I want to play games and even want to go on rides.” Kayla exclaimed excitedly. “Of course, Kay. So, shall we?” Carson put his hand forward for his girlfriend to hold it. “Of course.” Making her giggle. Now only four of them were left. Hailey and Owen were looking awkwardly at each other. They didn’t know if it was a good idea to leave Eddy and Evy alone. “Guys, seriously. You two lovebirds go and have some fun.” Evy said. “No, it is fine. We are fine.” Hailey stated to her best friend. She didn’t want to leave Evy alone. “Ok! If on the count of three, you two didn’t vanish from my sight, then I’ll never talk to both of you.” “Okay-okay, we are leaving,” Owen s
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19 - Outburst
After the incident on the day of the carnival, she ignored Eddy’s call. It was the weekend, and she locked herself in the room. Luckily, her parents were out for a meeting, so it gave her a chance to be alone. She even ignored Haley, Owen, Carson, and Kayla’s calls. There were many missed calls from all five of them. She texted them to leave her alone and kept her phone on silent. They even tried to come to her house, but no luck for them because she didn’t open the door. She knew what they would tell her when she would unfold the complete story. Soon it was Monday, and she would have to face reality. She reached school but signalled them instantly to not ask her about anything, much to their displeasure. But her four friends already knew the whole story as they made Eddy tell them. Eddy was already getting impatient, and the sudden presence of four of them made him blurt out the incident that happened in front of her house. None of them knew how to help him to get him out of the com
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20 – Karma did its Work
Both Evy and Eddy skipped school the next day. But both of them knew that they would have to face each other soon. Evelyn didn’t know what to tell Eddy when she met him, and whereas Eddy was concerned, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to handle rejection from her. The next day, both their friends forced them to go to school. In the morning, Mrs. Natalia called Evy into the staff room to talk to her. “Evy, stop hurting yourself.” She said when she saw Evy in a disheveled shape. “Hailey and Owen told me everything. They are concerned about you." “What should I do?” Evy asked, clearly desperate to know the answer. “Just follow your heart.” Mrs. Natalia said. “I did that before and see where it had led me.” “Evy dear, everything happens for a reason. You need to let go of your past with him. The heart will lead you to difficult situations where it will ache and break, but it is never wrong.” Mrs. Natalia’s words were stuck in Evy’s mind. During the break, Evy finally saw Eddy and co
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