Semua Bab Betraying Myself: Bab 31 - Bab 40
60 Bab
31. Story to Hide
All the ride I thought about many things. Things which shouldn't matter to me, things which shouldn't matter to anyone. I thought about Abhi and how he was holding up. He didn't say anything to me but I could see his face. The pain was scratched on it and he bleeds in front of me even if he didn't know. I thought about why they called me here? Did they want to shove their wedding on my face? Did they want to make me see how Kabir and I didn't work out? "Let's go." Snapping out of the gaze, I looked around and saw we had reached the hotel. The function was in Oberoi hotel only. Skidding my gaze to Dhruv, I took a deep breath. Here it comes. "Any heads up?" I settled my hair with my hands, not looking at Dhruv. I heard the jingling of the keys. "Alina and Kabir may overwhelm you." The double meaning of the words was clear. The anxiety rose again. I couldn't do this. I couldn't. I w
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32. Just One Night
What was she doing here? That's the first thought entered. She shouldn't be here. She should be somewhere else, not here.  But I should be the one who should leave her alone. All she wanted was a normal life and I ruined it. I ruined all her life by teasing over the fact which wasn't her mistake. She couldn't control that part of her life. What type of human do that to another type of human? Who push another person to a level they decide to suicide? She was going to kill you. She didn't have an intention of killing me or maybe she did. For rescuing myself, I had pushed her but I didn't know she would fall down. I didn't know it at all. When she was taken to hospital, doctors informed she would live but couldn't be able to walk again. Her legs were disabled, killing her hockey career.  "Sanchi, you okay the
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33. Time to forget
"Dhruv." She whispered. Dhruv was beside her and she clutched his hands tightly. Something happened in my heart sharp. I remembered how he used to have a crush on Alina and maybe he still do. Maybe he still liked Alina more as a friend and didn't tell anyone about this. "They all are staring. I can't do this." She muttered and came to halt.  "Alina." She shrugged off Misha's hands and breath hard. Dhruv lean down and whispered, "Did you take your medicines?" She nodded. "You can do this. Let them stare. You're walking because we're going to Kabir, okay? What happened to the strong girl who faced her readers? Who went to the award function and gave a mind blowing speech." "Kabir was there." "He's here. Look at the stage. He's waiting for you. Trust me, if you didn't move he'll come here and pick you." He chuckled
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34. Past to Confront
Sometimes you do things you aren't proud of. Things you allowed before but then after it happens, you start regretting because you had the other choice and you could choose that choice. You could have changed so many things by choosing something else. That was how I felt right now. Who sleeps with their best friend after a fight? Who says them don't stop when they ask you to stop them? Who gives approval when they ask again and again if you were sure?  I cover my face with my hands, trying to reserve the shame. It shouldn't have happened. What had I done?  His arm felt like a heavy crushing weight around my waist. I didn't even turn to look at his face when I woke up. It was early morning. Last night shouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have let him kiss me, then undress me and then take me to his bed.
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35. Mercy on my Heart
Dhruv's POV :- She stroked her fingers with mine. My name on her lips was like an angel asking for the sin to be done. Her hands on my skin traced a path of fire, ready to burn me with passion. I needed her again. I needed to kiss her again until I felt breathless.  I heard her taking my name. I flew my hands to take her back in my arms but all I got was vacant space. Confused I fluttered my eyes open, adjusting to the light. Bringing my fist, I rubbed it against my eyes and saw someone was kneeling on the bed. "Sanchi . . ." I whispered and raised my lips in a smile but it went down. It must be a dream. She wasn't standing in front of me with a smile. I had those dreams many times. Seeing her, loving her, talking to her and when I wake up all I met was the feel of betrayal. I shook my head but she was standing right in front of me. 
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36. Belonging Somewhere
Things were becoming messy in my life. I hated messy. I liked things sorted out and clear. I was avoiding Dhruv as best as I could. Whenever I saw him approaching me in the studio, I would turn my attention to something else. If he would try to trap me to talk with him, I would step on his foot and run away. He wouldn't understand the feelings coursing through me. He wouldn't. He himself said what we did was a mistake. Just a plain mistake. We both were trying to move on from other person and found a way to his bed. Not only this, things between Abhi and Mehak were worsening. Two days ago I got a call from his phone to pick him up from the club. When I went there, he was sitting outside with a bottle of bear in his hand and total drunk in his mind. He didn't move for some minutes and I had joined him on the floor, bathing in the same feeling of love and pain. He had given me a stare and then looked a
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37. Guilts and Regrets
"Sanchi, how are you feeling?" I gave a stare to my therapist. What was I doing here? Yeah, I was here because I tried to do drugs again. I was here because I told Dhruv everything and he couldn't look at me without the look of a stranger in his eyes. I knew he couldn't love me but seeing the look of a stranger, made me wail in pain every night. I was getting the dreams of the haunting night when she was pushed. I was hearing her voices of begging to leave her alone back to back.  I tried to visit her again but drove away. I couldn't look at her without feeling shame on my acts. If I apologized then everything might change. But I wasn't able to say anything.  I was sinking again. Guilt kept on running through my veins every minute. I couldn't concentrate on anything other than what I had done. I could have
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38. Another Chance
His lips raised from the tips and he stood up. Gripping the handle of the purse, I stood up and brushed my ripped jeans with my right hand. Technically, I was avoiding looking at him. "What are you doing here?" "I could ask the same question." His eyes diverted to the back and frowned. "You see a psychiatrist?" Was he judging me? I could lie but I was tired of speaking lies. If he was here, he too might be seeing one. "If you're here it means you see one too." He shrugged his shoulders in reply. I hadn't met him after Roka Ceremony night. Things were cool between us after that night and no longer I felt any remorse on being rejected by him. I was happy. He loved someone else and being with me would have been a disaster. He walked to the coffee machine, placed beside a beige couch. Taking two plastic cups, he started filling them. "I was o
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39. Lied Forgiveness
It had been five minutes since I sat in his car. He said he wanted to talk with me but no word was uttered out of his mouth. Why couldn't he say anything? He was supposed to say something. I was angry at Rakshit for telling him where I would be. I was angry at Dhruv for coming here and waiting for me outside. But why then my heart did a flip? Why I felt happy seeing him waiting for me? Nobody ever waited for me. "If I ask something will you do it?" The first sentence and it brought a frown on my face.  Dabbing my lower lip, I thought for an answer.  "Depends." Again the silence. He didn't look at my face. My gaze settled on the curve of his neck. We hadn't talked about that night and it was wrong. We both slept together. I had allowed him to touch me, kiss me and s
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40. Moving Forward
"This is going to leave a bruise." Cotton touched my swollen cheek. Sukriti slapped my cheek too hard. I felt lighter now like some of the weight was taken out of my shoulders. Ria was on the floor clapping and playing with her toys. Sometimes I think she was just a newborn. So small and delicate. But then I realize I knew nothing about babies. I never had mine. Wow. Just stop there. I didn't know where the track of my brain was going today. My eyes were ducked away from him, refusing to meet his alluring gaze. His hand on my arm was burning, flaming me with need and ache for more. I needed more because I knew what was more now.
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