All Chapters of Beyond Beta's Rejection: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
86 Chapters
Chapter 41
(Harper’s POV)I looked around the room as everyone watched me, probably waiting for me to make a move. The former luna smiled at me as I considered backing up out of there. “You know what,” I said. “I suddenly don’t feel so hungry after all” I glanced at Colton, who smiled when our eyes met. “In fact, I feel quite nauseous.” Colton’s face fell again as I scowled at him.“Nonsense!” Marcus said, pushing me further into the room, “You are not a coward, so grow a backbone.” I glared at him, but he just grinned in response and grabbed my hand and pulled me around the room, passing Colton on purpose, until we got to the other end of the table where Elias stood and held out the chair next to him. It wasn’t lost on me that it was the chair that the Luna used to sit in and I glanced at her as I stood there. She was already watching me and smiled
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Chapter 42
(Harper’s POV)I glared at Elias and that smug look on his face. I took a deep breath and turned around and started walking down the path again. Fuck! How the hell did he know I was going to be there.“Hey!” He called after me, but I didn’t stop. I felt his hand on my arm as he pulled me to a stop and then pulled me against him. He ran his nose along my hair and whispered in my ear.“Wait, don’t go.” I closed my eyes and tried to focus on anything other than the feel of the sparks that danced along my skin. He let go of my arms, running his fingers down them before I stepped forward out of his space. I turned around to look at him and smiled. I was aiming for sweet and innocent, but the look on his face told me he wasn’t buying it.“I was just walking,” I said innocently and batted my eyelashes. He raised an eyebrow while Marcus fake coughed back at the buildin
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Chapter 43
***********Trigger Warning******** Details of sexual assult included in this episode   (Louise’s POV)   ***Three Months Ago***   I screamed as the orgasm ripped through me and I transcended into complete bliss, my whole body alive with the fires of passion. I looked down at Tommy as I continued to ride him, not wanting this perfect amazing moment to ever end. Tommy’s hands held my hips in a firm grip as he guided me over and over. I could tell he was lost in his own ecstasy too. Eventually I collapsed on to his chest panting and sweating and happy. Tommy’s arms circled me and he growled contentedly into my ear.   “Fuck me baby, that was amazing!” he whispered, his voice hoarse.  “Don’t call me baby,” I res
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Chapter 44
(Louise’s POV) I looked over at Alpha Daniel who was staring at the other Alpha, the look of fury on his face. A large man walked into the room and handed something to the Alpha. He looked down at it as pack members began to panic. I watched as the warriors were quick to reseat anyone who looked to be standing up or causing trouble.  “I’m still waiting for your response,” the Alpha said to Alpha Daniel, without looking up from the papers. “Who the hell do you think you are?” Beta Eric bellowed and I glanced down the table as he and my father jumped up. My father moved in front of the Luna and myself, as if to protect us. The Alpha finally looked up from the papers and sigh. He looked positively bored of his surroundings. 
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Chapter 45
(Harper’s POV)“You will stay in sight of one of my men or in your room at all times,” I twirled my hair, quickly getting bored with Elias’ conditions for Louise’s release, “You are not permitted access to a computer with internet access, mobile phone or any other method of communication at any time.” “Okay we get it,” I scowled at him “she’s still a prisoner, yada yada,” and Elias scowled back at me, “I have agreed to have lunch with the Luna-” “Former Luna!” Elias interrupted me, and I rolled my eyes.“Former Luna. I want to take Louise with me,” I said and Elias shook his head.“No, not this soon,” he looked at Louise, “I need you to stay here right now,” and she nodded.“Why?” I asked. I didn’t want to leave my friend on her own after she had spent three m
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Chapter 46
(Harper’s POV) I glared at Colton as he rubbed the now reddened skin on his cheek where I had just slapped him.  “You disgust me!” I spat, “And I don’t care what you threaten to do or say, I will never do anything that will remotely benefit you ever!” I was furious. Who the hell did he think he was, to think that he could even suggest that. After what I had just found out. I didn’t care what he wanted. I wasn’t interested. I turned to walk away from him and heard him chuckle. “Never say never Strawberries,” he called after me. “It might have been ten years ago but I remember when you not only didn’t say never, but you begged me to take what I wanted and more. You begged me to claim you!”  “Yeah, well, feel free to say never now,” I called back without looking, “because that girl is dead!”  “Do you know what your new dear mate does to people who disappoint him?” I felt Colton following me down the hall. “Do
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Chapter 47
(Harper’s POV)   I rushed up to my room and grabbed my phone. I dialed Nathaniel's number by heart and prayed for him to answer. He finally picked up the third time I phoned. “Harper, I am in a meeting,” he growled down the phone, “what is so important!” “I’m found,” I said “Someone knows everything” I paced my room as I spoe “What?” he exclaimed, “Ok give me details,” I spent the next few minutes detailing the conversation and the threat from Colton. When I had finished I waited. The other end of the line was silent and half wondered if we had gotten cut off mid rant. “Nathaniel?” I asked, “I’m thinking,” he said s
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Chapter 48
(Harper’s POV) The next morning I woke up to banging on my bedroom door. I stumbled half asleep to the door thinking about the dinner last night. I didn’t know what to expect but people seemed happy to see me walking in with Elias, and a fair few came up to me afterwards to offer condolences for my father and to say they were happy to see me back. I recognised some of them, but not others. My mother and sister were sitting in the main dining area, along with my sister's kids and when they saw me they waved. I had been happy to see Louise walk in with Tommy on her arm and they both sat at a table in front of the main table, along with Alice Chambers and Caroline Stokes and their families.  The only people sitting up at the top table were Elias and myself, Marcus and Colton. Elias had arranged it so I was sitting betwe
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Chapter 49
(Elias’ POV) I walked into my office and sat down at my desk, keeping myself very still. The fury raging inside me was at the point of almost tipping over into a destructive warpath. Marcus followed me in watching me carefully. “Hey boss,” he said. I could tell he was keeping his tone even so as not to trigger me. If anyone knew my temper, my anger, the monster that lived inside me, and I wasn’t talking about my wolf, Jax. If anyone knew that other monster, then Marcus would be the one to have seen him in action. I did my best to keep that side of me, the bloodlust side, firmly under wraps. Only since meeting Harper, since finding my beautiful mate, that monster felt both sated whenever we were around her, and instantly hell on earth furious the second anything dares to hurt her. “How much did you hear?” I asked, looking up at Marcus. We had just been to the cells. I had found Harper snooping around the entrance in what suspiciously loo
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Chapter 50
(Elias’ POV) “Elias, calm down!” Marcus shouted over the roar of rage in my head, “Control it, for fuck’s sake,” “I am going to find him and rip the bastard limb from limb!” I snarled “Now get out of my fucking way before I make you get out of my way” Marcus widened his stance in front of the door stopping me from going on a rampage to find the abusive little mutt. “Elias, don’t let him take over,” Marcus growled. “Oh, this isn’t him, this is all me. I am the one to do this, not him,” I growled back. I felt a hand on my shoulder and whipped around, smashing my fist into the person’s body, and realising a second too late that I had just knocked Tommy flying. He jumped up his shining gold and then bright white. That was enough to break me from my rage for a second, but also enough for me to breathe through and control it.  “What the fuck was that?” I exclaimed as his eyes bled back to his normal colour. “My wo
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