All Chapters of Accidentally Pregnant: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
58 Chapters
Chapter 31
A/N: please you guys should leave your comments about what you think about the book so far or this chapter. Who is your favourite character? What would you like me to change? And also constructive criticisms are allowed. Enjoy!!"Okay, I'll see you tonight?" Jake asked as his hands snaked under the huge top I was wearing and then he pinched my ass making me yelp. "Yeah." I nodded "Okay." He placed a kiss on my forehead and then my lips.  "Bye."  "Bye." I grinned. "So," Joe drawled as she settled on the kitchen counter, stuffing her food with breakfast, "did you guys fuck?" She asked as soon as I closed the door for Jake.  My cheeks flushed as I remembered what happened between myself and Jake last night. Even if he didn't fuck me like I had requested, the make out session was quiet hot.  "OhmyGod! S
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Chapter 32
Since I am almost five months pregnant, my baby bump is already evident and the baggy tops and sweaters - even though we are in summer period, they are not doing a good job at hiding them and sometimes they do. There was a time I went out to watch a movie with Joe and then a guy came up to me. "Hi." He had a smile on, but his didn't make my heart flip like Jake's own would."Hi." I gave him a small smile, in order to be polite. Joe went to use the restroom quick. "I'm Ronald." "Maria." I gave him a tight lipped smile and then moved my attention away from him. I was not really in the mood to talk to someone. Or the only person you want to talk to right now is pretty busy at work. My mind taunted me. "I just came over here to tell you you look pretty." "Thank you." I drawled out nervously as I my eyes searched for Joe frantically. Where the hell is this woman?"Do you mind if I hav
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Chapter 33
"Thanks for the dinner and dessert Jane. I really enjoyed it." I smiled as we all stood at the door. It was time to leave. "I am glad you enjoyed it." She pulled me into a hug. "I hope to see you soon." "You will." I smiled. "Goodnight Peter, thanks for having me over." "It's no problem." He also pulled me into a hug. "Thank you." Jake placed a peck on her cheek and then hugged her. "Goodnight Peter." He gave him a small nod and then left. "I am so tired." Jake put the passcode to his apartment, as we both entered I groaned andd then threw myself on the nearest couch. Jake chuckled, "you didn't even do anything." I placed my hands on my stomach, rubbing it gently, food and our baby. "I know, I'm just tired." A yawn escaped me. I huffed as I tried to put off my shoe but Jake decided to help. "Don't worry I got it." He bent down and then remove
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Chapter 34
I’m already six months gone. "Say something to me in French." Jake suddenly said as we were both cuddling in bed, in his room. I still haven't moved in with him, even if he has been trying this past few months. "Why?" I glanced up at him as I played with his fingers. "Because I just want to hear you say it. I've only heard you say something in French a few times." "Okayyyyyy," I drawled making both of us chuckle, " je t'aime bien, idiot." (I like you, you idiot.) He laughed, "why did you call me an idiot." And I shrugged in reply, grinning. "So, translate the rest." "Nope. Not happening." "Why not?" He whined as he gave me his cute puppy facee. "Ew stop doing that you look like a constipated fish." He looked at me for a moment and then said, "when have you ever seen a constipated fish." While laughing. "Well, I just did." I gave him a pointed look as I burst into a fit of giggles. "You and I both know I am the most handsome man you have ever laid your eyes on and the cutest
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Chapter 35
Jake's POV."Jake please come help me zip up this gown." Maria asks as our eyes met in the mirror. "Sure thing babe." I smiled. I stopped buttoning my shirt and then walked towards the front of the mirror as I helped her zip up. "You look beautiful as always." I whispered into her ears as I kissed her neck, mkaing her relax on me. "Even in this period?" She asked. Truth be told, she actually put on some weight and her breasts has gotten fuller but it doesn't look bad. She still looks as beautiful as the first time I met her.  "Yes, especially in this period." I grinned at her and she laughed. "Thank you." She placed her hands on her tummy, "you don't look bad yourself." She winked and this time it was my turn to laugh. "Did you just wink at me??" "Of course I did." She said proudly. "You call that a wink?" I put emphasis on the 'that'"Of course." She turned aro
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Chapter 36
Jake's POV"Maria!" I shouted as I woke up suddenly, breathing heavily. "Jake, Jake, calm down I'm right here." I heard Maria's soothing's voice beside me as she rubbed my back. I tried slowing down my mind from getting hazy, it was just a dream, a bad dream. "It's okay, I'm here, I'm here baby." She whispered, a worried look on her face. I pulled her closer to me, embracing her. I never want to let her go. I love her. I love her??I love her. "Was it a nightmare?" As asked as she ran her hands through my hair. I closed my eyes as I placed my head on her chest. "Yeah." I exhlaed. "Do you want to talk about it?" "No, not really." I don't want to relieve that dream. Let alone of thinking about it. She placed a kiss on my head, "okay, go back to sleep. It's okay. I will be right here." She smiled at me. God, that smile. I live everyday to see t
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Chapter 37
Jake's POV."You decided to cheat on me." I pointed an accusing finger at her, "not the other way around.""Yes, I do agree that I cheated on you. But it was a mistake baby." She cooed as she moved closer to me."Don't come near me!" I exclaimed my voice higher than I intended it to be."But I love you." She whined."No, you don't." I chuckled humorlessly, "why are you here? Why are you doing this now?" I asked as I cross d my arms against my chest. At this point I am really trying to keep my anger in check. She can not just barge into my office and just start spewing all sorts of things. I loved her, I did but she just took my heart and ripped it into shreds. Even after our breakup, I admit I did sleep with a few women, but that did not make me a fuck boy. I still respected them.She exhaled loudly, "come grab lunch with me?" She asked softly.I really wa
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Chapter 38
Maria's POVAs soon as we entered the diner the bell made a noise. The diner was bustling with people and noise. But not too much noise. Joe took in a large breath and then released it, "I love the smell of their burger and fries." She explained when she saw me giving here a weird look. "Philip isn't here yet?" I asked looking around. She brought out her phone from her back pocket, "nope, he said he will he here in five minutes." "Then let us find a place to sit." I saw Joe looking at something at my front or someone, "oh shit." "What?" I asked as I followed her line of sight when I saw Jake and a woman together. And she just kissed him on his cheeks. "Who the fuck is that?" I asked Joe trying to contain my anger. Is he cheating on me? Jake would not do that. Maybe they are both just business partners. "Beverly, Jake's ex girlfriend." "And she just kissed him o
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Chapter 39
"Babe," I felt a light tap on my shoulder, "baby." Another tap. "I know you are awake, so just save both of us the stress of being late." Jake chuckled as he placed a kiss on my nose. "Mariaaaaaa." He groaned as he placed a kiss on my shoulder. I let out a grunt, a smile breaking on my face as I turned to face him. "Good morning." I greeted him groggily. "Morning babe." Her placed a kiss on my lips.  He backed up, a smile on his face as he stared at my face, like he was trying to memorise every single detail about me. "Stop staring at me." I grinned. "Why not?" "Because you are making me nervous.""That's a good thing though right? A good type of nervous." "Yeah." I nodded, "yes, it's a good type of nervous." "I-" he wanted to say something but he stopped himself. "What?" I asked, my thumb grazing his cheek."Nothing." He shook his head
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Chapter 40
"Joe! I am so happy for you." Beverly. We all looked up and she was standing there with a grin on her face and a glass of champagne in her hand. Jake pulled me closer to him by my waist. "Thank you." Joe gave her a tight lipped smile. We all expect her to leave since my bestfriend already replied her but she still stood there, the stupid grin on her face. "Maria, it is so nice to meet you again." I wish I could say the same thing. I gave her a small smile and a nod of my head.Her gaze moved to Jake and her smile widened. Uh, bitch? "Jake, looking handsome as ever." She said. Jake just stared at her boredly before he talked. "What are you doing here Beverly?" "Your mom invited me of course." She took a seat opposite all of us, taking a sip out of her wine. He scoffed, "My mom would never invite you." Jake spat."Well, she didn't technically
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