All Chapters of The White Wolf: A she-wolf exception to all the rules: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
24 Chapters
“You?” Nathaniel says, with an angry tone to his voice. “You have abilities?’ His anger catches me off guard. “I thought this is what you wanted? Why are you angry with me?” I ask him, not hiding the rising anger in my own voice. “I am so sick of this Roo,” Nathaniel almost spits out my name.  “I thought you were going to give us the truth, but here you are deflecting again; trying to get us to believe that you are like us. Did you really think that was going to work? huh? You aren’t an alpha; you can’t have special abilities.” He is more than angry now. His face is turning red and his fists are balled up at his sides. I look to no name, hoping that he is on my side, but he doesn’t believe me either. I can feel it. I can see it. ‘Show them Roo.’ Nessa speaks. ‘Prove it to them.’ “Okay fine. You don’t believe me. I’ll prove it to you then. I have heightened senses, all of them. I can see things, hear things, feel things, even taste
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Why Roo?
    Just as I am about to ask my next question, Nathaniel’s phone rings.   He looks at the phone, seeing who is calling, and then looks to no name.   “Unfortunately, we are going to have to cut this little game of our short.” He says, his tone changing back to the authoritative alpha I know him to be.   “You can take that call.” I say, “I don’t mind.” I shrug at him.   “Since we have discovered your supersonic hearing, and this is going to be about pack business, I think it’s best that we go.” Nathaniel puts his phone back in his pocket and nods to his brother.   They start to head away from me, back the way no name had entered earlier in the day, when Nathaniel stops. No name takes a few steps before stopping to look back at his brother, and then to me.   No name walks back towards me, gathering our hands at my side, and leans in to
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    I’m restless.     From the minute I got back to my cabin I couldn’t sit down. I’ve been pacing back and forth in my bedroom for the past hour just waiting for the sun to go down. I need to run. Ness needs to shift. I need to work through all this in my head, but my body needs a release first.   So many things happened back in the forest. So many things I’m trying to process that just don’t make sense.   Nathaniel’s confession has me completely shaken. He can feel emotions, just like me, but I’m the exception to his abilities. Except when he’s kissing me. He can feel my matching desire when he’s kissing me... or so he says. He could have just been reading my body, my reaction to him, but something is telling me it's more.   That Goddamn kiss. My body flushes just thinking about how his lips felt on mine, how goddam good it felt. It’s not fair. I didn’t want this
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I want you
I stand up, ignoring my body’s protests, and glare at him. “What the fuck? Why are you in my house?” I demand from him. He just chuckles, crossing his arms over his muscular chest as he leans against my doorway. “Tell me what those dreams were about and I’ll tell you why I’m here.” He counters. “Seriously? I cross my arms to match. “I can smell it on you, you know…” His grin is wide and all I want to do is wipe it off his face. “You know what? Forget it. I don’t care why you are here, but feel free to leave.” With that I stalk towards my bathroom and turn on the shower. I relieve myself, stretch a little, and hop into the steaming shower. I let the scalding hot water pound over my aching muscles. I have to admit that I wish I would have had the mental strength to at least crawl into my best last night. I wash my hair and body, taking my time, wondering about the twin that may or may not still be lingering in my house so
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His lips are soft and gentle moving against mine. He’s not rough or demanding like I thought he would be. He’s cautious and careful not to push me too far, easing me into the kiss. It’s causing a slow burn of heat this time, unlike with his brother. This time I can feel the burn in my chest, slowly simmering and growing into small flames as he continues to kiss me. His hands haven’t left my face, not gripping too hard, but not relenting either. My hands have found his wrists using them to old me closer as I grip them tight. “Doren.” I managed to breathe out between kisses. He stops, pulling back just slightly. “Say it again.” I can’t help it; a small smile hits my lips as I do as he commands. “Doren.” I whisper again. He presses his forehead against mine and blows out a sigh of relief, the air caressing my face as it leaves him. “God, Roo you have no idea how long I have waited to hear you say my name.” He presses a kiss to my
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Why me? Part 1
“You want me to call Nate?” He looks confused and a little hurt. “Yes. I think there is a conversation that the three of us need to have.” And I am starting to think the sooner the better. “Oh.” His eyebrows shoot up. He’s still confused but pulls out a phone from his back pocket and dials Nate. It’s the middle of the week, so Nate will be in school, or should be in school anyway. But I can hear his voice when he answers the phone. “Are you with her? Is she okay?” I can hear the concern in Nate’s voice, and I smile a little to myself. Doren is watching me as he speaks to his brother. “Yea man I’m with her, and she’s fine, but…” and Nate cuts him off. “BUT? But what fuck face? I swear to god if you…” And Doren cuts him off right back. “She wants you here man.” He says, letting the irritation ride in his voice. “She says there is a conversation the three of us need to have.” “Ren, I
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Why me? Part 2
I kiss each one of their hands before letting go. I want to give them the space they need, and the time to process everything I’ve just let out. I’ve put myself in a vulnerable spot here and I have to admit that I’m a little terrified. I don’t want to be mated to someone who sees me as weak, or a challenge. I want them to see and know everything about me and love me regardless. I can’t hold out for too much longer; I know the twins will be turning 18 soon and then it’ll all be over. I can’t hold the mate bond secret from them once that happens. I need to use the time I have to get to know my mates, and hope that I can learn to let them in. I’m waiting in front of them as they stand there. Nate is looking at his hand, the one I kissed and let go, and Doren is looking at Nate. ‘What do you think is going on in their heads?’ I ask Ness ‘Your guess is as good as mine, dude.’ She scoffs. ‘We might need to give them some time to digest all the feelings you just unl
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Why me? Part 3
“How about this.” Doren starts. “What if we date you?” “Date me?” I ask, taken back by the suggestion. “Yea. Like normal teenagers. You made a good point that we know you pretty well, or at the very least, more than you know us, but we need to get to know each other better. So, let’s date.” Doren shrugs like it makes perfect sense. “Actually, that’s not a bad idea.” Nate agrees with his brother. “We can do individual dates, and group dates. We have a few weeks before our birthday so that will give us time to, hopefully, show you that we are serious about this.” Nate offers. “Okay but wait.” I interject and they both look at me. “I’m not against the idea, but how would that even work? I need to go back to school and no one knows about Doren, so that leaves like two weekends before we know about the bond. That’s not enough time.” “Well, Princess.” Nate starts, that mischievous grin forming on his face. “Dating means at school too. I’ll pick you
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It’s been a week and a half since I told Nate about Nessa. We’ve been doing that weird dating thing that the guys suggested and it seems to be working out okay for the most part. They both are at my house to wake me up in the morning and have helped themselves to my kitchen. The day after our discussion they showed up at the ass crack of dawn, bags of groceries in hand only to find that my kitchen was already fully stocked. Ren did bring more of that coffee that I love so much, so I sipped on that while I watched them try to figure out what to do with all the supplies they brought. Nate ended up driving about half of what they had brought back to their place, stating he would bring it back when we started to run out of things. I just rolled my eyes because it would take months to run out, but whatever, this was their show. Though it thought it would bother me, I didn’t mind having someone else cook for me. It was nice that all I had to do in the morning was worry abo
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More Confessions
“So, what’s going on in here?” Nate says as he comes through the front door of Camilla’s little house. “Yea!” Ren says, “You’ve been hogging her long enough, little miss.” Both of the guys have a big grin on their face, and I look over to see Camilla has a matching one. “Look Roo!” She says standing up. “It’s Renny and Nate Nate!” she giggles as she runs to her brothers. They each take turns picking her up, tickling her, and giving her smooches all over her face. My cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. They are so good with her and it’s obvious how much they love her and she them. “Hey there.” Nate says to me, walking over to where I am sitting on one of Camilla’s big comfy chairs. We had been reading one of my favorite books when the guys walked in. “Hi.” I say back with a smile, and Nate leans down to kiss the top of my head. “I missed you.” He says so quietly. I know we can all hear, but the gesture implied it was only for me.
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