Semua Bab Mated to the Ancient Alphas' Son: Bab 41 - Bab 50
60 Bab
Hanging with the Beasts Part 2
Keya P.O.VIn Grammys' room, she was on ten with the flirting. This is worst than with Carmelo like she's even given Manny a nickname – The Stallion! I actually like it, shit he's hung like one! But I don't think they'll let me call them that. OMG, I knew she heard us! And all this fool can say is, my bad, ugh!! I know she's gonna bug me all day about it, jeez. Walking like a cowgirl? Now she knows that I've been bow-legged since birth. My knees don't touch it's not my fault.And now my sister is curious too ugh, "It's a large male horse, Fatt." Are you fuckin serious?! He gets on my nerves just as much as my family does, making me scream his name like that! "Just help me get them ready." I told him annoyed then help Qwan and Grammy with their daily treatments and remind her to check her stuff. She's stubborn as usual and still flirting with him making him blush. That's what you get asshole lol. 'I told you she was a huge flirt.' "Qwan, Tez, and Tey come on." I grab their Spider-Man o
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Hanging with the Beasts Part 3
Keya P.O.VWe get to the dining area and I help my brothers get their food and drinks. I see my aunts whispering to one another while sideways glancing at me. I ignore them and we go sit down. I start eating and notice them staring pointedly between Manny and Me holy shit, 'OMG, Papi I... I think they heard me too!' Oh God, this is embarrassing. 'Just try not to think about it ok.' Yeah right, now they're gonna ask me about Manny too, ugh.He announces how he set up a spa day for us. He is so damn awesome and my family is loving him spoiling them. Then he explains how we gotta go to visit Javier on Saturday, but didn't tell them about him being a wolf, thank GOD. I honestly wasn't gonna tell them anything about going out there. Just that I was going to be over at Manny's house for the weekend. Javier informed us that they are having some kind of Midsummer Ball. Apparently, it's a formal dance party and we're invited so we have to get something really fancy to wear. I'm excited because
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Hanging with the Beasts Part 4
Keya P.O.V Dag loudly grunts, "HEY!" As he bends to pick me up, being in his arms I can feel how rock-hard his chest is. And I don't know what came over me but I slowly traced his black tattoos with my right index finger. From his abs all the way up to his thick ass neck. His body is amazing I love his tattoos he chuckles pulling me from my trance, "YOU LIKE?" I wince a bit shrinking back from his loud voice but I nod. "Yes, I do." He smirks slightly, "GOOD I'M YOURS!" What he's mine? I didn't expect to hear that from him but hearing it made me feel great. So great that I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling on his hair. I pull him towards me roughly for an intense kiss and hear his chest rumble loudly. It was like being near a waterfall or an avalanche! He smashes me up against the brick wall and I feel my back scrape open from the friction. Ja'el exclaims, 'He's being too rough!' But I was too busy loving his tongue tango with mine passionately. His hands roam down my sides to my
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Caught Linking Part 1
Keya P.O.V Thursday we stuck to the same schedule, and the guys were more or less the same. But I am starting to get used to them and not used to them simultaneously. Like I recognize each of their voices, mannerisms, and appearances now. But they are all mannish as hell. They are constantly all over me and it's exhausting! Not only that, but my brothers keep asking me when Manny is gonna change into a Wolf for them. Which is crazy because I never promised them anything like that! I haven't even told him that they know our secret. On top of that, my family is asking why his voice and appearance kept changing so much. I kept lying about not noticing or I would totally change the subject. Because I didn't know what to say just yet. But I've decided that I'm gonna tell them on Saturday while we're at the Spa. Yeah, wait till everyone is feeling good, then scare the living daylights outta them. Great idea Keya, smh... Today is Friday, and we got a call from Javier asking us to stay the
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Caught Linking Part 2
I looked at him nervously. 'Ju... just be patient, Papi. I'll be 18 in no time.' His head snaps to me, looking confused. 'The Fuck, 18!' And yells at me through the link looking pissed. 'I'm not waiting that fuckin' long! You're lucky I'm forcing myself to wait till November!' I stared at him incredulously. 'But I can't get married at 16! That's too young and I'm sure it's illegal.' He looks really angry and he growls out loud but quickly stops. But then I heard it over the mindlink. His eyes glared holes into me, heating up my face. His eyes were shifting a myriad of colors because all of them were mad at me for what I said. But it's the truth, I'm too young for that. His face goes rigid with so much rage. And I feel my neck bending at that weird angle again. Gasp oh shit!! He yells in my mind, 'We ain't waiting 2 gad damn years, Keya! Do you have any fuckin' clue how hard it's been this week? To Not Fuck you till you can't remember how to walk straight!' I was beyond shocked and my
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Dancing with a Rich Man
Keya P.O.V Grammy had gone crazy shopping and ordered all the new appliances and furniture for the entire house! She ordered herself a new bed set for her bedroom. Also new bunk beds and dressers for me and my siblings. Complete with plush mattresses and these luxurious bed sets with matching drapes. And they would deliver everything next week. I thought she had gone a bit overboard, but Manny had given her more money to get whatever she wanted. He's really been a blessing. She's been very depressed since her husband left her to be with his mistress and their young daughter. Being cast aside caused her health to go downhill. She started stress eating and gained a bunch of weight. I mean, yeah, she has given birth to 8 kids, but she was still kind of in good shape. But after he left her, she just didn't care anymore. She had been with him since they were preteens! So it really screwed up her self-confidence, self-esteem, and trust in men. She's been looking for a guy, but nothing serio
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Sparks On My Tongue
Keya P.O.V "Hey, you liar! You know how to Step already!?" He just laughs heartily while I pout. I tickle his sides and discover that he is very ticklish. He stutters while trying to avoid my hands. "Y... yeah I know h... how. Victor's Mom, Evelyn, is black, and she taught me how a while back." I'm laughing as well. "Asshole. You could've just told me that you knew how." "But you looked so excited. I didn't want to be a downer." He hugs me as I let out an enormous yawn. "You're ready for bed?" I nod, yawning again. He picks me up and lays us on the bed. I sigh, looking around at the mess. He says, "We can clean up before we leave." And he snuggles me into him. His chin hair tickles my ear and shoulder. Although it was well past midnight and I was drowsy, I still needed to talk to him. "So, you're gonna talk to your Mom after church tomorrow?" He sighs heavily, his breath warming my face. Thank God his breath didn't stank. Or I'll have to push him away from me, lol. "Yeah, I really ne
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Revelations At The Spa Pt. 1
Keya P.O.VWe pack all of our things in the car. The trunk and backseat are full to the brim. Packed with all the goodies we’d gotten on our slightly overwhelming and stressfully awkward yet amazing trip. So today, I promised myself that I was going to talk to my family. And for real, I’m slightly shaky and sweaty. Because I’m nervous as fuuuck! ‘Just breathe, Rukeya.’ ‘It’ll be okay.’ ‘Believe in yourself.’ ‘Everything will be ok.’ Ja’el, Yuri, and Abijah encourage me. All of my female family members were in this waiting room area with me. We were changing out of our clothes. And donning fluffy white robes, fluffy slippers, and plush white towels on our heads. My internal gurls were giving me the confidence that I need to confess what I found out to my family. I felt confident enough until my aunts started badgering me about Manny! All the good vibes and confidence I received from my gurls earlier were rapidly depleting ...“Keya?! Gurl, that man has been screwing the complete lining
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A Fairy In the Field
Keya P.O.V My aunt Shenita asks curiously. "Wait, what do you mean, you've seen them? How? Where?" Everyone was just as curious as she was. Silently waiting for my answer... How was I gonna answer her? What exactly do I even say? 'I really wish that you can shift into me,' Ja'el confesses quietly. Though that would be the best and worst way to prove it to them. Best because they'll know for a fact that Supernaturals do actually exist. And worst because they'll know about what's inside of me. But I just couldn't keep this to myself, now that I know. But I can't turn into Ja'el yet. So that option is off the table. Ja'el suggests quietly. 'Maybe Manuel can transform into Kane for them?' I think it over for a while. 'Hmm, maybe, but I don't think he is allowed over here. This area is just for females. I guess I can ask him, though. Kane said he wouldn't mind...' I was off in my own little world. I gasped, flinching when I heard Grammy yell, "Keya?!" Shit! Had she been talking to me or s
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Revelations At The Spa Pt 2
Keya P.O.V I was nervous, but very excited. The plan is to allow my 'Gurls' to show themselves while I stay back and observe from the Spirit Realm. Yuri is first up. And I watch as she greets them with her thick sultry southern accent. "Well, ain't y'all the lively lil' bunch. Hello, I'm Yuridicae but y'all can call me Yuri. And I am Rukeya's Fairy. What would you lovely ladies like me to do for y'all?" Grammy request, skeptically. "Can we get a look at your wings?" Yuri loves the idea. "Sure!" Yuri exclaims excitedly while removing the plushy white robe. I don't care about being naked in front of my family. They had changed my diaper and bathe me when I was a baby. So it's whatev. Upon seeing all the hickies covering me, some of my family wolf whistles! I blush, but Yuri just chuckled, continuing to completely remove the robe. When my tig' o bitties come out, Grammy exclaims, amused, "Gurl, you've got some big ol' cassava melons! I know why that man's hands be all over you now." Sh
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