All Chapters of The CEO's Little Stripteuse : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
45 Chapters
Chapter 31
In a moment when the world felt like it had stopped spinning--as time had ceased to exist, Abigail froze in her spot. Abigail gazed at the woman whose big, green eyes watched her with nothing but mere curiosity. The vivid memory of the woman on Theodore’s phone resurfaced in Abigail’s mind. Cleo was even more perfect in real life. Her brown hair fell to her waist in luscious curls. Of course, she wore extensions, but that didn’t take away from her natural beauty that Abigail was sure sat beneath all her makeup. They could almost hear Theodore’s heart racing from where they stood. Silence reigned in the room for a minute or two. Abigail was the first to walk away, not sparing another glance in Cleo’s or Theodore’s direction. But it was when she moved Cleo found it fit to finally speak. “Theo, who is this?” she asked, and Abigail stopped dead in her tracks, throwing a glare in Theodore’s direction. But it was evident that he tried to avoid eye contact.
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Chapter 32
The light chatter of happy friends, drunk buddies and men trying to snatch a one-night stand filled the tiny pub. Abigail sat at the bar, staring at the untouched glass of liquor. She thought she’d be able to drink her sorrows away like hundreds of people. Still, drinking was never quite her way of coping, and alcohol reminded her of Theodore. The bartender eyed her from the second Abigail stepped inside with a duffle bag on her arm and tear-streaked cheeks. It wasn’t anything new to see, but the young woman sympathized with whatever Abigail was going through more than she would normally. Abigail only uttered one sentence since she arrived, asking for the glass of Brandy--neat. The bartender, whose nametag read &lsq
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Chapter 33
It smelled the same.The very distinct scent of bleach and ‘white’ was everywhere in the small clinic ward attached to the hospital. Abigail sat patiently in the reception room, waiting for the nurse to call her name. The anticipation was maddening. She was unconscious the last time she entered this hospital, so Abigail had no idea that the wait was so frustrating.Her stomachache grew by the second, and she had to switch her tampon thirty minutes ago from the heavy flow, though she tried not to focus on it. What she thought about, however, was each second that passed when she wasn’t closer to the examination room. How hard can it be to say--“Abigail?”“Ye
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Chapter 34
“Theodore Adams! Come out here right this instant!”Theodore perked in his chair at the female's voice but instantly rolled his eyes when he realised it wasn’t the person he wanted to see.Huffing, he dropped his pen and slammed his laptop shut as he exited his office towards the lounge room. And there she was: hands akimbo and eyebrows perfectly arched as if she freaking owned the place.“What are you doing here, Cleo?” he asked, his voice much softer than he intended. Theodore had no energy for another fight with her.“What do you mean, Theo? I gave you two weeks to come to your senses! Two! Now it’s just getting ridiculous.”“Cleo, just leave, please.” Theodore pi
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Chapter 35
After an unsettling twenty minutes of back and forth between Theodore and Najay, they decided to go to SHI’s Enterprises to find Abigail.Najay thought Abigail was with Theodore all this time, and Theodore thought she was with Najay. They almost went into a fit when they noticed she wasn’t with either, yet there was nowhere else in the city rather than a hotel that she could be staying at.But the only sure place they knew they could find her was at work.Curious eyes watched them as Najay and Theodore went inside. Camille, most of all, wanted to know the reason behind seeing the only two people who Abigail talked about here at SHI’s. After all, they hadn’t seen her in days, and Camille was the last person on staff to talk to Abigail.
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Chapter 36
The sound of a baby’s laughter never hurt so much before.Abigail had wholly forgotten that her cousin, Elizabeth, had twins a few months ago. So, when Abigail visited her aunt, she was surprised to see Elizabeth staying in her childhood room with her two sons. Apparently, the father ran off when he learnt she was pregnant--let alone with twins. Elizabeth had no choice but to live with her mom for the extra help.Usually, Abigail didn’t mind Elizabeth. They were never close as kids, but they didn’t resent each other either. So, when Elizabeth heard of Abigail’s arrival, she was more than thrilled to have the extra ‘help’. But as bad as it sounded, little did she know that Abigail wanted nothing to do with babies anytime soon. Still, she would’ve never told Elizabeth or her aunt what happened, leaving her with no choice but to smile at the toddlers and be a sweet big cousin to them both.“Do you like the pink one or the blue one?” Abigail asked in an effortless baby voice, holding up t
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Chapter 37
She sat in the single armchair, knowing it was the safest choice considering the other was a loveseat. Theodore and Najay sat across from her only seconds later. They all waited for someone to start speaking first. Ultimately, it was Najay.“We have one fight, and you leave the city without telling me.”“Najay...” Abigail sighed, knowing it would lead to this.In truth, Abigail was just as surprised to see Najay as she was to see Theodore.“No, Abigail. I was pissed, yes. You accused me of something not just awful but disgusting and heart-breaking. I spent days wondering what I could’ve done to make you doubt my loyalty. I admit I kept a few details away from you because I didn’t want you to freak out. But when I invited Nicholas inside my apartment, it was only to threaten his sorry ass in a place where no one would hear.”“I know, Najay. I was stupid and scared and hurt, and I should’ve never accused you of something like that.”“No, you shouldn’t have.” Najay had always been bare-f
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Chapter 38
“Yes!”The email Abigail had been dreading over the past week had finally arrived, and thankfully, it bore good news.Abigail jumped from the couch, throwing her arms in the air as she performed a mini dance in front of Najay. Najay couldn’t contain her laughter, happy that Abigail seemed to be getting back to her old self.“Yes what?” Najay asked, though she already knew.“I just got the confirmation email about my special request. I am officially done with grad school. I made it bitches!”Chuckling, Najay grabbed the beer bottle from her friend’s hand and closed Abigail’s laptop. “Okay. Take it easy, tiger.”“I’m easy,” Abigail grinned. “I’m really, really easy.”“Okay, let’s get you to bed.”Abigail darted away from Najay’s hand, dashing towards her bedroom.“No! I have to go to Vanx Club, remember?”“Like this?” Najay asked, following behind Abigail. “You’re not in the right mind space to go out tonight. It’s almost ten.”After grabbing a mini dress from her packed box on the grou
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Chapter 39
“I don’t like it.” Najay had made it abundantly clear five times already that she didn’t like the idea of Theodore and Abigail becoming... acquainted again.Najay believed Abigail would just end up hurt and fall into a cycle of Theodore and heartbreak all over again.When she learned that Abigail had lost her baby, Najay didn’t blame Theodore. No one did. But she believed it would be too hard on Abigail to be around him--especially since he didn’t know.“I know you don’t like it,” Abigail said, “but I think this is good for me. I need a vacation.”“Not with him. And won’t a wedding make you feel all... I don’t know...woozy?” Najay said, throwing her arms in the air. Abigail chuckled as they stopped in front of the salon.“Woozy?” Abigail snorted.“I don’t know, okay? Just be careful.”“Najay, I’ll be fine. I’m keeping him at arm’s length. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?”“Well--”“That was rhetorical.” Abigail quickly cut her off before dashing across the street. “I’ll se
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Chapter 40
Slowly, they all turned around as if they were two-year-old triplets being caught colouring on the wall.Behind them stood Theodore and his COO, Jerry. Abigail met Jerry once, but Cleo knew him quite well.“Theodore,” Abigail mumbled, clutching the dress to her chest.He ogled the dress with an approving glint in his eye, imagining how its soft silky-like texture would look on Abigail. And how he could almost run his hand under the--“What the hell are you doing here?” Cleo’s voice snapped him from his naughty thoughts, but every warmth disappeared from his eyes when he met Cleo’s.“I would ask you the same thing,” Theodore growled.Without taking his eyes from Cleo, he stalked towards Abigail and slipped the dress from her fingers before handing it to Sarah.“Get this ready for me, would you?”“Are--are you buying it, s-s-sir?” Sarah stumbled over her words. But the question yielded a glare from Theodore, which had her squirming. The dominance and power that radiated from him were a
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