Semua Bab The Frozen Heart: Bab 41 - Bab 50
70 Bab
                                                      Sofia Everything was bright. Too bright. Nothing was clear. I struggled, trying hard to bring things into my perspective but it was doing nothing but hurting. "Sofia!" The voice was familiar. Crystal clear in the haze, trying to show me the right path. "Sofia?"And then I saw him. Dark eyes squinting at me, forehead wrinkled with concern. "Sofia," He was calling. "Can you hear me?" "W...water," I groaned. My throat was dry as hay. It felt as if someone has left me to die in a bloody desert. The feeling inside me was of utmost discomfort at the moment. 
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"Sofia, you're still not fit to move around like that," Kristen cried, moving around behind me. "If I don't, I will go crazy," I replied, furiously brushing my hair. It hurt a bit but I don't care. I was so pissed that nothing was making any sense to me. Ever since I came home a week ago, Liam hasn't called, texted, or visited even once. He wouldn't pick up my calls and he wouldn't reply to my texts. Sean has only one reply, 'He is busy...' Exactly how busy can a person be to not pick up his calls or just send a text? How long does it take to text someone? By Sunday, I had gone crazy with anxiety and the strange feeling of doom. When I woke today, I couldn't be
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When I open my eyes it was bright. Too bright and I squinted hard to get my focus back. As the vision becomes clear I saw him. He looked at me wearing the smile that he kept reserved for me. The not too broad yet alluring smile. His deep eyes searched mine and I smiled back at him. "Bad dream?" He asked softly and I nodded my head.  "I dreamt that you left me," I whispered. "I will never leave you," He smiled but as I stared at him he began to slowly drift away, slowly becoming translucent. "Liam!" I exclaimed, sitting up. "Liam!" "Take care, Sofia," He smiled again and now he was like a mist, floating away from me. I felt panic hitting me full force and I couldn't breathe. I reached out to hold his hands but a searing pain jolted through my body making me double over. "Stop!" I groaned. "Stop!" But he was too far away. I can't even see him
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                                                        Liam "Goodbye Liam," She whispered. "Hope you find someone worth you," I stared at Sofia. Every muscle... every cell in my body wanted to run to her, hug her and tell her that no one ever can take her place. She was Sofia, the person I fell in love with. The person who takes my breath away gives, me hope and makes me who I was.  I wanted to say that I love you but I couldn't so I just pressed my lips together and stared at her. She looked beat. Her eyes were glassy but she wasn't crying. She was not the kind of woman who cries but I knew the blow that I just gave h
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  Sofia (3 months later)I stared at the full-length mirror in front of me in the enormous room with white walls and blue furniture and in return, a pale ghostly person stared back. She had deep dark circles under her eyes. Her hairs were disheveled, haphazardly combed to look just presentable enough. The dark eyes looked almost lifeless and the lips were set in a straight line.What was I doing here again?"Good morning, Sofia," A voice from behind me said but I didn't turn to look...or reply. Eventually, she revealed herself and sat down in front of me on the blue leather couch."I am Dr. Gabrielle Stevens, nice to meet you," The woman smiled.
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"Hi!" Kris smiled as she opened the door. "How did it go?" "Good," I muttered and I wanted to smile at her but that has somehow become an alien gesture for me. "Oh good!" She looked hopeful and quickly gave Mom a fleeting look. "Would you like some coffee?" "Okay," I nodded and dragged myself upstairs, closing the door behind me.  In my room, I began to slowly calm down. I had confined myself here for so long that it has become my safe haven. I walked to the dresser and stared at my reflection. The girl who stood in front of me and the girl in the Polaroid stuck at the corner are poles apart. She looks happy and radiant, this one I was staring at looked like someone has dug her out of the grave.
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Albert Einstein once said, " “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” And I was going to do exactly that. I have a goal and today was the first step to achieving that. I was going to sit through my interview, give my best, and hope that I get the job so that I can just pack away the bullshit few months of my life and start afresh. Because slowly I was starting to see clearly. Starting to see the effects of my emotional lockdown on others. There was no way Kristen, Sean, or even my mother deserved that.  Yes! I can do that! "Hey! Good morning!" Kris exclaimed, opening my bedroom door with her legs. She stared at me from behind the tray she was carrying and almost nearly ended up dropping my break
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                                                          Liam The cool breeze kissed her hair as she looked up at me, her beautiful dark eyes assessing me curiously. "I love you," She whispered, smiling bashfully. "Not more than I do," I smiled, kissing her hair. "Then why did you let me go, Liam?" She asked, her eyes suddenly red.  I opened my eyes and now she stood right in front of me. Her dark eyes that were filled with love a minute ago were now accusing, cutting open the
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   Sofia"I can't believe you're leaving," Kris exclaimed, shoving my clothes into my suitcase.She has been saying this relentlessly since I told her I am leaving. And every time I listen to her say that I realize that even I can't believe myself. It felt...weird. "It's for the best Kris," I whispered. "There's nothing left for me here,""Why not? I am here," She cried. "You started here with me and then that asshole came along! I was here first!""I am not leaving you," I urged. "I am just leaving the baggage. I can't even get a job now without being harassed! What am I supposed to do here?"
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 I dragged my luggage, feeling tired and grimy as I landed on Seatac. Dad was waiting there with a placard, wearing a Cheshire cat grin and for the first time, I felt myself voluntarily mirroring his grin. It felt so good to see him after so long. My father was handsome, no denying that. He looked like the more happy and merrier version of Tywin Lannister and definitely the kinder one. We always had a bond given my crestfallen relationship with my mother which I was glad was falling into place now. "I don't need a placard to recognize you," I muttered as I hugged him. "Who knows," He laughed. "God, you look so grown up. I miss my little Sofia," "I am still that little Sofia for you," I smiled, feeling happy for once.
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