Semua Bab Bloodbound Secret : Bab 41 - Bab 45
45 Bab
41: Awakened
The moon was emitting red gleam down the forest, lighting the two parties glaring at each other. Eleanor and Vladimir were still tied with the red-like strings while Xavier stood beside them. Some of the Elite Guards were pointing their spears toward Louise’s company who’s also crouching, ready to strike any moment. The ones who seemed to be out of place were the lots that were tied to the tall stones. They’re still staring at the moon, desiring to touch it. Meanwhile, Zheira’s body was still shining. She’s releasing a creepy vibe, caressing everyone near the premises.Xavier whispered, “I’ll give you a chance to save your lowly lives. Turn and leave this forest at once, and no one will get hurt.” His fist twitched when Lauxister, his archenemy, and lowly brother, laughed. “I didn’t know you’re funny, Xavier. We could have get along well if only you did not manipulate father’s mind. I was supposed to be his heir. I was there with him while you trot alon
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42: Legends Never Die
The red beam of the moon was starting to fade, but the tension below was relentless. Their battle was yet to reach its inevitable conclusion, and Lauxister felt uncomfortable about it. He’d been reckless this time. It wasn’t his intention to intervene with Xavier’s affair, but he couldn’t just ignore Eleanor’s plea. He’s indebted to her creator; this was supposed to be his way of paying him.It was clear he forgot to take into account what Xavier could do. He’d been of comfort knowing Eleanor and Louise—Xavier’s greatest allies—were willing to go against him. Now he thought otherwise. As Xavier made his way to Zheira, he couldn’t help thinking that this would be the last time he would open his eyes. It’s not because he’s afraid of Xavier; it’s because of that half-blood who could control their memories. Her gift was phenomenal. She’s supposed to be a mortal, but she’s even more powerful than all the vampire’s combined forces.Xavier stopped in front of Zheira
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Epilogue: Return
A portion of the sun peeked through the big mountains, gracing rich yellow rays down the busy Town Square. Vampires wearing gray cloaks passed from houses to houses, whispering rumors about the king’s death. One of them even said he caught an incurable disease from the mortal realm, and they would soon be infected with it. From there, another vampire would spread the information, possibly adding some spice in the story until the truth had been buried by a wild variation of lies.Some common vampires stopped when the large bell rang for the third time this week. Some were irritated. The gong-like noise it produced was too much for their sensitive ears, but it did pique their interest. It had been two weeks after the blood moon, and ever since, the castle doors had been locked. They thought it was a bit of a joke. A rebel had been crowned a day before the blood moon, then a filthy mortal—rumored to be his fiancé—attacked the newly-renowned king. There was
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Special Chapter 1: Vulnerability
Vladimir has been bordered by a distinct characteristic, setting him apart from any vampire. Where most of them stayed the way they were the first time he laid eyes on them, he preceded to a growth quite alike to the mortals. Others even perceived him as an inferior entity, for he’s got a beating heart. This and the fact that he showed all the signs of weakness and vulnerability made others look down on him, which reduced him into taking shelter in the darkest corner of the castle: his room.“You are weak! Stand up!”Those were the only words he could hear from his father who took it upon himself to show his subjects of his heir’s strength. However, there was little to no improvement at all, making the others snigger as they watch the twelve-year-old Vladimir fumbled over his feet.Always at the seventh in the morning, everyone was to form a circle in the Town Square to watch the prince trained. Although Vladimir told his father a million times he’d rather train al
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Special Chapter 2: His Decision
Horrors lied within the darkness building in the forest. The trees were so tall and had thick branches that however big the moon was, its rays were still unable to penetrate its scope, seemingly embarrassing its adequacy to illuminate the night.Beyond the pitch-black space, a soft swish put an end to the overwhelming silence. Though the noise it orchestrated were nothing but a slow whisper, the creatures lying dormant in its stead heard it clearly, feeling the threat looming as the swish grew louder. Before it could draw nearer, the creatures ran off, unidentified due to the intense blackness hugging the curves of the forest.At last the trees revered the heavens and allowed the moonlight to grace its sanctuary, at least in its depth. The guardians of the forest, whoever they may be, seemed to have been under an agreement to shape its center as a round sphere, the kind of which was free from plants and trees. Only rocks were able to sleep in the part celebrated with t
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