All Chapters of The Assassin's Blood: The Confradia Assassins III: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
33 Chapters
Chapter 11: Mistakes can be erased
DeclanMy thoughts are a mess by the time I get home. Looking around the first floor of my lavish house with its spacious living room and open concept kitchen, I feel my gut churn with guilt. My house is a bi-level brownstone. The walls are brick with metal buttresses on each corner. Several years ago, Hunter installed a state-of-the-art security system. The doors are reinforced steel, and the windows are bulletproof. There’s a fireplace dominating the living room's main wall and two plush navy blue couches with various colored pillows resting comfortably against the soft material, courtesy of my mother.There’s a gray area rug in navy blue patterns and a sturdy rustic pine coffee table along with the couches. The floors are dark mahogany, and the walls are painted a light sleet color. My offices and my bedroom are located on the second floor, next to my gym.Taking a deep breath, I unwrap my tie and toss it angrily across the floor. As I make my way
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Chapter 12: Reality isn’t as sweet
 SantanaThe morning light shines down on my face from the small window above my bed. Not wanting to get up, I place the pillow over my face and close my eyes. I feel worn and exhausted, which makes sense since I barely slept. When I did sleep, I dreamt of him. The dreams were pretty intense. I bite my lip, recalling a specific dream. Declan and I were in bed kissing. He was caressing my bare back as his muscled body wrapped around mine. Unfortunately, as soon as I woke up, reality set in. He’s Connor’s brother. Either way, it’s a pipe dream considering he doesn’t want anything to do with his brother─ his own blood relative.My alarm goes off a minute later, snapping me back to reality. Groggily, I throw off the covers and rise from my bed. Cold seeps through my body as my feet hit the bare floor. The landlord must have turned off the heat. Ever since the building was sold to a new owner, the building has been rapidly falli
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Chapter 13: Compounding my mistakes
DeclanI rush out the door feeling like a fool. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I reprimand myself mentally. Why did I kiss her? The kiss was amazing, but now I feel like an ass.  One moment I’m kissing her, and the next, I’m telling her that it’s a mistake. I don’t blame her for being pissed and kicking me out. She didn’t deserve for me to treat her that way.Distracted by my thoughts, I walk up to my car and find three men leaning on the hood. My body stiffens with anger at the sight of the asshole leaning against my million-dollar car. These men don’t understand that I’m not in the best mood, which is not the right time to cross me. The one that I assume is the leader straightens up as soon as he spots me. Unintimidated, I narrow my eyes and move closer. The leader gives me a threatening glare and swells his chest out in an intimidating fashion. It amuses me to see that they think I’m an everyday Joe who would
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Chapter 14: Life goes on
SantanaI’m gathering my bag for work when Connor walks in. “Connor, what are you doing here?” Connor rushes to the window and peers out warily. He looks spooked, which makes alarm bells go off in my head. Following behind him, I elbow him to get his attention. “What’s wrong? Did something happen in school?” He shakes his head and turns back to me, muttering distractedly. “No, nothing bad happened at school.  They canceled classes because someone messed up the science lab. Guess who I ran into when I got here?” My heart falls at his questioning scowl.“Umm… Declan stopped by this morning. He wanted to offer us money again, and I refused.” I respond begrudgingly. He nods his head, looking back out the window. “I know. He told me. What you missed, though, is that he kicked Eddie Morano and his boys’ asses minutes ago. I guess they tried to jack his car and got more than they asked for. He
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Chapter 15: Heartless
DeclanI look at my phone’s screen, reading my new assignment’s information. All of the information is processed through a secure line. Looking through the file, I commit my target’s image to memory. My assignments are Elano and Dazid Liaza. Two brothers who are really into role-playing. However, their idea of roleplay is to act like crazy serial killers, and the women they choose are their victims. The brothers came under the Confradia’s radar when they cut up a few girls and tossed them into the Hudson. Unfortunately, like many of our targets, the brothers have diplomatic immunity. Their file is riddled with the remains of “unsolved” deaths around the world. Too bad they fucked with the US. We don’t like it when foreign dignitaries try to get one over on us.According to the file, the brothers own a yacht near the Hudson, which happens to be the same general area where Willem Kazik was last seen by two of my fellow Assassins,
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Chapter 16: Moving on
SantanaIt has been weeks since I last saw Declan. My body still yearns for him. All I can do is replay every second of our kiss. But it hurts because I know that I will never see him again. Connor has become more reserved too. He hasn’t talked about Declan since the day he saw him in front of the house. I know, though, that he’s still hurt and disappointed by his brother’s rejection. Eddie and his boys were released from the clink a few days ago. Thankfully, they haven’t connected their encounter with Declan to us. Either way, Connor and I avoid being within their vicinity whenever they’re around.Unfortunately, my life has gotten even more difficult at work. Whenever Connor has a free moment, he walks me to and from work. As I step out of the train stop and make my way to the diner, I look up into the sky. The sun is shining brightly as if mocking my sadness. Work has become unbearable since Stefano has taken over the dinger. The tug of
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Chapter 17: Empty thoughts
DeclanSweat pours down my forehead and face as I lift the weights over my shoulders. My back settles on the bench, and my biceps flex up and down with every movement. Taking a breath, I lift the bar and inhale.  My chest rises and falls erratically with my exertions. After a few more sets, I lay the bar on the rack and sit upon the bench.When you’re in the business that I’m in, being in great shape could mean a matter of life or death. I try to work out at least four days a week at my home gym. I always feel good after a workout, but this time my thoughts are far away. Every time I close my eyes, I see them. I can’t stop thinking about Santana and Connor. My thoughts are tortured with thoughts of them. I wonder if they’re okay or if they need me. My attraction to Santana hasn’t dimmed either. Every morning I wake up in a sweat after dreaming about her all night. I can’t even look at other women without comparing them to her.
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Chapter 18: Lowest moment
SantanaI’ve spent all morning trying to find a job with no luck. I’ve gone online and walked to a few shops with my resume in hand, but no one is hiring. Depression chokes me at the thought that Connor and I can lose the little bit we have. After hours of endless dead ends, I dejectedly make my way back home. Connor will be home from school soon. Saddened by the thought of going home empty-handed, I take a walk and clear my head. I don’t want Connor to see my look of hopelessness. I feel stupid walking around, holding my old worn blue, knit sweater tightly around my chest as the chill of the air penetrates my bones. The neighborhood is pretty active at this time. People are milling the streets, and kids are running around like a pack of wild dogs. Hopefully, they’re not looking for trouble.I’ve lived here for so long that I’m desensitized to the shady happenings around me. For example, there are two suspicious men in an alley tryin
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Chapter 19: Instincts
 DeclanI’m on my way home when my cell phone rings. My feelings are in turmoil. I can’t shake the feeling that something is really wrong, and it’s driving me nuts. Looking at the screen, I hit the answer button and snicker.        “Yes, Priest?” I answer curtly. His reply is just as curt. “We have a lead on Christoph. I spoke to Cameron earlier. He told me something interesting. Apparently, when he and Reaper began investigating Willem’s activities, they discovered that Willem had procurers in his prostitution ring. Christoph was one of the main procurers of girls. They each divided a territory where they scouted “talent.” I want you to look into it. He might still be doing business in those places, or there might be someone there who might know what’s going on.”I nod my head in agreement. “It might be possible, but didn’t Cameron and
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Chapter 20: Into the fire
SantanaI can’t believe that this is happening to us. What was Connor thinking? Perroni could have killed us. Everything seems so surreal at that moment. Especially the part where Declan came in and saved us. It was like something out of a movie. Declan’s face is expressionless as he steers the vehicle through the darkened streets. Observing him from beneath the fringe of my lashes, I think through what has just occurred. I still don’t understand how our life has gotten so out of control. And now that Declan is involved, I feel worse. Connor was right; Declan is a killing machine. I had never seen someone fight like that before.My heart plummets at the thought of what would have happened if Declan hadn’t shown up. I never expected Perroni’s obsession to reach such a dangerous level. I should have listened to Connor when he said not to trust the guy. Now we’re homeless and penniless, and it scares me. I know Declan means well, but I
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