Semua Bab The Streets meet The Mafia: Bab 21 - Bab 30
53 Bab
Chapter 20
YuriWhile we were still talking more of the guys came back with a badly beaten Misha and they pushed him to me. He stumbled and fell on his knees right in front of me. I clap my hands together looking at him with a smirk on my face. “Well, brother, I think we need to talk.” He shivers but says nothing. “Misha, brother, don’t you want to talk to me?” I am more than pissed and trying very hard to keep my cool.“There is no point in talking, I know what is in store for me, so, get it over and done with.” He is right, we both know what is in store for him but before that, I need to know what the hell is going on, why did he betray me? “I need to know why Misha.” He shakes his head; Misha is as stubborn as the next member of the brotherhood. We don’t just talk; we would rather die than talk and torture doesn’t do much to motive us to open our mouths.“I get it, bring him with us
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Chapter 21
KaranI sat in my penthouse sipping on my scotch thinking about what Yuri said, if the Italians are coming for me then that means they have an ace up their sleeve and they are sure they can take me down. but what do they have? “Boss.” My number two stands next to me waiting for me to give him the go ahead to say something and I hope it’s worth it hearing. I gesture with my hand for him to talk. “We found Misha’s daughter, she was held at the Bologna in one of the houses there and was guarded by members of Cosa Nostra.”This is good Bologna is a good place for them to hide the girl, it’s a busy city but crime is not at the level of the Mafia, petty crimes are the most popular there like pickpocketing and break-ins. We would have never even looked there but what the Mafia did not bet on is that I am not normal, and neither are the things I do or my way of thinking. They want to bring the brotherhood to their knee
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Chapter 22
YuriI haven’t slept since this whole Misha and the Italian thing; I have been trying to figure out what they might have on us and most importantly why Misha didn’t tell me about his daughter. I thought he and I were close but after finding this out; I am not sure anymore. He kept his daughter from me and to me, which means he didn’t trust me at all. I was about to sleep when Karan sent word to meet downtown where Misha is being held.He said his daughter is on the way from the airport; I left Lux with all my security detail, I can’t afford to be vulnerable now when the Nigerians have confirmed that we are targets. The streets are quiet, too quiet for my liking, it's like J City citizens know that something is about to go down and are keeping themselves safe. When I get to the warehouse, I find it looking abandoned and there is this feeling in the pit of my stomach that tells me something is wrong.I take my phone out and
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Chapter 23
AntonioToday I almost died and Leta got shot. That made me realize that this place is the survival of the fittest, a dog-eat-dog kind of place and that if I am not careful, I will be next. Lucky for us Leta was only shot in the shoulder but some of our guys were not as lucky, they lost their lives and now we must deal with that. I watch as Karan kicks Santo's dead body with a stony expression. “Cut him into pieces and send them to each of the places the Italians are at. I want them to know that we are in the game and if one of them reaches Nathaniel even better. I want that son of bitch to know who he's messing with.” He says then looks between the two dead bodies.“Send Misha to the morgue, his daughter would like to bury him and that is doing a lot for the dog that got me into this.” He sneers then leaves the room, I look at the two men and think about how much I have changed over the past months. Now I am one of them and I m
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Chapter 24
AntonioWhen we land in Moscow the air around us changes, one can tell that something is going on even without knowing what. Karan’s men were already at the airport when we arrived, I could tell he didn’t bring his best men to J City because these men mean business, they are all dressed in expensive suits with tattoos peaking on their necks and wrists. There was not much talking when we got there, it was just Karan giving orders and we were on the road again.I have no signal on my phone and that needs to be sorted soon. I need to contact my people and Karan with no issues. “I am going to need a phone,” I tell him as I sip on the scotch that was in the limo. “That is already being taken care of.” I nod and keep quiet. The feeling at the pit of my stomach like something bad is about to happen, worsens as we drive further. “What is this place?” I ask trying not to think about this feeling.“This is Garage Valle
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Chapter 25
AntonioIf I thought getting out this tunnel was going to be easy, then I was mistaken, the tunnel led us to a sewage pipe we must pass through to get to the other side, and I don’t want to mention how we smell right now. This entire experience has taken me back to the time when I was on the streets living like a rat and smelling like one. But even then, I did not smell this way; I am at my worst right now. When we get out on the other side there is a gun pointing a gun at us.“Put the goddamn gun down Ezio.” The guy’s eyes widen before he stiffens a laugh. “Boss, I didn’t know that was you. Riaan and his men just left. They were looking for you and even put a price on your head.” He tells us but that not my concern now, I need to get out of this sewage pipe. “Can you move aside so we can get out of here?” I ask him but he shakes his head. “I can’t, everyone here is looking for
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Chapter 26
AntonioWhen we got to the train station I got out of the car and opened for Karan. There was not much to say as we headed for the train, no one spoke, and the security guards just wanted us to get away from them. I don’t think they even looked at the tickets properly and that is fine with me. When we got into the train people made way for us, they did not want us bumping into them smelling like this, and I was okay with that.As we pass, we could see others covering their nose and others looking at us with wide eyes wondering where we are coming from looking this dirty and smelling this bad. I couldn’t care less what they thought, I just wanted to get out of these smelly clothes. When we got to the first class and in our rooms. I threw the bags on the floor. “I don’t know about you, but I am going to shower,” I tell Karan and not wait for him to answer as I head to the shower.Getting out of the itchy clot
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Chapter 27
AntonioI woke up after a few hours and found Karan reading a newspaper. He must think that the brotherhood publishes their news on paper. “You are awake, well, let’s get ready we are getting off in the next station.” I look at the map and see that the next station is Estonia. “Why would we get off in Estonia?” he lifts his head to look at me. “Because they won’t expect me to get off there, they expect me to run to my contacts in St Petersburg.” I get that but what are we going to do here?But I keep my concerns to myself. “I need a phone as soon as we get there, I need to contact my people.” I wonder what people he is talking about because the last time I checked he didn’t have people anymore. “You mean the ones under Riaan now?” I ask with my eyebrow raised. “I still have a few I can trust, I may not know who is in Riaan’s payroll, but I know these peop
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Chapter 28
LETAAfter the phone call with the boss I went straight to the warehouse like Yuri ordered us to, he lost a lot of his men in this ambush and now he is making us hide like rats. Yes, most of our men are injured, but that does not mean we cannot fight. Hell, I am injured myself but I can still pull out my gun and shoot but no; he wants us to regroup and come up with a plan to counter attach, yet, the best plan is to attach now when they least expect it.They expect us to lick our wounds and attack later but if we take them by surprise and attack now, we will get them, and we might even win this war. We know where they are, and they are not bothering to hide because they think they have us where they want us and they do if we wait and not act now. Getting to the warehouse I find all the guys there those with minor injuries tending to each other as the doctor was busy with the severely injured.Souls sees me come in and I gesture with my h
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Chapter 29
Antonio Thick black smoke filled the air, firefighters and police sped through the streets of Moscow. It was a beautiful chaos, and it was done so that we can get a chance to kill Riaan then Karan can take back the driver’s seat as the head of the brotherhood. we stood silently in the bushes on the side of the house watching as Riaan’s men left the house am sure rushing to the scenes. More and more men left the compound, and I am surprised that he is playing into Karan’s plan.“It’s time.” Karan says and the short guy grins like a fool. He is too short to be this excited about battle but maybe I am underestimating him because of his height and the fact that I have not seen him fight. Either way, now it the time to settle this so I can go home. We leave our hiding spot and get into the gate. The little man is quick to take out the three guys at the gate and I am not ashamed to admit I was wrong about him.
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