Semua Bab Taming The Wild Alpha: Bab 51 - Bab 60
70 Bab
Chapter 51
“Did you just—” I didn’t let Miles finish his sentence as I caught his wrist and dragged him through confused, scared party goers who were now turning the flashlights on their phones all the way to the kitchen and through the back door. I only let go of my grip once we were alone in the backyard. “Xy, what did you do? I mean, how did you do it?” His face was confused but I caught a hint of fear in his eyes. Even though I knew that there was no point in denying it but I tried it anyway and hoped that he would see the logic and forget that magical stuff was real — which was a hard thing to do considering he was a supernatural being himself. “What are you talking about?” I tried to sound appalled. “I didn’t do anything. You were with me there. Plus I couldn’t. I’m just a normal human being, remember?” Just to be on the safe side, I put my hands inside the pocket of my jeans because clearly, this power was not controllable right now. I had to find a way to control it so something like
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Chapter 52
Alpha Ryker’s POVI reviewed the agreement one more time before digitally signing them then I sent an email to my secretary to let her know. Closing my eyes, I leaned back against the leather chair and took a deep, calming breath. It was crazy to think that I actually had a successful company without my family’s money.About four years ago — a year after my brother’s death, my dad had announced Draven Summers, my nephew, as the sole heir of old Cromwell’s fortune, I’d been pissed. I wasn’t pissed at Draven in particular, I knew there was some tough love back in the States and that he’d been ostracized by his own grandfather. All my anger and frustration were for my father. He’d simply kicked me out just because I wanted to make Alana Luna. He’d gone on and on about how our pack, The Ethereal, had become one of the strongest packs in the world because we’d never rejected our Fated Mate. That the mates were chosen for us by the Moon Goddess for a good reason — although we didn’t know wha
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Chapter 53
Xyrra’s POV“Hey, Miles, thank you for getting me home,” I told him as he parked his car in front of the packhouse. “Nah, don’t mention it.” Miles smiled and then took off his seatbelt. “Come on. Let me walk you to the door.” I rolled my eyes at him for being a gentleman. “It’s fine. I got it. Trust me, even though he sent gazillion texts to me, Ryker will ignore me and pretend I don’t exist.” Miles chuckled. “Gosh. What did you do?” He grabbed his keys then opened the door and got out. I followed him and walked towards him. “That’s the thing. I didn’t know what I did. Everything was fine — he was even kind at one point, and then the next day he became a completely quiet person. He acted like I wasn’t there.” I shrugged it off as though it didn’t hurt. “But that’s okay. I’ll get my own money and pay him monthly for staying here so it’ll be like a hostel. We would be just like housemates or a landlord and a rentee.” “That’s a bad idea.” Miles shook his head and looked at me as we s
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Chapter 54
“That doesn’t make any sense,” I argued even though I’d been telling myself to leave. “Why would you need to scare her away? You could just ask her, and tell her about your plan of using me—” “I didn’t use you,” he cut me, his eyes were burning with anger and something else that I couldn’t quite comprehend. “I am not using you. I don’t know how else I’m supposed to convince you about this.” He let out a rough huff. “I’ve told Alana to leave after the wedding but she came up with a million excuses and the bottom line was that she didn’t want to leave. But I wanted to try talking to you and hopefully convince you to come here so when Dmitry offered to help kick Alana out, I let him do that. And before you accuse me of taking you here so I could use you, think again. Why would I want to use you? For what? You’re my mate.” “Are you seriously wanting me to believe that you really want me to come here simply because I’m your mate?” I couldn’t hide the tone of incredulity in my voice. He w
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Chapter 55
He remained quiet for several heartbeats and I anxiously stared at him. Then he finally said, “Okay but at least let me protect you. I know what’s going on out there, okay. I know about your father killing the Night Walkers’ Alpha and how they might seek retribution.” I swallowed hard and tried not to let any emotion leak on my face. Even though I was scared, I didn’t want him to see that. “I’m fine.” He looked at me for what felt like forever before he said, “Are you more comfortable if I have Miles following you around instead of Dmitry?” “I am fine,” I reiterated again. “I don’t need a babysitter.” Plus, I had this superpower. Although I didn’t know how to fully control it yet, I knew I could learn or damn well give it my best effort to try because every day it seemed that the power continued to show me what it could do. Today I learned that I could make people believe what I wanted them to believe, who knew what more it could do. “If you don’t want Miles then your last optio
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Chapter 56
After a while, I ended up falling asleep and when I woke up, my whole body was aching. I stretched my body before I slowly rose to my feet. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and realized that it was four in the morning. My throat was on fire and I was feeling a little bit hungry so I decided to go downstairs to the kitchen. Yet when I unlocked my door and swung it open, I was surprised by the sight of Ryker sitting on the floor, his head resting on his bent knees and his back was on me. He was asleep. Using a flick of my hand, I used my power to grab the blanket off my bed then I placed it carefully around him. It must be chilly here and even though I was annoyed at him, I still didn’t want him to get sick. Carefully, I walked around him and quietly made my way downstairs. I found some frozen bagels and popped them into the microwave. Once I was done eating, I made my way upstairs again but by the time I walked past Ryker’s figure for the second time, his hand caught my calf and I
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Chapter 57
His silver eyes widened to the point where I’d once thought was not possible. He stared at the ball of red smoke while his mouth kept opening and closing as if he wanted to say something but at the same time couldn’t while his mouth kept opening and closing as if he wanted to say something but at the same time couldn’t. I seriously thought I’d never be able to stun a werewolf but it seemed that I could. He closed his eyes and rubbed them with his knuckles. “It’s real, Ry,” I assured him. “And it’s not going to disappear anytime soon. Well,” I shrugged, “until I made it disappear.” “What is that?” he asked, then turning his gaze from the ball of red smoke to me. His eyes locked with mine and I was worried I might see fear in there, that he might be scared of me, but instead, all I saw was confusion and surprise. “I have some kind of power,” I tried to explain. It was quite difficult especially when my knowledge of it was quite limited. “It allows me to pick up things so I’m guessi
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Chapter 58
There was a moment of pure silence with nobody moving or saying anything then the next second, Ryker cursed out loud as he tried to cover my body with his. His hand quickly yanked the blanket to cover my exposed skin. “What the hell, Dimka?!” he yelled at his Beta and gave Dmitry a murdering glare. From what I’d read, male wolves were known to be incredibly possessive when it came to their mates but this was the first time I witnessed Ryker being possessive of me. I wasn’t sure I appreciated it. Possessive meant showing possession and I wasn’t a thing to be owned by him. Dmitry being the usual Dmitry, with his expression remaining flat and emotionless, simply shrugged his shoulders and said, “You leave the door wide open. If you want some privacy, you should close it.” Ryker narrowed his eyes, still every bit annoyed, and didn’t appreciate his Beta pointing out about the opened door. “Well, if you get the gist of it at one glance, you should have the decency of closing the door and
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Chapter 59
“Yes, you got it right. So why don’t you tell us what the dream was really about? Was it something that already happened?” asked Ryker. It was odd seeing him like this because I knew from the way he looked at Adelina that he truly believed that she was lying. Adeline kept her mouth shut. She was only wearing that annoying smile on her face. “This is a waste of time.” I raced to Adelina, my right hand was surged with power, ready to compel her into telling us what really happened, but she suddenly turned to face me and stopped me by putting her hand up but I could see from the movement of her lips, I knew she was doing some kind of incantation. I quickly flicked my hand to grab the apple on her desk and put it in her mouth in a quick attempt to silence her. Ryker moved fast as he could and restrained both of Adelina’s hands. “We can do this the hard way or the easy way. Your pick, Adelina.” The sorceress ignored him, her eyes were solely locked on me. Carefully I pulled the appl
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Chapter 60
“Don’t make me ask you again, Adelina.” The temptation was getting bigger and harder to resist. I could almost taste the sweet, vigorous power. “He’s very important to me and if you don’t tell me what you did and how to undo them, I’ve no problem erasing your memory.” I leaned forward and added, “Even better, I’ll make you forget that you’re a witch so you have no power of retrieving your memory.” The smug look on her face was entirely gone the moment I mentioned erasing her memory. That was what she had left. Her identity. With her involvement in Alana’s ploy and killing Walker’s baby — possibly an heir, she was done for and she knew it. Logic prevailed as she swallowed convulsively before finally giving me the answer, “I did use some magic to mask his human identity and tweaked his wolf. But since I was not using dark magic, in order to do that, I have to preserve balance in this universe.” “What does that even mean?” I was getting impatient. The closer I was to Adelina, the lo
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