Semua Bab His To Play With: Bab 11 - Bab 20
31 Bab
Chapter Ten
“Yes Mr. Valezquez, right away”, the desk clerk at Gavin's hotel answered Gavin himself over the phone after receiving instructions.Fernanda walked into the hotel so slow it looked like slow motion. Her head was so wrapped around the insult of being bought that she could not stop walking, the image of receiving that envelope was on replay. "What do I make of this gesture honestly? I have to return it, I'm not for sale", she said to herself.She heard the desk clerk mention Gavin’s name and shrunk a little as she got closer to the front desk. She turned away and closed her eyes and turned again to do what she came for and leave as fast as she can.The desk clerk noticed Fernanda looking so baffled and asked her, “Miss are you lost?”.Fernanda leaped within her skin and realized she’d been acting like a child choosing between a lollipop and cotton candy, she smiled with a little squint filled with embarrassm
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Chapter Eleven
Gavin held the telephone up like he was forced to to as he spoke with his adoptive mother on the other line, he seemed a little frustrated about the topic they were discussing and wanted so badly to cut the line or make up an interruption in the system.All his mother ever spoke about was when he would get serious about finding a wife and having kids, growing up the only thing Gavin knew was to work and work harder to get mind off his past trauma.As a child, Gavin grew up in home with an abusive father. Every night Gavin would hear his mother crying from the beatings his father gave her, he was always drunk and out looking for a fight. The only time they had to breath was when his father would get locked up for a few for public offenses, Gavin was also an only child so he was all his mother had.One night, Gavin's father came home smelling of booze as he always did. This time things didn't end well, his mother felt that was the day to confront him and put her f
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Chapter Twelve
Gavin couldn’t help but think what could’ve happened if he didn’t get there on time, but also why people keep trying to get with Fernanda so roughly. Of course she’s a beauty with those to die for curves and soft curly hair and he never stopped thinking about her captivating hazel eyes but this was insane.He swung so many times at the desk clerk that anymore and he could end up behind bars for murder, one less piece of shit in the world but that was not his role to play so he had better leave him be. It actually was not a pretty site seeing a half-naked man with his massive groin sticking out of his boxers being beaten, the horror…Gavin looked at Fernanda whose eyes were full of tears and too frightened to even come out of the covers and dress herself up, he walked towards her and picked up her belongings.Fernanda looked up to meet his eyes, hers completely red from crying uncontrollably, “thank you…”, she tri
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Chapter Thirteen
Gavin was on his way back from a successful meeting already too exhausted, he rubbed his jaw remebering the scandal back ata the hotel, during the intense fight the desk clerk really had a few blows to share. He was confused at how a man can seem so sane all that time he worked at the hotel and yet be so perverted and wicked at the same, or maybe he was just that good at hiding it.He was the cops’ problem anyway, Gavin only hoped it was the last of him at the hotel or anywhere Gavin set foot. An investigation was obviously going to start but Gavin wasn't happy about the fact that it would involve Fernanda, the less it involved her the better.“I wonder if Fernanda is still at the pent house…… According to what I’d observed, she must be already on her way back to campus. After everything she has been through because of me, I wouldn't blame her”, he thought to himself.His mind could not drift away from her image, for the fas
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Chapter Fourteen
"Why don't you want me to hold you? You seemed okay with it just a minute ago", Gavin asked Fernanda after seeing the hate in her face."I only came back to the hotel because you left your money here, I do not need your help okay. I'm some kind of charity case", she runted.Gavin frowned and stood up to tell her, "you are mistaken hermosa, that was not my intension"."What was it then?!", she said looking up at him.Gavin came face to face with her squatting and took a deep breath before confessing, "I felt really bad about what Sean did so that was like a peace offering you know, I don't see anyone else fit to deserve it". Fernanda got up from the bed and begun to pace while breathing heavily, she felt the need to speak but words failed her at the time. She looked straight at him to maybe find the courage to speak up but the curious look he gave her made things even worse, she begun to tear up and fell on her knees while holding her head tig
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Chapter Fifteen
Fernanda couldn't lift her head after she admitted to them about her condition, the thought of receiving judgement from her friends made her stomach turn, plus she lied about it in the first place. But she was taken by surprise when Brianna moved in for a hug to comfort her, Stacey didn't look disappointed but she also was not too happy about it. She just stood there."It's okay, these things happen", she pulled back and held her shoulders, "you're brave for wanting to keep it anyway, I just wish you told us first. We are your family.", Brianna tried to make her look at a brighter side of everything.It was kind of impossible for Fernanda to do so given the situation, having to choose between leaving with Mr Velasquez or fight for her freedom which was going to be hard. But suddenly she thought about how involving having a baby was, the items, the hospital expenses, the love...She couldn't deprive her child any of that, even if it meant dealing with the big bow
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Chapter Sixteen
Gavin, Fernanda and her friends made their way to the car and Fernanda hoped it was not one of his flashy cars. She did not want to draw attention to herself especially with a notorious man like Mr Velasquez, she would never hear the end of it.The school front loan was almost empty as everyone was preparing for their exams, there was almost no time for mingling at a medical school. Grades were hard to ace in that field but somehow Fernanda made it look like seventh grade science.At least Fernanda she would get the chance to study in a quiet place once she was in Gavin's pent house, that was if he left her alone her to study. He would always talk about meetings the last two times they were together so she figured he might be too busy anyway, and with the way she rejected him eventually he would give up and run off to women of his type."You've got to be kidding me", Fernanda said in shock and a little frustration as she stood and watched Gavin walk towards his
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Chapter Seventeen
Gavin and Fernanda reached the car and Gavin opened the door for Fernanda to enter the car while he offloaded the trolleys, the security guards in the parking lot offered to help to pack a little faster. Gavin gave them a token and got in the car, fastened his seat belt and they both left the mall."I think I deserve a little shut eye after all that shopping", she said while lowering her sit to finally get comfortable.Gavin chuckled.Fernanda fell asleep on their way to the hotel and Gavin made sure to drive a little slower to keep the motion of the car steady and smooth, when they arrived at the hotel Fernanda woke up after feeling the stop in their movement. He summoned his bell boys to help with their parcels and tried to help Fernanda out of the car,"I'm not a cripple Gavin, I can get down myself", and she got down herself. Gavin didn't argue with her, rather he was even more attracted to her the more she fought him. The independence sh
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Chapter Eighteen
The last of Fernanda's things were laid down in the penthouse by one of Mr Velasquez's Concierge, Fernanda needed a breather after that surprisingly exciting afternoon. A bath didn't seem so bad and a well deserved meal prepared by herself would be nice, but first she needed to put her things away and find out where she would be sleeping. Luckily Gavin's penthouse was two bedrooms so there wasn't going to be much argument, she would gladly take the second room. Gavin got some of her bags after later entering after her and started heading towards the Masters room, Fernanda hurriedly held one side of her bags to stop him and said, "I'm not sharing a room with you", she demanded. "Don't be ridiculous, what is there to hide after everything I've seen. After all, we're having a child, might as well embrace it no?", Gavin debated with a raise of an eyebrow. "We're not a couple, I don't see any point in sha
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Chapter Nineteen
Fernanda woke up to a dark room with light only coming from the corridor, she turned to check her phone and was shocked to realize it was half passed midnight. She also realized that she was not in the living room but her new room, meaning Gavin came home and put her to bed. She scoffed and got out of bed to look for a drink of water in the kitchen, she sneaked passed his room so he wouldn't know she was awake. Upon entering the living area, she stabbed her toe on an object on the floor and nearly tripped over it. Fernanda had to switch the lights on to see what nearly took her life, then her heart melted at the sight of a beautiful black and gold colored car seat. She held her mouth and knelt down to take a closer look at it, tears filled her eyes as she thought about a little baby sitting in it, her baby. "Do you like them?", Gavin said from the kitchen island he was standing next to the whole time she was there.
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