Все главы Sold to the Dragon Prince : Глава 11 - Глава 20
Part 11
Celina felt cold and miserable, the dangerous shortening of her temper that might get the maid into trouble. From the minute she had that dream, the maid found it challenging to pay attention to what she's doing or saying. There was a deep-rooted fear that she might also be getting snappy as the days went on, and that's never good for her work.         Somehow Celina managed to convince Beth that she needed to shop for personal items. No further questions were asked. The maid could no longer pretend that the secrets and silence weren't affecting her anymore. She felt like they were hiding something from her, something huge, and it caused her stomach to twist with uneasiness. After all, she wasn't good with being kept in the dark. That's why her parents betrayal stung a lot.  
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Part 12
When Celina stepped into the Prince room, her eyes immediately fell on the clothes spewed across the floor accompanied by the presence of the odd wrappers; his bed wasn't made. Sadly it's her duty to tidy the room today as the other two maids were tired from serving the dinner and cleaning the dining room.         The Prince's bathroom had much product out on show across the counter where they shouldn't be, dust and a few leaves were blown in through the open window.         She made a mental list while Prince Javier perched on the lone chair, watching her every move with keen attention.      
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Part 13
When Celina woke up the next day, her assigned room was clanking with cold, teeth clattering the moment she sat up and the blanket fell off her chest. A cold puff of air left her lips as she got off the bed. She stretched her arms, reaching for the nearest coat before pulling it over.         The maid was no longer in the mood to go back and sleep, alert and ready to shuffle out. Standing up, her bones ached from the hard floor underneath. It almost made her regret for getting out.         Celina made her way out the room and down the narrow and lopsided staircase, past the long hallway. She used the door in the living room, which led to the cave. Once outside, the young woman rea
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Part 14
Celina woke up with a crick in her neck and face buried in odd-smelling sheets. The maid felt strange and disoriented for a handful of seconds, so unfamiliarly warm as if she’d fallen asleep in the sun. Fluttering her eyes open, she looked around and froze. In her stillness, she slowly became aware of a few things around her.         She was not in her room back in the Palace.         Holy Christ! The young maid thought and was thankfully awake enough to bite her tongue before blurting it out loud. Panic gripped her body tight, and she shot into a sitting position, heart beating so frantically that she feared can be heard echoing across the room. Unable to resist, she took another
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Part 15
"I still don't think this is a good idea."    "Why not?"     The maid wanted to laugh at that, so she did briefly, even if it sounded joyless and harsh. "Isn't that obvious?" Celina kept her eyes moving, passing over everything but his face.     Prince Javier was quiet again as if pondering over her question. "I don't care," He settled on eventually, his voice solid and unwavering.     Celina twisted her mouth. "You should."     "But I don't."     And that's it right there. It's easy for the Prince, was the thing; the eighteen-year-old understood that. He's a Royal who had nothing to worry about, people cowering
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Part 16
It's pitch black when Celina reached another floor of the maids quarter and looked up with heart in her throat. It's deserted and quiet and peaceful. Only few windows were illuminated, colouring the snow in warm hues. The maid could hear her own pulse throbbing loudly in her ears, almost deafening.     Her legs were cold and stiff as she took the slippery steps up to the first floor door, her breath a light cloud in front of her face, arms rigid by the side.      ‘What are you doing?’ She uttered to no one but herself, hands freezing in the air. Her knuckles almost clung to the icy wood of the door when she knocked, holding her breath.     It didn't take nearly as long as Celina hoped for the door to be opened and she's standing face to face in front of Abel. The mai
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Part 17
Celina blinked as she glanced at the smoke up ahead. Was she hallucinating? The maid tried to pick up her speed, hobbling towards the smoke. Smoke meant a person, someone who could tell her how far she was away from the Palace and maybe help her out.   It seemed to take too long, but soon she spotted the cause of the smoke. It was a small cottage, somewhat familiar. She stumbled forward and knocked on the door, listening for any sounds of the inhabitants inside.  Silence. Almost too defeating for her.    Celina sniffled, blinking back the tears and knocked again.  
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Part 18
Celina took a step back as Javier moved closer, and just like that, he reached for the maid. She didn’t protest because suddenly they’re kissing, and the Prince was throwing his entire body into it. And it felt so different all of a sudden. Javier was relentless when he pressed even closer, not giving her any space. So she pushed back with equal measure, bringing her hands up to his hair and yanking like she never dared before.     The Prince gasped into her mouth, and she grinned with victory, it’s like an even field, a giving and taking in equal measures. She ached with how much her body wanted it and the maid was not willing to give this up.    “We don&rsq
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Part 19
Celina was determined to go into the cave. No matter the consequences. Ever since she had that cursed dream, its been troubling her. The maid sneaked out of the living room, abandoning her cleaning duties. Sliding out into the cool floor, shivering as her toes pressed into the ground, she stumbled forward, crashing into Abel, who resembled a ghost, wide-eyed and pale.     "Abel", She breathed, steadying herself by gripping his arms.     Composing himself, he took a step back. "You seem in a hurry."      The eighteen-year-o
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Part 20
The water felt incredible once the maid was finally succeeded in getting her pitiful slippers off as well as the rest of the unwanted accessories on her body. Celina was not ready to let go of her clothing, only discarding the apron in a pile with others. Now, there's nothing but her skirt and shirt submerged in the middle of the hot bath tub.     Something shifted in the air.      The eighteen old wasn’t sure at what point during the ridiculous night this change happened, but it's different, even though she can't quite put her finger on it.     
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