Lahat ng Kabanata ng Call of Destiny: Kabanata 51 - Kabanata 60
169 Kabanata
Chapter 50
 Clara’s POV— ( Past Life)I am angry, disappointed and hurt but still in this short time, I have felt so much love, so much passion, that even after he cheated on me, I still don’t think, I could stop loving him. But in order to not get hurt again, I have to keep my love, my feelings to myself. It is stupid of me to believe that one can act to fall in love with someone else when they do not have that kind of feelings towards the other! Edward or Mark, whoever he is, he kidnapped me for money and he is still determined to hand me over, so obviously he is not in love with me! What was I even thinking?The thing that hurts the most is that Betty bitch who I hate so much is basically right about me! I am still so naïve and immature that I believed that Edward can pretend to be in love with me, can pretend to be my husband just to make me happy! But it has become clear that relationship and love doesn’t work like that!&ldqu
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Chapter 51
 Edward’s POV— ( Past Life)I don’t know why but I guess my feelings for Clara are stronger than what I thought it might get! I knew it already when I told her my real name and also when I decided to spend twenty days from the day we reach our home that I have promised her! But when I lost her I became mad and I felt a strange sense of loss which I feel when I think of how I will have to lose my mother! It feels wrong but the sense of loss towards Clara felt even greater! There is a strange pull I had, an attraction as if I we are destined for each other and maybe we were together in the previous life and couldn’t be together at the end? Who knows? Maybe these stuffs about the past lives were true!!I wanted to clear the misunderstandings between us but she was so hurt that she didn’t speak to me at all other than a few words necessary! I was guilty! Though I didn’t have sex with Betty but I still let her touch me, my bo
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Chapter 52
 Narrator’s POV— ( Past Life)“Please get up and eat something. You need to take medicines.” Clara said as she helped Edward to sit up on the bed. It felt as if the role has been reversed. It was already late evening and none of them could anything since morning! The breakfast was returned so that it is not wasted though they have paid for it.“Clara! We have to leave for Odessa. Ahh..” Edward said as he somehow managed to sit, leaning on the pillows and headboard.“You can’t even sit! You are having fever and you are badly injured. You have to rest!” Clara said as she walked to the table where some snacks was placed in a plate. She brought it and took a seat beside Edward.“No! We have to start our new life! We have to reach home! I will keep my ..”“Don’t worry, you can count twenty days from today. I won’t hold anything against you, Edward! Not that
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Chapter 53
 Narrator’s POV— ( Past Life)I don’t know why this is happening but the more I try to finish my job quickly, the more I try to fulfil my promise of giving Clara twenty days of life and hand her over, destiny or fate whatever you may call it, keeps delaying the process! At first she fell sick and almost nine days were lost and now I am so much injured and weak that I had to spend four days in the motel recovering from the wounds and fever and I don’t think, I will be able to move before at least two more days!You may wonder, what type of person I am who despite confessing, agreeing that I have started considering Clara as my wife and may even have started liking her more and more by each passing day, I am still thinking of giving her off to my boss! Yes, a person who is hanging in between love for his dying mother and a lot of liking towards his wife who might be even the love of his life! I am a f*cking as*hole who has a complicat
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Chapter 54
 Narrator’s POV— ( Past Life)Edward had taken Clara to Odessa a small and quiet town. People on the road seemed very happy and friendly to her. Clara loved the natural beauty of the place especially the woods through which they drove!“Edward! Do you hear that?” Clara squealed with joy! “It that a river??” Clara almost jumped in the car with surging excitement! No one could say seeing Clara at that moment that she has gone through so much in last seventeen days.“Calm down love..hehe..” Edward chuckled. “You are jumping like a kid!!”Clara rolled her eyes and sat crossing her arms and pouting. She turned her head out of the window! She was clearly angry and also had a cute pout!“You know you look even younger when you pout?” Edward chuckled seeing her beautiful angry face.“Don’t talk to me!” Clara snapped.“Awww…..I t
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Chapter 55
 Narrator’s POV— ( Past Life)Edward sighed and running his fingers through his hair as he kept looking at the aisle behind which Clara has disappeared! Several thoughts were running through his mind. He remembered what Clara spoke by mistake at the stream. She said, ‘my house, my husband, my children’! Though it slipped off her lips and she didn’t finish the sentence, it was not hard to imagine that she wanted to make a family with Edward, a real family!“Why did we have to meet like this God?” Edward muttered closing his eyes tight to fight the tears and strode out of the store.He went out towards a tavern and looking around carefully entered. He walked towards the counter and asked for a beer. He kept looking around while drinking his beer. Johny was supposed to meet him at the tavern and he was waiting for him. He has to quickly finish talking to Johny and then return to Clara. It is good that Clara wil
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Chapter 56
 Clara’s POV— ( Past Life)“Hmm…so what would I need more? I have taken soaps, detergents, broom, bucket and all toiletries. I have also taken a lot of potatoes, tomatoes and breads. What else do we need? Cheese too. Umm…..arghhh! I wish I could call my mother and ask!” I sighed unable to understand what I would need to buy!I moved along the aisle and picked up few things I felt would be necessary like ropes, floor cleaner and for eating, I have also taken meat. But what else would be needed to make the food? I felt like an idiot for never entering the kitchen except for checking what is being cooked for meal! How do they make the soups and the beacons and the roasted lambs and all?I move around without any clue and feel ashamed too imagining what Edward will think of me? I can’t clean, I can’t catch fish and now, I can’t even cook! I don’t even know what all are required!!I tak
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Chapter 57
 Narrator’s POV— ( Past Life)Seeing Edward’s situation and silence and also Johny’s fear, Clara finally said, “The package is here! I AM THE PACKAGE!”“WHAT!!!” Both Johny and Edith said in unison. They were both shocked and couldn’t understand if it was a joke or Clara was serious!They both looked at Clara and Edward and then they exchanged a glance of concern among themselves.“You are serious, aren’t you? You are the girl who is supposed to be handed over to the boss. You aren’t joking! Are you?” Johny didn’t even know what to think! Clara’s facial expression revealed that what she said was true but it was something impossible because Johny knows exactly when the kidnapping has happened! How can the person kidnapped fall in love and marry her kidnapper just in a few days?? How can the kidnapper especially when the one is like Mark, fall in love with
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Chapter 58
 Narrator’s POV— ( Past Life) “I guess you two should make yourself comfortable on the porch while I and my wife prepare your room?”  Edward made Johny and Edith sit on the couple chairs on the porch and said.When they returned it was already past four and it took them hardly ten minutes to check the small wooden cottage.“Or you may go and take a walk along the stream. It is beautiful!” Clara said wrapping her hands around Edward’s arm making Edith look at the two of them with a dreamy smile.“I think that will be good. I would actually love to take a small walk! Johny? What do you say?” Edith asked her husband and they stood up from the chairs.“Ok. Take your time and enjoy the nature. Once you two are back I will make some tea or coffee whatever you would want.” Clara chirped! She felt good to be the host to their first guests! She was the lady of
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Chapter 59
  Johny’s POV— ( Past Life)The Mark I have known has changed. Even when he first started working with us, he was very reserved and hardly spoke. I was the only person with whom he would talk and even with me he hardly spoke a few sentences, leave alone laugh or even smile! The boss always tells me still now that Mark is best in the kidnapping job because neither does he get attached to the victims nor does he hurt them! He always maintains a straight and cold, detached demeanour! He has even kidnapped women before but never ever did he slip! Even in personal life he was always a loner and an aloof person! Whenever I asked about having anyone special, Mark used to reply very briefly, ‘I only care for one woman and that is my mother! There is neither time nor place for another!’That Mark was so deeply in love with a woman whom he is supposed to handover to the boss! I didn’t know what
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