All Chapters of Cursed by the Gods: Cleopoda CBTG Book 1: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
126 Chapters
Chapter 20
Ashterah dropped him back in his chambers at least this time she dropped him carefully on his feet, a pleasant change from the way she had dropped him the first time she had taken him to her temple on Mount Kpamos. He went quickly to the washroom to look for the dead body and found it empty save from the towels he had used to cover it and even they no longer had blood on them, in place of the blood was Ashterah’s emblem. He sighed and hung the towels back and couldn’t help but wonder again what he did to warrant the unwanted attraction of an obsessed goddess. There were sudden voices in the hall and he quickly closed the washroom door, entered the main chamber, and donned his purple robe over his cloak just as soon as a quiet knock sounded on the door.
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Chapter 21
The alarm sounded throughout the castle early the next morning and the rushing sound of feet echoed down the hall. Emilia stirred softly beside Octavius. She had slipped into his room during the night after he stormed off the dining room. She had quietly entered the room, slipped off her tunic, and slid under the covers with him with hopes of comforting however way she could but Octavius couldn’t even bring himself to touch her especially not with the hands he had used to cradle Ashterah’s neck as he drank from her. Of course the conniving bitch had enjoyed it and had seized the opportunity to explore his body until she decided he had had enough. Even when Emilia had wrapped her arms around him and his body responded he held himself still.
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Chapter 22
Emilia woke up to find Octavius’s bed empty. Like she had been doing in the past few days she snuck into his room to lay beside him. He wasn’t the same as he used to be and she couldn’t put a finger on when exactly he had changed but she knew the death of his father coupled with Festus’s accusation had hit him hard and in her bid to comfort him she always snuck into his room late at night to lay with him. Sometimes he would be awake but pretend not to be while other times he would be fast asleep but before long he would wake up like he was troubled and at times like this he would either stand by the window to look out or take a walk and she never knew where he went only that when he came back his feet would be cold so her guess was he took walks outside. As she touched the bed around her to confirm that he was indeed no
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Chapter 23
Octavius opened his eyes to the bright sunlight that streamed in a window he knew was supposed to be covered with the curtains. He squinted his eyes against the brightness and rolled over to get his bearings, as his eyes adjusted to the brightness he saw Emilia standing by the window looking out with her hand on her belly. She had her robe hanging loosely from her body and in her hands, she held a small steaming cup of tea, the sunlight brightened the golden strands of her hair making her a beautiful morning sight. This was what Octavius had had in mind when he thought about running away with her, nights of loving and happiness, mornings waking up next to her, and days running around with children of their own. As the last thought struck his mind he sobered and tore his gaze away from her, tears welling up in his eyes.  
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Chapter 24
Garius walked up to the tower where he knew Octavius would be. It was noon and the sun was high, there was a hint of cloud far away on the horizon marking the nearness of the rainy season. Octavius was leaning against the high wall of the tower without his robe, his knee-length tunic blowing in the wind and the only accessory marking him as royalty was the gold band that circled his biceps. Garius walked closer until he was standing a few feet behind his prince.   “What are you doing here, Garius?” Octavius asked.   Garius marveled at his accuracy even w
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Chapter 25
The night was strangely cold, even through the thick fur coat, he could feel the cold seep through, biting at his skin and fingers. He would have preferred the afternoon when it was hot to make this journey to the temple but as he stood at the tower waiting for the priests and temple helpers to finish with what they were doing he realized they had no plans of leaving any time soon. So he had waited. And then his wife had gone to sleep, the villagers and retired to their homes, people closed their windows and doors, only then did he don on his coat and sneak out of the palace.   He hated that he had to sneak out of a home that was his, he hated that he had been reduced to a stranger in his kingdom but then what choice did he have? What power did he have against a god
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Chapter 26
  Octavius felt the air around him tighten, his gut pinched as if he was being pulled into a vortex. Nauseous, he fell to his knees, he felt Ashterah’s hand holding him up. He felt like his body was sucked into a vacuum of hot air, squeezing his lungs and making his breath even harder to catch than when he had felt the burn of Ashterah emblem burn on his chest. Suddenly the feeling passed and just as he felt he would empty the content of his stomach, fresh air filled his lungs, he gulped gratefully and pulled away from Ashterah to stand on his shaky legs.   “I didn’t use my powers to shield you from the unpleasant feeling of teleporting. Sorry,” Ashterah said to him but she sounded anything but sorry. He nodded anyway and looked around
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Chapter 27
“I need to go back home, Ashterah, it’s almost dawn.”   He was laying on his back on Ashterah’s bed with her head on his chest as she traced patterns all over his skin. Her hair was all over his face tickling his skin and she seemed content to stay as she was. He didn’t think gods could sleep but at some point, her eyes were closed and she appeared to have fallen asleep, little wonder when she had demanded that he make love to her two more times. She stretched languidly against him, rubbing her body on him. She knew he would still get aroused but she decided to have mercy on him. She conjured a rippling image on Camelorn and noted that it was i
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Chapter 28
  An endless stream of servants came in and out of Emilia’s room. Ileana stood by her mistress supervising the beauty care the maids administered on her, she guided the young maidens on her best to style her mistress’s hair and chose the clothes she would wear according to what she knew was Emilia’s preferences. Emilia sat quietly in front of the mirror and let the maids perform their duties on her. Her heart was racing as she anticipated the ceremony where she would be crowned as queen of Camelorn. She was less concerned about her elevated status than she was about her husband’s. She was glad Octavius was taking his rightful place as king of Camelorn, she sighed to herself as she realized that if they had run away as
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Chapter 29
  Only the priests were allowed to stand before the gods, the people sat below the last step except of course the royal family; Octavius, Emilia, and Angus, who sat at the left side of the temple with the nobles a few steps below them. The priests laid the offerings the people brought on the altar they had made in front of the gods. Helena taking the place of Robos laid her hands on the fruits, wine, and bread and blessed them after that the priests took the items to a fire pit beside the temple and burnt them, the wine they poured on the ground.
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