Lahat ng Kabanata ng Immortal Era's Crafting Master: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
149 Kabanata
Archmage Anderson's Test Subject
Facing the incoming Murloc elites, the trio brandished their weapons and started an all-out fight with the water-based creatures. All while this was going on, Archmage Anderson was looking at the group with mirth in its eyes. Archmage Anderson never took the trio seriously and after looking at them for a while, he summoned a few more elites then returned to the center of the swirling cloud of mana. As for Kirou and the two lady elves, they were busy fighting back against the Murloc elites summoned by Anderson. While they weren't hard to defeat, it was taking the trio some time to get through them. And as for the new set summoned by Anderson, Kirou saw when they were summoned and couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows. 'Just what is that bastard Murloc doing in the cloud that needs him to keep us busy like this. I'm positive he knows that we can kill these guys since we made it here so what is he doing in there that needs us to be stalled?' Th
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Warrior Jake's Defeat
Kirou and the girls were currently annoyed with their subjugation target, Mutated Murloc Warrior Jake. It's been almost thirty minutes since Jake had equipped the frost armor on his body and his health was currently just above 40%. It had taken the same time for them to drop Jake's health from full to 50% just for that to drop to 40% after he equipped the frost armor. How could the trio not be annoyed with this boss? Noticing that ammo reserves are running low, Kirou decided to stop firing shots at Jake and rushed to engage Jake in close quarters. That being said, he had to be careful with his attacks as the mutated Murloc warrior was swinging his arms as weapons quite wildly. "You guys have any ideas. I don't think I can keep this up for much longer as I'm running out of arrows." Reya said this while notching another arrow on her short bow. Unlike at the start of the battle when she was wildly shooting at any visible spot on Jake, Reya was
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Reporting Back
Both women were bewildered by the words that came out of Kirou's mouth. It was so shocking that both women were stunned into silence for a few minutes. During this time, Kirou sat down in a meditative state and recovered his missing health and mana while the girls were still shocked silly. After a few minutes, however, Reya was the one who spoke up after releasing a sigh, "You know what, due to it being a solo kill, I should have figured it out when you started explaining about the benefits of playing on full manual mode and giving me lessons on harvesting." After saying this, Reya released another sigh in exasperation. Hearing her words caused Navi's head to turn in her direction so fast that both Kirou and Reya could swear they heard a snapping sound. "He did what on what and what now?" Navi had an even more pronounced look of bewilderment present on her face. Seeing that look on her face caused Reya to giggle a bit be
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Discovery of a World Quest?
Immediately after the trio entered the elf apothecary's tree cottage, the player that had been stalking them since they entered the village made a call to someone via the game's messaging system. [Unknown Player: What is it?] "Boss. I found the girl you asked me about. She's currently in Thousand Wood Village like you predicted but we might have a problem," said the shady player in a single and quiet breath. [Unknown Player: And what problem would that be?] "She's currently teamed up with another elf girl that belongs to the village and a Lycan. I can't tell if they belong to a guild or not from where I am and I can't get any closer without alerting them to verify. How do you want me to proceed?" asked the shady player in a hushed tone. The unknown player on the other side of the convo took a few moments before relaying his message. [Unknown Player: Nothing c
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Theory Confirmed, Confrontation
Not long after Kirou led the girls away, the stalker from before tried to follow them, only to be blocked by two players(?) in similar apparel. He tried to go around them but the two players kept blocking his path. The stalker wanted to stab both players and kill them instantly so that he could continue to follow his targets, but alas, villages, towns, and cities are safe zones in Immortal Era and the system restricts the use of all weapons and combat-related skills. The only reason Kirou could create two clones while under this restriction was due to the fact that the shadow clone skill fell under a gray area in the rules. While it could be used in towns, it would be nothing more than a goofer used to transport objects or take up space and that is exactly what Kirou decided to use them to do. This game of blocking the stalker kept up for a few minutes before both clones suddenly stopped blocking him and ran away, leaving a fuming stalker to
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Pk Squad Wipe
Just as the enemy players started rushing the trio, Kirou placed his hands on both of their shoulders before the trio vanished from the encirclement of the enemy players. They then appeared on a tree branch of a tall tree a few meters away when Kirou gave them a message. "Do your best to protect yourselves while I take care of the rest." Before either elf could make a comment, Kirou sank into the shadows once more before appearing on another side of the battlefield, engaging the enemy players in a melee. Seeing that Kirou had rejoined the fight, both elf women glanced at each other and did a nod before Reya took out her short bow and notched a few arrows while Navi climbed down the tree and disappeared into stealth as well. On Kirou's side, he was currently taking on over a dozen players. These players were attacking him from all angles but Kirou was making them look like a bunch of amateurs if all of those near misses a
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Splitting Up, Making Discoveries
It's been roughly an hour since the previous 'incident' back in the forest. For the whole journey until now, none of the three said a single word, whether it be the girls asking just what happened there or Kirou coming up with some form of defense for what he pulled off. All in all, it was quite a quiet walk. The trio traveled that way until they got to the end of Thousand Wood Forest. Having arrived at this point, one of the girls, Navi, spoke up. "So...What are we gonna do now?" When Navi asked this, she was staring at Kirou, as if his decision would decide the group's direction. Reya also gave Kirou this stare, signifying her agreement with Navi. Kirou, for his part, looked at both women with a peculiar expression before releasing a breath. It seems that the two women have become subservient towards him after the spectacle they just witnessed. Kirou then shook his head free of any weird thoughts before he spoke up.
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Taming a Boss? That can happen?
Reya and Navi were currently walking along the path that led them to SC Pier City. Roughly three hundred or so meters back, leaning on a tree and facing the opposite direction stood a man with tribal tattoos on his chest in leather armor. Naturally, this tribal tattooed man was Kirou, or rather, the clone he sent to escort the two elf women. Naturally, both the original Kirou and this clone received the information relayed by the previous clone after it dissipated but Kirou allowed the clone to follow both ladies until it was time for them to split up. Since the clone was based on Kirou when it was created, naturally it would do what the original Kirou would do in this situation; stay within a respectable distance from the target in case of emergencies and practice skills. In this case, the clone was practicing with his wires. Unlike the original, which was currently locked in mortal combat with a boss spider monster capable of manipulating
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Arriving at Stone Mount Village
Somewhere within the region of Stone Mountain Range finds a group of wild golem creatures was currently being besieged. What made this strange was the act that this group was being taken on by three figures that looked the same, along with a half meter tall spider jet black in color with purple highlights on various points on its body. Naturally, the group besieging the golems was Kirou, his clones, and his new pet. [-150] That was the damage Kirou dealt with one of his knives to the body of one of the dozen golem monsters in the group he's fighting. To his disappointment, no matter how many times or where he attacks, he hasn't been able to land a critical hit on any of these golems. It is for this reason why Kirou had summoned up both clones at the excess cost of his MP. He didn't want the golems to kill off the spider he's raising when he's only in combat to allow it to gain experience. Looking at the group of a dozen
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Hidden Gimmicks, Sharing Information
Following the directions he received from that mage, Kirou was now standing in front of a stone house that was obviously designed differently from the surrounding houses. Thinking back on the words that he received from the mage at the end, Kirou couldn't stop himself from chuckling. "He was definitely right. I couldn't miss this." As Kirou said this, he went up to the door of the house and was about to knock. "Just get in here already," came a voice from the inside of the stone house. Kirou raised an eyebrow in response before he shrugged his shoulders and entered the house. As soon as Kirou entered, he was greeted to the sight of an elder dwarf hammering away on a piece of metal on a large anvil, situated a few feet away from a large furnace. This was what Kirou saw upon his entry and this was only one section of the room. As soon as Kirou turned his head in another direction, Kirou saw a well ventilated resting area.
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15 Protection Status