Lahat ng Kabanata ng Golden Bell: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 37
37 Kabanata
“My lord, later,” one of the medics snapped at him. “Let’s make sure she lives first.”“I’ll live,” Rain muttered, but it was clear she wasn’t fully sensible.They wouldn’t let him inside the operating room, so Fallon paced. Keilor joined him, keeping silent vigil as they waited for news.“Maybe a flashback?” Fallon offered, when over half an hour had crawled by. “She has panic attacks around Haunt.”While Keilor had not yet met Rain, he’d listened just that morning as Fallon had spilled his guts about his wife. “Maybe.”
Magbasa pa
Rain opened her eyes and found that she was alone. Lovely. She’d had unpleasant dreams and would have welcomed a distraction, even if it were Fallon’s scowling face. Not that she could blame him. She felt a creeping embarrassment that she’d thrown herself over a four-story waterfall without a good reason. She shifted and winced. She must have hit every rock in that blasted river.The current had been fast, and she was amazed that she’d survived. There had been a couple of times she’d been sucked under and nearly drowned. Maybe somebody upstairs was watching out for her, because there was no way she should have made it out of that river.If a higher power had saved her though, she couldn’t fathom why. Fallon was mad at her, for one. Y
Magbasa pa
Kial did as Fallon directed. The change itself wasn’t dramatic, just a simple melting of form, accomplished in seconds. Underneath all that fur, Kial was an unassuming brunette of average height and looks. His expression was a little hesitant as he addressed her. “Good morning, my lady.”She stared at him without blinking, wary as a kitten suddenly dropped into a box of pit bull puppies. Her abused muscles were screaming at her to relax, but her mind wasn’t listening. She’d run hurt before.Fallon gestured for Kial to sit. “So tell me, are you still thinking about getting your red sash? You’re more than eligible.”“I don’t know if I wan
Magbasa pa
Relieved to have the whole business over, Rain nodded and started hobbling back toward home, going the long way around. She didn’t feel like trying to scramble over the wall again.The kids followed her.“Whatcha doing?” Bracelet kid asked.“Going home. You should, too. What’s your name, anyway?”“I’m Malix.” He grinned at her, showing off his missing tooth. He nudged the unknown boy, another red head. “This is Twix. He’s Carri’s older brother.”Rain grinned. Twix, was it
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He kissed the top of her foot. “His brother gave their parents the parts list. He can’t wait to make his own…Guess rifle, was it?”“Gauss. Wait. You mean DJ and Malix are brothers?”“Yes, twins. His dad’s proud of him for not hitting a girl, but he promised to give him pointers about making her stop without hurting her. He also told him to stop teasing girls.”She smiled at that. “Who’s his father?”“My cousin, Keilor.” He snuggled up behind her on the wide wooden lawn chair. It was a tight fit, but not claustrophobic. With his hand low o
Magbasa pa
Rain closed her eyes against the flash. When she opened them, all that remained of him was a pile of rust colored dust. Her hand clenched on the Bell, closing the connection.Her room was neat and empty. There was no way to trace Azion’s death to her.She felt a little sick. She’d let the man reach out to his own destiny, but knowing he was dead wasn’t the sweet relief she’d hoped for. Abruptly, she got up and left the room. ***Fallon was in Jayems’s study, examining a printout of Azion’s rooms. He’
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“She’s not!”“Fine, but she did us a service just the same. Don’t punish her for it. Have you considered that she might be hurting? Killing is never easy. For all you know, she’s afraid of what we’ll do if we find out.”“We won’t do anything! Well, I might spank her blue, but…”Keilor actually shook him, smoothly dodging Fallon’s thank-you punch. “Fine, now that you’ve got your aggression out, you’d better plan what you’re really going to say to her,” he snapped, and then his face softened. “I’m trying to help you, cuz.”
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