Semua Bab My Daughter's Nanny (Love and desire): Bab 31 - Bab 40
74 Bab
Thirty One
Gianna Emelia (Adele) My heart was racing fast as I followed Grace and Armani as they led the way, Grace was right at my front and Armani behind me. Suddenly I felt a pain at the back my head, someone just hit me on my head. I fell to the floor, widening my eyes in an effort to stay conscious. But I couldn't, I submitted to the dizziness, my eyes closed and my body went off.  I could hear some voices, but I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, just a bit. "Why did you have to hit her, on her head for crying out loud! What if she loses her memory?"  ******* My head hurts badly. I groaned softly, it was as if I was hung over. My head feels so heavy, as if an hard object was being hit on it. "Ouch," I groaned loudly, I opened my eyes squinting it immediately as the rays of sunlights escaped through the open drapes. 
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Thirty Two
Gianna Emilia (Adele)I was back in the room I was previously, I refused to follow those maids and they kept begging. Their maid uniforms looked too tight on them as if they were trying to seduce a man to bed. "I don't want to go to any wash room. I just want to know where I am right now and take my leave." I growled out at them, ignoring there pleas. "I apologise my queen, we are not in the right position to tell you. Please just follow us to have your wash," The plump one said, with her heads still bowed. "Stop calling me your queen! My name is Gianna." I exclaimed, scrunching up my face. "I'm not your queen, stop wasting your time. Go and get whoever is in charge. I need to have a conversation with the person." I yelled. "What is happening here?" I heard a masculine voice ask,  the voice was hoarse, rich and smooth it gave me chills. The maids imme
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Thirty three
Armanno Dante De' Luca "Strip!" I whispered carefully, with an edge to my voice.  That simple command can't be disobeyed, she should know that. That she belongs to me doesn't mean she could disrespect me, I won't accept that. Offenders were punished here, they don't go free.  Her eyes widened in shock as she stared at me, I stared back at her. A smirk appeared on my face, but it's a pity she won't be able to see it because of the mask on my face. If she doesn't want the maids, then my hands will gladly do the job. I was going to wash her, this will be so much fun. She shook her head in refusal, I will have to do it in my own way then. This will be the first woman I was going to wash for, not even my mistress had the opportunity. As if realising what was going to happen if she disobeyed, she pulled down the arms of the cloth. It dropped down in a pile at her feet and then she stepped out
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Thirty Four
Mateo Enzo Romano "Take them to the dungeon," I ordered my guards. Who dares report of failure to me and still has his head sitting on his neck. Idiots, how will they not find her in the Peterson's territory.  Just one job and they failed woefully, those idiots were meant to bring back my daughter from the Peterson's territory but they brought back a baby.  What did they expect me to do with a  crying baby. I wanted Gianna back right now, she wasn't my daughter but she has been right under my care from childhood and I won't let her go that easily. She was the spawn I am going to use to get all what I wanted. She belongs to me and no else.  "Get me the spy in the Peterson's territory, send words to him." I barked out to another guard. He should have a tangible information at hand or else he suffers the same fate as those idiots. "Seriously, a b
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Thirty Five
Gianna Emelia (Adele)The annoying sound of Crickets was the only thing I could hear, I sank my teeth to my lips as I stared at the ceiling. I haven't really accepted the fact I had a husband, I was betrothed to someone I never knew or thought existed.  A big part of me didn't like all this, but I was being treated well here. Like a queen, Armani Dante De' Luca was my husband, I find that very hard to believe. With the little information I tried finding, I found out he was the richest Mafia lord, let's not talk about the fact that he is was the most feared Mafia lord. I heard he was very brutal in his doings and doesn't show mercy. I sat up on the bed in the room I have been in for weeks, I couldn't help but think if my boss, Kingsley Peterson and my newly found father will be worried about me or maybe carry out a search party. I hope little Colleen is safe wherever Armano De' Luca kept her.
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Thirty Six
Gianna Emelia (Adele) Loud yellings and screamings followed, then suddenly it became quite. Only the loud growls of the giant could be heard. I watched keenly as Armano circled the giant. I couldn't read his reaction, because of the hideous mask on his face. Armano brought out a knife from his pants pocket, stabbed the huge man hovering over him at the leg. The giant came down with one knee, growling loudly in pain, my eyes widened as I watched him stab the giant in his eyes. That did it, the giant started crawling out of the fighting ring to escape, but that attempt made him squash some men to death. Feminine screaming rang round the hall, if this continued so many people will be squashed to death. Suddenly a very familiar looking man ran after the giant with an huge blade, the next thing I saw was the giant head rolling on the floor. I screamed so loud. "Oh my goodness," I muttered
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Thirty Seven
Talik Peterson I was shocked when news reached me that Mateo Enzo Romano wants his daughter back, that idiot was still claiming my daughter as his own daughter. I got confused a bit. If he wants Gianna back, that simply means he was not the one who kidnapped Gianna and my Granddaughter. Who did if Mateo wasn't behind this.   I made sure I sent a message back to him, letting him know Gianna wasn't here, stating the fact that she and my Granddaughter were missing. Kingsley my son has been bothered, much more bothered than me, his daughter was missing. His only daughter. I have a feeling he had something personal with my daughter, I have never be glad he was adopted, not until I found out Gianna was my daughter.  It would not be pleasing to the ears to hear brother and sister had sex with each other. "Father," Kingsley snapped me out of my thoughts. I didn't even
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Thirty Eight
Mateo Enzo Romano I'm sure Talik Peterson had no choice than to accept the truce. He won't see it coming, it is going to come as a shock to him. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he discovers what I am up to, he won't even be able to do anything. It will be too late for him to make a move.  I killed his lover, killed his son too, now I have his granddaughter and I'm going to get his daughter with his help. Then I'm going to overthrow him of his throne, all these are going to happen right before his eyes and he won't be able to do anything. "Tell the men to prepare, we are moving to the Peterson's territory." I barked out to one of my guards.  I walked out of my office, moving towards the Harem. Seems like I need a little bit of relief and fun. *** Gianna Emelia (Adele) "Bend your kne
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Thirty Nine
Gianna Emelia (Adele) He kept watching me with his eyes behind those mask's.  He dropped me on the bare floor gently, hovering on top of me. I raised up my hands gently to remove the mask's.  He held on tightly to my hands before I could remove it. "What are you hiding?" I whispered. "I thought you said I was your wife, does your wife not have the right to know what you like?" I asked, pushing his chest. "Get off me," I said out loud. "And if I don't?" He challenged. He was really starting to piss me off, I just want to get out of here. "Get off me, you monster!" I yelled out angrily. He got up gently and left me alone in the room. ***** I seriously wanted to talk to him and maybe apologise to him. I felt really bad I called him
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Talik Peterson Finally we found Armano Dante De' Luca's hide out and we were going to pay him a visit right now before the Romano's arrive. Kingsley and I were almost at his territory. "I hope this ends well." I whispered. "It will," Kingsley responded.  His guards immediately surrounded our car immediately they sighted us. "We come in peace," I yelled out, stepping out of the car and raising my hands up to reveal I was harmless. "What do you want?" A huge man that had a very familiar eyes that was kind of similar to mine asked. "We come in peace," I repeated stepping closer to the man. "I am Talik Peterson," I said out loud. That did it, one of them turned around and began to move away probably to inform their master. ****** Armano Dante De' luca
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